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Applied Cryptography and Network Security

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Cover of 'Applied Cryptography and Network Security'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 A Cryptographic Analysis of the WireGuard Protocol
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    Chapter 2 Distributed SSH Key Management with Proactive RSA Threshold Signatures
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    Chapter 3 Non-interactive Zaps of Knowledge
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    Chapter 4 Formal Verification of Side-Channel Countermeasures via Elementary Circuit Transformations
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    Chapter 5 Drive-By Key-Extraction Cache Attacks from Portable Code
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    Chapter 6 On the Ineffectiveness of Internal Encodings - Revisiting the DCA Attack on White-Box Cryptography
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    Chapter 7 Continuously Non-malleable Codes with Split-State Refresh
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    Chapter 8 Efficient Unconditionally Secure Signatures Using Universal Hashing
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    Chapter 9 Floppy-Sized Group Signatures from Lattices
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    Chapter 10 On the Security Notions for Homomorphic Signatures
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    Chapter 11 Invisible Sanitizable Signatures and Public-Key Encryption are Equivalent
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    Chapter 12 Delegatable Attribute-Based Anonymous Credentials from Dynamically Malleable Signatures
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    Chapter 13 Privacy-Preserving Ridge Regression with only Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption
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    Chapter 14 Privacy-Preserving Plaintext-Equality of Low-Entropy Inputs
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    Chapter 15 Nothing Refreshes Like a RePSI: Reactive Private Set Intersection
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    Chapter 16 New Protocols for Secure Equality Test and Comparison
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    Chapter 17 Minimising Communication in Honest-Majority MPC by Batchwise Multiplication Verification
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    Chapter 18 Best of Both Worlds in Secure Computation, with Low Communication Overhead
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    Chapter 19 3PC ORAM with Low Latency, Low Bandwidth, and Fast Batch Retrieval
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    Chapter 20 M erge MAC: A MAC for Authentication with Strict Time Constraints and Limited Bandwidth
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    Chapter 21 K angaroo T welve : Fast Hashing Based on $${\textsc {Keccak}\text {-}p}{}$$ K E C C A K - p
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    Chapter 22 Related-Key Boomerang Attacks on Full ANU Lightweight Block Cipher
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    Chapter 23 Generic Round-Function-Recovery Attacks for Feistel Networks over Small Domains
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    Chapter 24 Differential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Sparx-64/128
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    Chapter 25 Can Caesar Beat Galois?
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    Chapter 26 Improved Anonymous Broadcast Encryptions
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    Chapter 27 Time-Based Direct Revocable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Short Revocation List
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    Chapter 28 Almost Tight Multi-Instance Multi-Ciphertext Identity-Based Encryption on Lattices
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    Chapter 29 In-Region Authentication
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    Chapter 30 Formal Analysis of Distance Bounding with Secure Hardware
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    Chapter 31 KRB-CCN : Lightweight Authentication and Access Control for Private Content-Centric Networks
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    Chapter 32 Assentication: User De-authentication and Lunchtime Attack Mitigation with Seated Posture Biometric
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    Chapter 33 Stateful Multi-client Verifiable Computation
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    Chapter 34 V eri C ount : Verifiable Resource Accounting Using Hardware and Software Isolation
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    Chapter 35 Message-Locked Encryption with File Update
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    Chapter 36 DogFish: Decentralized Optimistic Game-theoretic FIle SHaring
Attention for Chapter 7: Continuously Non-malleable Codes with Split-State Refresh
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