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Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung

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Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Einleitung: Wozu Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung ?
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    Chapter 2 Anheier et al. (1995): Forms of Capital and Social Structure in Cultural Fields
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    Chapter 3 Baker (1984): The Social Structure of a National Securities Market
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    Chapter 4 Baker/Faulkner (1993): The Social Organization of Conspiracy
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    Chapter 5 Barabási (2002): Linked
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    Chapter 6 Barabási/Albert (1999): Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks
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    Chapter 7 Barnes (1954): Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish
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    Chapter 8 Bavelas (1950): Communication Patterns in Task-Oriented Groups
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    Chapter 9 Bearman (1993): Relations into Rhetorics
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    Chapter 10 Bearman/Stovel (2000): Becoming a Nazi: A model for narrative networks
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    Chapter 11 Blau (1955): The Dynamics of Bureaucracy
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    Chapter 12 Blau (1964): Exchange and Power in Social Life
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    Chapter 13 Boissevain (1974): Friends of Friends. Networks, Manipulators and Coalitions
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    Chapter 14 Bonacich (1987): Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures
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    Chapter 15 Boorman/White (1976): Social Structure from Multiple Networks: II. Role Structures
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    Chapter 16 Borgatti/Everett (1997): Network Analysis of 2-Mode Data
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    Chapter 17 Bott (1957): Family and Social Network
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    Chapter 18 Bourdieu (1983): Ökonomisches Kapital, kulturelles Kapital, soziales Kapital
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    Chapter 19 Braun/Gautschi (2006): A Nash Bargaining Model for Simple Exchange Networks
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    Chapter 20 Breiger (1974): The Duality of Persons and Groups
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    Chapter 21 Burt (1982): Toward a Structural Theory of Action
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    Chapter 22 Burt (1992): Structural Holes
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    Chapter 23 Burt (2005): Brokerage and Closure
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    Chapter 24 Cartwright/Harary (1956): Structural Balance: A Generalization of Heider’s Theory
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    Chapter 25 Castells (1996): The Rise of the Network Society
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    Chapter 26 Christakis/Fowler: The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years
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    Chapter 27 Coleman (1961): The Adolescent Society
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    Chapter 28 Coleman (1988): Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital
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    Chapter 29 Coleman et al. (1966): Medical Innovation
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    Chapter 30 Cook et al. (1983): The Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks
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    Chapter 31 Cross/Parker (2004): The Hidden Power of Social Networks
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    Chapter 32 Davis (1991): Agents Without Principles ?
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    Chapter 33 Davis/Leinhardt (1967): The Structure of Positive Interpersonal Relations in Small Groups
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    Chapter 34 de Sola Pool/Kochen (1978): Contacts and Influence
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    Chapter 35 Delitsch (1900): Über Schülerfreundschaften in einer Volksschulklasse
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    Chapter 36 DiMaggio (1986): Structural Analysis of Organizational Fields: A Blockmodel Approach
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    Chapter 37 Doreian et al. (2005): Generalized Blockmodeling
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    Chapter 38 Doreian (1970): Mathematics and the Study of Social Relations
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    Chapter 39 Elias (1971): Was ist Soziologie ?
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    Chapter 40 Emirbayer (1997): Manifesto for a Relational Sociology
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    Chapter 41 Emirbayer/Goodwin (1994): Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency
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    Chapter 42 Feld (1981): The Focused Organization of Social Ties
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    Chapter 43 Fine/Kleinman (1983): Network and Meaning: An Interactionist Approach to Structure
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    Chapter 44 Fischer (1982): To Dwell Among Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City
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    Chapter 45 Freeman (1978/79): Centrality in Social Networks
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    Chapter 46 Freeman (2004): The Development of Social Network Analysis
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    Chapter 47 Freeman et al. (1987): Cognitive Structure and Informant Accuracy
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    Chapter 48 Friedkin (1983): Horizons of Observability and Limits of Informal Control in Organizations
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    Chapter 49 Fruchterman/Reingold (1991): Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement
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    Chapter 50 Gibson (2005): Taking Turns and Talking Ties
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    Chapter 51 Gould, Roger V. (1995): Insurgent Identities; Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
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    Chapter 52 Granovetter (1973): The Strength of Weak Ties
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    Chapter 53 Granovetter (1974): Getting a Job. A Study of Contacts and Careers
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    Chapter 54 Granovetter (1978): Threshold Models of Collective Behavior
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    Chapter 55 Granovetter (1983): The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited
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    Chapter 56 Granovetter (1985): Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness
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    Chapter 57 Harary (1974): Graph Theory
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    Chapter 58 Heider (1946): Attitudes and Cognitive Organization
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    Chapter 59 Heider (1958): The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations
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    Chapter 60 Hill/Dunbar (2003): Social Network Size in Humans
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    Chapter 61 Holland/Leinhardt (1971): Transitivity in Structural Models of Small Groups
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    Chapter 62 Holland/Leinhardt (1976): Local Structure in Social Networks
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    Chapter 63 Homans (1950): The Human Group
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    Chapter 64 Kadushin (1976): Networks and Circles in the Production of Culture
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    Chapter 65 Kapferer (1969): Norms and the Manipulation of Relationships in a Work Context
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    Chapter 66 Kapferer (1972): Strategy and Transaction in an African Factory
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    Chapter 67 Katz/Lazarsfeld (1955): Personal Influence
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    Chapter 68 Killworth et al. (1984): Measuring Patterns of Acquaintanceship
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    Chapter 69 Krackhardt (1987): Cognitive Social Structures
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    Chapter 70 Krackhardt (1999): The Ties That Torture: Simmelian Tie Analysis in Organizations
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    Chapter 71 Krackhardt/Hanson (1993): Informal Networks. The Company Behind the Charts
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    Chapter 72 Krempel (2005): Visualisierung komplexer Strukturen
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    Chapter 73 Latour (2005): Reassembling the Social
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    Chapter 74 Laumann (1973): Bonds of Pluralism
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    Chapter 75 Laumann/Pappi (1976): Networks of Collective Action
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    Chapter 76 Lazarsfeld/Merton (1964): Friendship as a Social Process
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    Chapter 77 Lazer et al. (2009): Computational Social Science
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    Chapter 78 Ledeneva (1998): Russia’s Economy of Favours
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    Chapter 79 Levine (1972): The Sphere of Influence
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    Chapter 80 Lévi-Strauss (1949): Les structures élémentaires de la parenté
  82. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 81 Lin (2001): Social Capital. A Theory of Social Structure and Action
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    Chapter 82 Lizardo (2006): How Cultural Tastes Shape Personal Networks
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    Chapter 83 Luce/Perry (1949): A Method of Matrix Analysis of Group Structure
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    Chapter 84 Luhmann (1964): Grenzstellen
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    Chapter 85 Luhmann (1995): Kausalität im Süden
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    Chapter 86 Malinowski (1922): Argonauts of the Western Pacific
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    Chapter 87 Maoz (2011): Networks of Nations
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    Chapter 88 Marsden (1987): Core Discussion Networks of Americans
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    Chapter 89 Mauss (1925): Essai sur le don
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    Chapter 90 McLean (2007): The Art of the Network
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    Chapter 91 McLean (2007): The Art of the Network
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    Chapter 92 McPherson et al. (2001): Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks
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    Chapter 93 Merton (1950): Patterns of Influence
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    Chapter 94 Milgram (1967): The Small World Problem
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    Chapter 95 Milo et al. (2002): Network Motifs: Simple Building Blocks of Complex Networks
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    Chapter 96 Mische/White (1998): Between Conversation and Situation
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    Chapter 97 Mohr (1998): Measuring Meaning Structures
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    Chapter 98 Moody/White (2003): Structural Cohesion and Embeddedness
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    Chapter 99 Moreno (1934): Who Shall Survive ?
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    Chapter 100 Moreno/Jennings (1938): Statistics of Social Configurations
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    Chapter 101 Nadel (1957): The Theory of Social Structure
  103. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 102 Newcomb (1961): The Acquaintance Process
  104. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 103 Newman (2001): The Structure of Scientific Collaboration Networks
  105. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 104 Padgett/Ansell (1993): Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400 – 1434.
  106. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 105 Padgett/Powell (2012): The Emergence of Organizations and Markets
  107. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 106 Pappi (1973): Sozialstruktur und soziale Schichtung in einer Kleinstadt mit heterogener Bevölkerung
  108. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 107 Podolny (2005): Status Signals: A Sociological Study of Market Competition
  109. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 108 Powell (1990): Neither Market nor Hierarchy: Network Forms of Organization
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    Chapter 109 Powell et al. (1996): Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation
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    Chapter 110 Powell et al. (2005): Network Dynamics and Field Evolution
  112. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 111 Price (1965): Networks of Scientific Papers
  113. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 112 Provan/Milward (1995): A Preliminary Theory of Interorganizational Network Effectiveness
  114. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 113 Radcliffe-Brown (1940): On Social Structure
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    Chapter 114 Rapoport/Horvath (1961): A Study of a Large Sociogram
  116. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 115 Rogers (1962): Diffusion of Innovations
  117. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 116 Saussure (1916): Cours de lingusitique générale
  118. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 117 Schenk (1984): Soziale Netzwerke und Kommunikation
  119. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 118 Schweizer (1996): Muster socialer Ordnung
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    Chapter 119 Simmel (1890): Über die Kreuzung sozialer Kreise
  121. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 120 Simmel (1908): Die quantitative Bestimmtheit der Gruppe
  122. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 121 Snijders (1996): Stochastic Actor-oriented Models for Network Change
  123. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 122 Stegbauer (2009): Wikipedia. Das Rätsel der Kooperation
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    Chapter 123 Tacke (2000): Netzwerk und Adresse
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    Chapter 124 Uehara (1990): Dual Exchange Theory, Social Networks, and Informal Social Support
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    Chapter 125 Uzzi (1996): The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effekt
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    Chapter 126 Uzzi (1997): Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness
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    Chapter 127 Uzzi/Spiro (2005): Collaboration and Creativity: The Small World Problem
  129. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 128 Vedres/Stark (2010): Structural Folds: Generative Disruption in Overlapping Groups
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    Chapter 129 Watts (1999). Networks, Dynamics, and the Small World Problem
  131. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 130 Watts, Duncan J./Strogatz, Steven H. (1998). Collective Dynamics of » Small- World « Networks. Nature 393, S. 440 – 442.
  132. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 131 Wellman, Barry (1979): The Community Question: The Intimate Networks of East Yorkers. American Journal of Sociology 84 (5), S. 1201 – 1231.
  133. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 132 Wellman, Barry (1988): Structural Analysis: from method and metaphor to theory and substance. In B. Wellman & S. D. Berkowitz (Hrsg.), Social Structures: A Network Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 19 – 61.
  134. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 133 Wellman, Barry (2001): Physical Place and Cyberplace: The Rise of Personalized Networking. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 25 (2), S. 227 – 252.
  135. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 134 Wellman, Barry/Wortley, Scot (1990): Different Strokes from Different Folks: Community Ties and Social Support. American Journal of Sociology 96(3).
  136. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 135 White, Douglas R./Johansen, Ulla (2005): Network Analysis and Ethnographic Problems. Process Models of a Turkish Nomad Clan. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  137. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 136 White, Harrison C. (1963): An Anatomy of Kinship. Mathematical models for structures of cumulated roles. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. (Originalausgabe)
  138. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 137 White, Harrison C. (1970): Chains of Opportunity. System Models of Mobility in Organizations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  139. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 138 White, Harrison C. (1981): Where Do Markets Come From ? American Journal of Sociology 87, S. 517 – 547.
  140. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 139 White, Harrison C. (1995): Network Switchings and Bayesian Forks: Reconstructing the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Social Research 62 (4), S. 1035 – 1063.
  141. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 140 White, Harrison C. (2008): Identity and Control. How Social Formations Emerge. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  142. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 141 White, Harrison C./Boorman, Scott A./Breiger, Ronald L. (1976): Social Structure from Multiple Networks: I. Blockmodels of Roles and Positions. American Journal of Sociology 81 (4), S. 730 – 780.
  143. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 142 Windolf (2002): Corporate Networks in Europe and the United States
  144. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 143 Ziegler (1984): Das Netz der Personen- und Kapitalverflechtungen deutscher und österreichischer Wirtschaftsunternehmen
Attention for Chapter 81: Lin (2001): Social Capital. A Theory of Social Structure and Action
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Chapter title
Lin (2001): Social Capital. A Theory of Social Structure and Action
Chapter number 81
Book title
Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung
Published by
Springer VS, Wiesbaden, January 2019
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-21742-6_81
Book ISBNs
978-3-65-821741-9, 978-3-65-821742-6

Sören Petermann, Petermann, Sören

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