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Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference

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Cover of 'Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Effects of Music Induced Arousal on Cognitive Responses and Store Image
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    Chapter 2 The Advertising Effectiveness of Different Levels of Humor and Warmth and the Moderating Role of Affect Intensity
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    Chapter 3 An Investigation of Innov Ativeness and Early Product Adoption among Teenagers
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    Chapter 4 Reconceptualizing Trust: An Evolutionary Process Model
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    Chapter 5 The Role of Interpersonal Trust in the Client-Consultancy Relationship: An Exploratory Analysis
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    Chapter 6 Relationship Strength in Business Relationships and its Role in Observed Relational Outcomes
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    Chapter 7 Offensive vs. Defensive Opportunism in Marketing Channel Relationships: An Essay on Their Ethics
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    Chapter 8 Order Bias in the Application of the Servqual Instrument
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    Chapter 9 Theory Devewpment in Services Marketing: Transcending Service Specificity
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    Chapter 10 Customer Satisfaction, Assessment, Intentions and Outcome Behaviors of Dyadic Service Encounters: A Conceyfual Model
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    Chapter 11 Employers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality: Potential Problems for Marketing Educators
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    Chapter 12 Managing Academic Misconduct in the Classroom: A Discriminant Analysis of Subject and Situational Differences Between Cheaters and Non Cheaters
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    Chapter 13 Experiential Learning: The Bridge to the “Real World”
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    Chapter 14 The Evaluation of Faculty Performance in Research and Service: Some Practical Benchmarks
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    Chapter 15 The Quality of Conference Programs and the Value of Conference Proceedings: Future Direction for the Academy of Marketing Science
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    Chapter 16 Tourism Marketing and Public Policy in Australia: The Case of Brand Wa.
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    Chapter 17 An Application of the Dominant Product-Dominant Country Framework of Export Segmentation to the Case of Turkey
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    Chapter 18 The Dimensionality of Environmental Concern: Validation of Component Measures
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    Chapter 19 Exploring the Male\Female Earnings Gap Among Managers: A Case of Turkey
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    Chapter 20 Macro Issues in Marketing: A Discussion
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    Chapter 21 A Model of Seller-Buyer Product Development Relationships in Technology-Based, Industrial Markets
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    Chapter 22 Product Contingencies and the Locus of Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Marketing Channel Networks
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    Chapter 23 Emergent Properties of Interorganizational Business Relationships: An Exploratory Case Study of Swedish Smes
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    Chapter 24 Thoughts on an Old Theme: Entrepreurship and Organisation
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    Chapter 25 Dealing with Periods of Tension in Buyer-Vendor Relationships
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    Chapter 26 Anomia and Fraudulent Behavior by Retail Employees
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    Chapter 27 Risk and Return in International Retailing
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    Chapter 28 Integration and Performance: An Examination of the Marketing/Logistics Interface
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    Chapter 29 Logistics: An Evolutionary Perspective, Considerations and Future Directions
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    Chapter 30 Product and Packaging Disposal’s Challenges to Channels Management
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    Chapter 31 The Effect of Culture and Language on Organizational Information Processing
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    Chapter 32 Building and Maintaining Relationships with Consumers
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    Chapter 33 Toward an Understanding of Mature Marketing Relationship Phenomena
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    Chapter 34 The Effects of Organizational Redesign on Buyer-Seller Relationships
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    Chapter 35 Differentiating Services- The Marketing of Affinity Cards
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    Chapter 36 Conjoint Analysis as an Instrument for Marketing Controlling in Service Companies: The Example of the Mannheim National Theater
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    Chapter 37 Gap Analysis and Services Marketing: Does Understanding Your Customers Really Improve Sales?
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    Chapter 38 A Look at Interactivity from a Consumer Perspective
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    Chapter 39 Travel and Tourism Purchase-Consumption Systems
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    Chapter 40 African-American Consumer Attitudes Toward Domestic and Foreign-Made Products.
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    Chapter 41 Advertiser Risk-Orientation and Attitudes Towards Campaign Planning in the US and Canada
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    Chapter 42 Effects of Spanish vs. English Ads on Bilingual Hispanics: Moderating Role of Language Dominance
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    Chapter 43 Exploring Print Ads and Web Sites Target Market and Approach Match-Ups: Interactive Video Games and Facial Cosmetics
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    Chapter 44 Relationship Marketing: A Synthesis of Three Research Arenas
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    Chapter 45 Relationship Strategies Revisited
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    Chapter 46 Evolution of a Virtual Enterprise: A Sociological Perspective
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    Chapter 47 Actors’ Exchange Paradigms and Their Impact on the Choice of Marketing Models
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    Chapter 48 The Performance of Strategic Alliances Revisited: A Conceptual Framework Using the Market Model
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    Chapter 49 International Marketing Alliances and Cooperative Games: An Application to the Oil and Airline Industries
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    Chapter 50 Evidence for Strategic Alliances and Relationship Marketing in New Zealand Industry
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    Chapter 51 Internal Customer Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences
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    Chapter 52 The Learning Organization and Market Orientation: A Study of Export Companies in the Netherlands
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    Chapter 53 Competitive Strategy and Market Orientation: The Relationship and its Implications
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    Chapter 54 Individualistic and Collectivist Values in Business: A Retail Management Perspective in Privatizing Economies
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    Chapter 55 If There were a Trade War, Who Would Join the Battle?
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    Chapter 56 Work Force Diversity Management Strategy: A Catalyst for Global Marketing Competitiveness
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    Chapter 57 Marketing Implications of Regional Integration in the Mercosur
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    Chapter 58 Data Quality and Database Marketing
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    Chapter 59 An Overview of Data Mining and Marketing
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    Chapter 60 Exploring Text-Based Electronic Mail Surveys as a Means of Primary Data Collection
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    Chapter 61 Integrated Marketing Communications: Conflicts of Interest, Politics and Performance
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    Chapter 62 Gender Portrayals in Modern Cigarette and Alcohol Advertisements: A Replication
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    Chapter 63 Teenagers’ Perceptions of the Influence of Advertising and Price Versus Peers, Parents, Social Context, and Personal Choice on Their Consumer Behavior
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    Chapter 64 An Empirical Study of Export Product Adaptation and its Antecedents for Turkish Export Ventures
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    Chapter 65 Antecedents of the Components of Export Market Orientation: A Study of U.S. Exporters
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    Chapter 66 Gaining Competitive Advantage through Standardization and Differentiation of Services
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    Chapter 67 Adaptation of the Business Concept as a Factor in Entrepreneurship: The Case of Historically Disadvantaged South African Entrepreneurs
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    Chapter 68 An Investigation of the Social Construction of the Entrepreneurial Personality by Means of the Critical Incident Technique
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    Chapter 69 The Influence of Managerial Disagreement on Industry Characteristics and Strategy on Small Firm Performance
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    Chapter 70 Understanding Why Small Firms Choose their Advertising and Promotional Strategies: An Empirical Investigation
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    Chapter 71 Emergence of a Virtual Enterprise: An Integrated Theoretical Framework
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    Chapter 72 The Impact of Lean Enterprise on Marketing Management
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    Chapter 73 Strategic Groups, Mobility Barriers and Trapped Brands
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    Chapter 74 An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Non-Price Variables on Quality Tier Competition
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    Chapter 75 Managing Transaction Dependence: An Empirical Examination of the Moderating Role of Relationship Closeness on the Use of Vertical Control
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    Chapter 76 Promoting Interorganizational Connectivity in the Electronics Industry
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    Chapter 77 Modeling Customer Satisfaction in Business Markets: Some Basic Issues Revisited
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    Chapter 78 Strategy and the Performance of Small Business Websites
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    Chapter 79 Compulsive Buying Behavior: Terminology and an Appucation to New Media such as the Internet
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    Chapter 80 Internet Shopping: Findings from an Exploratory Study and Research Propositions
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    Chapter 81 Communication and the Service Exchange: Confirming The Dimensions of Provider Relational Messages and Exploring their Impact on Client Satisfaction
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    Chapter 82 Internal Marketing Tactics: Is Communication Really All There Is To It?
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    Chapter 83 Capitalizing on Simulated Word of Mouth in Servicescapes: An Exploratory Study
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    Chapter 84 Celebrate the Moments of Your Life: An Investigation of Time as a Cultural Value in American Television Advertising
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    Chapter 85 Extension and Validation of the Consumption Value Theory with Specific Reference to Shopping Centre Patronage in South Africa
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    Chapter 86 An Exploration of Values in Various Cultural Contexts: Discussion Leader Comments
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    Chapter 87 Worker-Firm Value Congruence in Low-Level Service Providers: Validation of a New Research Tool
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    Chapter 88 An Exploratory Investigation of Responses to Survey Screening Questions: The Impact of Placement and Format
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    Chapter 89 A Comparison of Alternative Approaches for Cluster-Based Buyer Segmentation in Optimal Product Positioning Models
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    Chapter 90 Predicting Response Inducer Effects in Organisational Respondents
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    Chapter 91 Why are Counterfeits so Attractive to Consumers? An Empirical Analysis
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    Chapter 92 Country-of-Origin and Brand Name Connotation: A Preliminary Conceptualization and Research Hypotheses
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    Chapter 93 Situational Factors in Seasonal Patterns of Shopping in Cyprus: Abstract
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    Chapter 94 Advertiser-Agency Relations: A Review and Synthesis of Research
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    Chapter 95 Sex in Advertising: Who Dislikes it and Why?
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    Chapter 96 Exploratory Findings on the Attitudinal Effects of Super- and Poor-Levels of Direct Consumer Premium Desirability
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    Chapter 97 A Framework for Category Management Relationships
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    Chapter 98 Vertical Control and Performance: The Role of Power, Relational Norms and Transaction Cost Analysis in Distribution Channels
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    Chapter 99 The Role of Proctorship for Independent Sales Representatives: Influencing Effective Inter-Organizational Relationships
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    Chapter 100 Antecedents to Loyalty in Agency-Client Relations: The Impact of Long-Term Versus Short-Term Relationships
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    Chapter 101 Is Sales Training Effective? Putting Two Hypotheses to the Test.
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    Chapter 102 An Investigation of the Selling Situation and Customer-Oriented Selling
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    Chapter 103 Effects of Salesperson Attractiveness on Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: A Conceptual Framework
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    Chapter 104 Conjugal Sales Agents: Copreneurs or Selling Teams?
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    Chapter 105 Marketing Planning, Market Orientation and Performance: An Empirical Study of Australian Organisations
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    Chapter 106 Identifying the Barriers to Market Orientation: British Retail Companies
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    Chapter 107 Strategy, Market Orientation, or Environment: Relative Influence on Small Manufacturing Firms
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    Chapter 108 Conceptualizing Store Choice Processes Using Perceived Risk
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    Chapter 109 The Interactive Effect of Presentation Format and Brand Usage on the Effectiveness of Retail Price Advertisements
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    Chapter 110 A Cluster Based Typology of ‘Sale’ Shoppers’ Motives, Images and Beliefs
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    Chapter 111 An Analysis of Emotional Appeals Used by Global and Regional Cosmetic Advertisers
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    Chapter 112 Firms’ Marketing Mix Effectiveness and Modes of Entry in the Host Countries
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    Chapter 113 Across-National Comparison of Consumer Environmental Attitudes Representing Five Major Regions of the World
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    Chapter 114 A Strategic Perspective on Green Packaging: Concerns and Actions
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    Chapter 115 Marketing of Ideas in Social Marketing: A Case Study
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    Chapter 116 Distorted Representations of Ethnic Minorities in Consumer Advertising: Effects and Consequences
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    Chapter 117 Regulating Commercial Speeches on the Internet in Taiwan: A Survey of Advertising Professionals About Web Advertising Practices
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    Chapter 118 The Influence of Prior Experience on Amount of Search and Serach Correlates: A Study for Computer Serach Behavior of Industrial Firms
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    Chapter 119 Modeling Operationalized Measures of Customer Loyalty
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    Chapter 120 Examining the Testing Effects of Repeated Measures of Attitudes
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    Chapter 121 Accurate Research Results? A Social Desirability Bias Investigation
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    Chapter 122 Online Reevaluations of Attribute Information in Sequential Consumer Choice
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    Chapter 123 Using Uncorrelated Conjoint Choice Designs in a World of Correlated Beliefs
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    Chapter 124 Sales Promotions: A Multiple Intervention Time Series Approach
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    Chapter 125 Useful Information Exchange in New Product Development: Differences in Definition
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    Chapter 126 An Integrated Model of Type of Commitment and Trust on Quantitative and Qualitative Outcomes of Negotiation
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    Chapter 127 The Effects of Salespersons’ Perceptions of Customer Trust on Selling Behaviors
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    Chapter 128 Interfirm Trust and Dependence Asymmetry
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    Chapter 129 Relationship Marketing Strategies in the Life Insurance Industry: A Revised Framework and Across-National Comparison
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    Chapter 130 Emerging Roles of the Industrial Salesforce in an Era of Long Term Relationships
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    Chapter 131 Relationship Marketing: Viewing the State-of-the-Art Across Perspectives
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    Chapter 132 Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships
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    Chapter 133 Communication and the Service Exchange: A Coorientational Approach to Predicting Service Encounter Satisfaction
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    Chapter 134 Rural Outshopping Behavior: Another Look at Orientations and Social Influences
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    Chapter 135 Purchasing Decisions and the Employment Status of the Wife
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    Chapter 136 Retail Expansion into International Markets: The Case of United States Retail Chains
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    Chapter 137 Managing Customer Roles in Service Organisations: An Australian Perspective
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    Chapter 138 Customer Value Audit in International Business Markets : A Strategic Marketing Tool
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    Chapter 139 Establishing Cross-National Equivalence of the Customer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction Construct
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    Chapter 140 An Evaluation of the Marketing Competitiveness of the Us and Japan in a Comparative Framework
Attention for Chapter 22: Product Contingencies and the Locus of Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Marketing Channel Networks
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Chapter title
Product Contingencies and the Locus of Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Marketing Channel Networks
Chapter number 22
Book title
Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
Published by
Springer, Cham, January 2015
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13084-2_22
Book ISBNs
978-3-31-913083-5, 978-3-31-913084-2

Jack M. Cadeaux


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