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Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods

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Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
Springer Netherlands

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
  2. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 1 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  3. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 2 Model Ages (Sm-Nd)
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    Chapter 3 Luminescence, Fluvial Sediments
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    Chapter 4 Luminescence, Colluvial Sediments
  6. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 4 Luminescence, Colluvial Sediments
  7. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 5 Fission Track Dating and Thermochronology
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    Chapter 6 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Dating, General Principles
  9. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 7 Luminescence, Coastal Sediments
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    Chapter 8 Molluscs, Foraminifera, and Other Carbonate Fossils
  11. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 11 Archaeomagnetic Dating
  12. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 12 Amino Acid Racemization, Eolianites
  13. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 14 Luminescence, Flints and Stones
  14. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 15 Uranium-Lead, Metamorphic Rocks
  15. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 16 Amino Acid Racemization, Marine Sediments
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    Chapter 17 Hydrocarbons/Rhenium–Osmium (Re–Os): Organic-Rich Sedimentary Rocks
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    Chapter 18 Molecular Dating of Evolutionary Events
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    Chapter 19 Tephrochronology
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    Chapter 19 Tephrochronology
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    Chapter 20 Kimberlites (K-Ar/Ar-Ar)
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    Chapter 21 Sediment Mixing Rate, 210Pb and 234Th
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    Chapter 22 Uranium-Lead, Diagenetic Processes
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    Chapter 23 Uranium-Lead, Zircon
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    Chapter 24 Dendrochronology, Volcanic Eruptions
  25. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 25 Luminescence, Glacial Sediments
  26. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 26 Bomb Carbon
  27. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 26 Bomb Carbon
  28. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 27 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Dating of Coral
  29. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 30 Walther’s Law of Facies
  30. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 31 Dendrochronology, Progress
  31. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 32 Radiation Dose Rate
  32. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 33 Luminescence Dating, Dose Rates
  33. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 34 Luminescence Dating, Deep-Sea Marine and Lacustrine
  34. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 35 Sediment, ESR
  35. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 36 Rhenium–Osmium Geochronology: Sulfides, Shales, Oils, and Mantle
  36. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 37 Clays and Glauconites (K–Ar/Ar–Ar)
  37. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 38 Luminescence, Pottery and Bricks
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    Chapter 39 Obsidian Hydration Dating
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    Chapter 40 Ar–Ar and K–Ar Dating
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    Chapter 41 Single-Crystal Laser Fusion
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    Chapter 43 Alpine Terranes (K-Ar/Ar-Ar)
  42. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 44 Metamorphic Terranes (K–Ar/40Ar/39Ar)
  43. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 46 Lu-Hf Dating: The Lu-Hf Isotope System
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    Chapter 49 Alpha Spectroscopy
  45. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 50 Band Structure
  46. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 51 Beta Counter
  47. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 52 Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer
  48. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 53 Radiation Defect
  49. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 54 Gene Sequencing
  50. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 55 Luminescence Dating of Archaeological Sediments
  51. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 55 Luminescence Dating of Archaeological Sediments
  52. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 56 Historical Development (of Dating Methods)
  53. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 58 Zircon
  54. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 59 Amino Acid Racemization, Coastal Sediments
  55. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 60 Volcanic Glass (Fission Track)
  56. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 63 Uranium-Lead, Detrital Zircon
  57. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 65 Age of the Earth
  58. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 66 Luminescence Dating, History
  59. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 67 Magnetic Chronology
  60. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 68 Quartz Defects, Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Thermoluminescence
  61. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 69 Dendrochronology: Surficial Processes
  62. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 70 Polymerase Chain Reaction DNA Amplification
  63. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 71 Electron Spin Resonance Dating of Fossil Tooth Enamel
  64. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 72 Luminescence, Desert Dunes
  65. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 73 Amino Acid Racemization Dating
  66. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 74 Amino Acid Racemization, Paleoclimate
  67. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 75 Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer (LA ICP-MS)
  68. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 76 Dendrochronology, Fire Regimes
  69. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 77 Index Fossil
  70. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 78 Quartz
  71. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 78 Quartz
  72. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 79 Molecular Clocks, Human Evolution
  73. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 80 Molecular Clock Calibration
  74. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 81 Radiation and Radioactivity
  75. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 82 Luminescence, Martian Sediments
  76. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 82 Luminescence, Martian Sediments
  77. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 83 Luminescence, Rock Surfaces
  78. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 83 Luminescence, Rock Surfaces
  79. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 84 Sm–Nd Dating
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    Chapter 85 Rhenium–Osmium Dating (Meteorites)
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    Chapter 87 Crustal Sulfide Minerals (Re-Os)
  82. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 88 Luminescence Dating, Single-Grain Dose Distribution
  83. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 89 Molecular Rate Variation (Molecular Clocks)
  84. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 91 Acasta Gneiss Complex
  85. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 92 Molecular Clocks
  86. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 93 Molecular Clocks, Relaxed Variant
  87. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 94 Minerals, (40Ar-39Ar)
  88. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 95 Jack Hills Zircon
  89. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 96 Uranium Series, Ice
  90. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 98 Luminescence, Geomorphological Processes
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    Chapter 99 Dendrochronology, Dwellings
  92. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 99 Dendrochronology, Dwellings
  93. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 100 Luminescence, Volcanic Rocks
  94. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 100 Luminescence, Volcanic Rocks
  95. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 101 Radiocarbon Dating
  96. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 102 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
  97. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 103 Extraterrestrial Materials (K–Ar/Ar–Ar)
  98. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 104 Radioluminescence (RL)
  99. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 104 Radioluminescence (RL)
  100. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 105 Rb–Sr Geochronology (Igneous Rocks)
  101. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 106 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
  102. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 107 Continental Drift (Paleomagnetism)
  103. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 108 Magnetometer
  104. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 109 Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland: Geochronology
  105. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 110 Sediments, Terrestrial (Paleomagnetism)
  106. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 111 Meteorites (U–Pb)
  107. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 112 Ujaraaluk Unit (Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt)
  108. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 113 Chromatography
  109. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 114 Amino Acid Racemization, Fluvial and Lacustrine Sediments (AAR)
  110. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 115 Magnetostratigraphic Dating
  111. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 116 Rb–Sr Dating
  112. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 117 Sedimentary Rocks (Rb-Sr Geochronology)
  113. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 118 Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
  114. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 119 Amino Acid Racemization, Biostratigraphy
  115. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 120 Luminescence, Earthquake, and Tectonic Activity
  116. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 120 Luminescence Dating, Earthquake, and Tectonic Activity
  117. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 121 Luminescence Dating, Instrumentation
  118. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 121 Luminescence Dating, Instrumentation
  119. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 122 Amino Acid
  120. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 123 Feldspars
  121. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 124 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  122. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 125 Luminescence Dating
  123. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 126 Luminescence, Biogenic Carbonates
  124. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 127 Luminescence Dating, Loess
  125. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 130 Marine Isotope Stratigraphy
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    Chapter 131 U-Th/He Dating
  127. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 133 Geomagnetism
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    Chapter 136 Impact Glass (Fission Tracks)
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    Chapter 136 Impact Glass (Fission Tracks)
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    Chapter 137 Magnetic Anomalies
  131. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 139 Meteorites (Lu–Hf)
  132. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 141 Meteorites, Rubidium–Strontium, and Samarium–Neodymium Chronology
  133. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 143 Seawater Sr Curve
  134. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 148 Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating
  135. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 151 Radiocarbon Dating of Marine Carbonates
  136. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 152 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  137. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 154 Corals (Sclerochronology)
  138. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 158 Glacial Landscape (Cosmogenic Nuclide)
  139. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 159 Ice Cores
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    Chapter 160 Lacustrine Environments (14C)
  141. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 162 Marine Varves
  142. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 164 Meteorites (36Cl)
  143. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 165 Bivalve Sclerochronology
  144. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 166 Peat (14C)
  145. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 167 Category B: Planetary Surfaces (Cratering Rate)
  146. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 168 14C in Plant Macrofossils
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    Chapter 171 Skeletal Remains (14C)
  148. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 175 Big Bang
  149. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 178 Lichenometry
  150. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 179 Meteoric 10Be
  151. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 182 Mass Spectrometry
  152. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 185 Sea Level Change (U-Series)
  153. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 188 Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS)
  154. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 190 Thermochronology, Landform Evolution
  155. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 192 Biostratigraphy
  156. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 193 Uranium–Lead Dating
  157. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 195 Luminescence Dating, Meteorites
  158. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 195 Luminescence Dating, Meteorites
  159. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 196 Luminescence, Soils
  160. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 197 Luminescence Dating, Uncertainties, and Age Range
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    Chapter 199 Tsunamigenic Sediments
  162. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 200 Uranium-Lead, Chemical Isochron U-Pb Method (CHIME)
  163. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 202 Uranium–Lead, Igneous Rocks
  164. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 203 Uranium-Lead, Ore Deposits
  165. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 203 Uranium-Lead Dating, Ore Deposits
  166. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 204 Uranium–Lead, Extraterrestrial, Early Solar System
  167. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 205 Apatite
  168. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 207 Feldspar, Infrared-Stimulated Luminescence
  169. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 210 Ancient Inks: A Forensic Art Historical Perspective
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    Chapter 216 Volcanic Rocks, Ar/Ar
  171. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 217 Chert
  172. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 218 Hominid Evolution Timescale
  173. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 219 Lucy
  174. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 221 Paleosol
  175. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 224 Thermochronology, Detrital Zircon
  176. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 225 Thermochronology, Meteorites
  177. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 226 Environmental Releases
  178. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 228 Hydrothermal Ores (Thermochronology)
  179. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 230 Uranium Series, Opal
  180. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 233 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  181. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 234 Neutron Activation Analysis
  182. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 235 Uranium-Lead, Rubidium-Strontium, Kimberlite
  183. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 236 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  184. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 238 U-Series Dating
  185. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 239 Aquifer Characteristics (U-Series)
  186. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 240 Bones (U-Series)
  187. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 241 Carbonates, Lacustrine (U-Series)
  188. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 242 Carbonates, Marine Carbonates, (U-Series)
  189. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 243 Carbonates, Speleothem Archaeological (U-Series)
  190. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 244 Carbonates, Speleothem Climatic (U-Series)
  191. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 245 Carbonates, Pedogenic (U-Series)
  192. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 246 Chemical Weathering (U-Series)
  193. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 249 Exhumation (Thermochronology)
  194. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 250 Fault Zone (Thermochronology)
  195. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 251 Faults (U-Series)
  196. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 252 Rubidium–Strontium Dating, Hydrothermal Events
  197. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 254 Stellar Chronology
  198. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 255 Uranium–Lead, Extraterrestrial, Planetary Materials
  199. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 256 Early Life on Earth
  200. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 257 Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
  201. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 259 Dendrochronology, Entomology
  202. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 262 Luminescence Dating of Shell-Rich Deposits
  203. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 263 Uranium–Lead Dating, Opal
  204. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 264 Radioactive Decay Constants: A Review
  205. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 265 Volcanic Rocks (K–Ar and Ar–Ar)
Attention for Chapter 124: Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods
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