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E-Commerce and Web Technologies

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E-Commerce and Web Technologies
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 BRF: A Framework of Retrieving Brand Names of Products in Auction Sites
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    Chapter 2 An Adaptive Social Influence Propagation Model Based on Local Network Topology
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    Chapter 3 A Rule Based Personalized Location Information System for the Semantic Web
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    Chapter 4 $\cal{DIESECT}$ : A $\cal{DI}$ stributed $\cal{E}$ nvironment for $\cal{S}$ imulating $\cal{E}$ -commerce $\cal{C}$ ontrac $\cal{T}$ s
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    Chapter 5 Semi-automated Structural Adaptation of Advanced E-Commerce Ontologies
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    Chapter 6 SDRule-L: Managing Semantically Rich Business Decision Processes
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    Chapter 7 A Hybrid Approach for Business Environment-Aware Management of Service-Based Business Processes
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    Chapter 8 Discovering Workflow-Aware Virtual Knowledge Flows for Knowledge Dissemination
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    Chapter 9 An Emotion Dimensional Model Based on Social Tags: Crossing Folksonomies and Enhancing Recommendations
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    Chapter 10 Cold-Start Management with Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering and Tags
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    Chapter 11 UtilSim: Iteratively Helping Users Discover Their Preferences
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    Chapter 12 Contextual eVSM: A Content-Based Context-Aware Recommendation Framework Based on Distributional Semantics
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    Chapter 13 Context-Aware Movie Recommendations: An Empirical Comparison of Pre-filtering, Post-filtering and Contextual Modeling Approaches
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    Chapter 14 Matching Ads in a Collaborative Advertising System
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    Chapter 15 Confidence on Collaborative Filtering and Trust-Based Recommendations
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    Chapter 16 Smoothly Extending e-Tourism Services with Personalized Recommendations: A Case Study
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    Chapter 17 Exploiting Big Data for Enhanced Representations in Content-Based Recommender Systems
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    Chapter 18 Recommendations Based on Different Aspects of Influences in Social Media
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    Chapter 19 Robustness Analysis of Naïve Bayesian Classifier-Based Collaborative Filtering
Attention for Chapter 1: BRF: A Framework of Retrieving Brand Names of Products in Auction Sites
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Chapter title
BRF: A Framework of Retrieving Brand Names of Products in Auction Sites
Chapter number 1
Book title
E-Commerce and Web Technologies
Published by
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, August 2013
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-39878-0_1
Book ISBNs
978-3-64-239877-3, 978-3-64-239878-0

Ivy Hong-Ieng Hoi, Mars Liwen Liao, Chih-Chieh Hung, Evans Tseng, Hoi, Ivy Hong-Ieng, Liao, Mars Liwen, Hung, Chih-Chieh, Tseng, Evans


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Unknown 3 100%

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Readers by professional status Count As %
Student > Master 2 67%
Unspecified 1 33%
Readers by discipline Count As %
Unspecified 1 33%
Business, Management and Accounting 1 33%
Economics, Econometrics and Finance 1 33%