RT @methylcytosine: @EuropePAN @DeGelderlander Copper, "organic" agriculture's favorite pesticide, is linked to neurodegeneration and Parki…
Neurotoxicity of Metals
Springer International Publishing
RT @methylcytosine: @EuropePAN @DeGelderlander Copper, "organic" agriculture's favorite pesticide, is linked to neurodegeneration and Parki…
RT @MogensStrunge: Thanks @methylcytosine for a most pertinent observation on #agroecology’s use of a heavy metal as #pesticide and to @AgB…
RT @methylcytosine: @EuropePAN @DeGelderlander Copper, "organic" agriculture's favorite pesticide, is linked to neurodegeneration and Parki…
RT @methylcytosine: @EuropePAN @DeGelderlander Copper, "organic" agriculture's favorite pesticide, is linked to neurodegeneration and Parki…