Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Springer Science & Business Media
Chapter title |
A Talking Robot and Its Singing Skill Acquisition
Chapter number | 127 |
Book title |
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Published by |
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, September 2005
DOI | 10.1007/11553939_127 |
Book ISBNs |
978-3-54-028896-1, 978-3-54-031990-0
Authors |
Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Hideyuki Sawada |
Country | Count | As % |
Malaysia | 1 | 10% |
Unknown | 9 | 90% |
Readers by professional status | Count | As % |
Student > Ph. D. Student | 3 | 30% |
Student > Doctoral Student | 1 | 10% |
Student > Bachelor | 1 | 10% |
Student > Master | 1 | 10% |
Researcher | 1 | 10% |
Other | 2 | 20% |
Unknown | 1 | 10% |
Readers by discipline | Count | As % |
Computer Science | 3 | 30% |
Engineering | 2 | 20% |
Agricultural and Biological Sciences | 1 | 10% |
Medicine and Dentistry | 1 | 10% |
Arts and Humanities | 1 | 10% |
Other | 0 | 0% |
Unknown | 2 | 20% |