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Ultrafast Phenomena VII

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Cover of 'Ultrafast Phenomena VII'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Hybrid and Passive Mode Locking in Coupled-Cavity Lasers
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    Chapter 2 Generation of Ultrashort Nd:YLF Pulses by cw Passive Mode Locking with a Nonlinear External Cavity
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    Chapter 3 Ultrashort Pulse Generation with Additive Pulse Modelocking in Solid State Lasers: Ti:Al 2 O 3 , Diode Pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF
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    Chapter 4 Chirp in Actively Modelocked Diode Lasers
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    Chapter 5 Femtosecond Color Center Lasers near 2.8 µ m with HgCdTe Multiple Quantum Well Saturable Absorber
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    Chapter 6 820 nm Colliding-Pulse Modelocked Dye Laser
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    Chapter 7 Clean Subpicosecond Pulses by Coupling Resonantly to a Linear High Loss Cavity
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    Chapter 8 Multireflection Effects in Gain-Switched and Q-Switched Semiconductor Lasers
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    Chapter 9 Dramatic Reduction of the Amplitude Noise of Colliding-Pulse-Modelocking Dye Lasers
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    Chapter 10 Kilohertz Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses near 1.55 µ m, to Microjoule Energies
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    Chapter 11 A Broadly Tunable cw Femtosecond Source for Ultrafast Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 12 Passive Feedback for Stable Short Pulse Generation
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    Chapter 13 A New Method of Ultrashort Pulse Generation: Modified Fabry-Perot Electrooptic Modulator
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    Chapter 14 Subpicosecond Argon Pumped Fibre Raman Laser
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    Chapter 15 Generation and Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses at 800 nm
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    Chapter 16 Femtosecond Laser Cavity Dispersion Measurement Using Soliton Properties
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    Chapter 17 Physical Properties of Coupled Cavity Lasers Used for Ultrashort Pulse Generation
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    Chapter 18 Continuous Wave Diode Laser Seeding of Tunable Femtosecond Soliton Pulses
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    Chapter 19 Gain Compression and Recovery Dynamics in Multiple Quantum Well Optical Amplifiers
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    Chapter 20 Generation of Blue-Green 10 fs Pulses Using an Excimer-Pumped Dye Amplifier
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    Chapter 21 Pulse Compression of a Mode-Locked Ti:Sapphire Laser
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    Chapter 22 Coupled-Cavity Resonant Passive Modelocked (RPM) Ti:Sapphire Laser
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    Chapter 23 Self-Starting Additive Pulse Mode-Locking of a Nd:Glass Laser
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    Chapter 24 Soliton-like Pulse Shaping in a cw Passively Mode-Locked Ti:Al 2 O 3 Laser
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    Chapter 25 Sub-picosecond 38 W Optical Pulses from a Hybrid Mode Locked Semiconductor Laser System
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    Chapter 26 Femtosecond Generation of Mid Infrared Pulses at 8.5 kHz via Parametric Mixing in AgGaS 2
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    Chapter 27 Femtosecond Pulses in the Medium Infrared by Down-Conversion of a Traveling Wave Dye Laser
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    Chapter 28 Pulse Evolution in a Coupled-Cavity Mode-Locked KCl:Tl Color-Center Laser
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    Chapter 29 Ultrahigh Peak Power Generation: Present and Future
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    Chapter 30 Very High Order Harmonic Generation
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    Chapter 31 Time-Resolved Spectral Shifts of Femtosecond Pulses in Atmospheric Density Plasmas
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    Chapter 32 Characterization of a High-Intensity, Subpicosecond XeCl Laser System
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    Chapter 33 Soft-X-Ray Generation from 100 fs Irradiation of Thin Film Targets
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    Chapter 34 Ultrafast Microscopy of Exploding Solids
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    Chapter 35 Femtosecond Melting of Diamond
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    Chapter 36 Femtosecond Photoemission and Reflectivity Measurements of High Temperature Electron Dynamics in Solid Density Plasmas
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    Chapter 37 Second Harmonic Generation in Femtosecond Laser-Produced Plasmas
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    Chapter 38 Enhanced Absorption and ASE Pedestal Suppression in the Generation of Ultrashort-Pulse Solid-Density Plasmas
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    Chapter 39 Proposed Source of Sub-picosecond Far Infrared Radiation
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    Chapter 40 Picosecond Stimulated Raman Measurement of Enhanced Optical Nonlinearities in a Conjugated Polymer
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    Chapter 41 Spontaneous Emission and Ultrafast Dephasing in Front of a Mirror
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    Chapter 42 Polariton Effects in Transient Grating Experiments
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    Chapter 43 Atomic Wave Packets and Optical Pulses
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    Chapter 44 High Time Resolution and Coherence Effects with Incoherent Light in the Raman Fringe Decay
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    Chapter 45 Fluorescence Detection of Femtosecond Accumulated Photon Echo
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    Chapter 46 Analysis of Femtosecond Pulse Systems Using Ray-Pulse Matrices
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    Chapter 47 Picosecond Universal Optical Fluctuation in Strongly Disordered Solids
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    Chapter 48 Wavepacket Theory of Femtosecond Dynamic Absorption Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 49 The Anti-Resonant Ring in Ultrafast Excite—Probe Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 50 Simultaneous Two-Photon Absorption and Second Harmonic Generation in CdSe
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    Chapter 51 Anomalous Dispersion of the Electronic Kerr Effect n 2
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    Chapter 52 Electronically Programmable Femtosecond Pulse Shaping Using a Multielement Phase Modulator
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    Chapter 53 Pulsed Diffusing-Wave Spectroscopy: Pathlength Specific Observation of Speckle Fluctuation Spectra from Dense Colloids
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    Chapter 54 Ultrafast All-Optical Fiber Soliton Logic Gates
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    Chapter 55 Propagation and Amplification of Ultrashort Optical Soliton Pulses in Erbium-Doped Fibers for Very High Speed Communication
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    Chapter 56 Observation of Two-Color Soliton Collisions in Optical Fiber
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    Chapter 57 Modulational Instability for Normal Dispersion
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    Chapter 58 Ultrafast All-Optical Switching in a Polarization-Maintaining Fiber
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    Chapter 59 Observation of Induced Phase Modulation of Femtosecond Pulses in Glass and Organic Fibers
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    Chapter 60 Optically Induced Femtosecond Electromagnetic Radiation from Semiconductor Surfaces
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    Chapter 61 Femtosecond Excitonic Sampling in Submicron Thickness Coplanar Striplines
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    Chapter 62 Picosecond Pulse Generation Circuits Using a GaAs Nonlinear Transmission Line
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    Chapter 63 Microwave Properties of Anisotropic Materials Characterized with Picosecond Transient Radiation
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    Chapter 64 Microwave Phase Locking Using an Electro-optic Harmonic Mixer
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    Chapter 65 Broadband Microwave Reflection Experiments with Picosecond Transient Radiation
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    Chapter 66 Ultrafast Coplanar Air-Transmission Lines
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    Chapter 67 Ultrafast Studies of Resonant and Non-resonant Electron and Hole Tunneling in Quantum Well Structures
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    Chapter 68 Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Magneto-Excitons
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    Chapter 69 On the Lineshape of Time-Resolved Four-Wave Mixing
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    Chapter 70 Stimulated Photon Echoes and Free Polarization Decay in GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures: Evidence for Localized and Delocalized Excitons
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    Chapter 71 Γ-X Intervalley Electron Transfer Rates in Type-II Al x Ga 1−x As/AlAs Superlattices
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    Chapter 72 Two-Dimensional Carrier—Carrier Screening Studied with Femtosecond Photon Echoes
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    Chapter 73 Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Highly Excited Cu 2 O
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    Chapter 74 Dynamics of Excitons in Conjugated Polymers
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    Chapter 75 Femtosecond Transient-Grating Experiments in Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 76 Femtosecond Quantum Beats in Excitons of a Layered Semiconductor BiI 3
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    Chapter 77 Picosecond Photoluminescence of AlGaAs/GaAs Quasi-Quantum Wires and Boxes
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    Chapter 78 Absorption Saturation Dynamics in Capped CdSe Microcrystallites Exhibiting Quantum Confinement
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    Chapter 79 Picosecond Imaging of Photoexcited-Carrier Transport in GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 80 Fast Recovery of Excitonic Absorption Peaks in Tunneling Bi-Quantum-Well Structures
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    Chapter 81 Degenerate Four Wave Mixing in Staggered Type-II Al x Ga 1−x As/AlAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures
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    Chapter 82 B-Exciton Bleaching in Bulk CdSe
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    Chapter 83 Femtosecond Room Temperature Measurements of Transport over Nanometer Dimensions in Quantum-Confined Heterostructures
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    Chapter 84 Femtosecond Nonlinear Optical Properties of GaAs/AlAs Type-II Superlattices
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    Chapter 85 Ultrafast Scattering Times in Amorphous Silicon
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    Chapter 86 k-Space Carrier Dynamics in GaAs
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    Chapter 87 Time-Resolved Picosecond Photon Echo Studies of Phase Relaxation in CdSSe Mixed Crystals
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    Chapter 88 Direct Observation of the Electron and Hole Contributions in the Impulse Response of a Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Schottky Diode
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    Chapter 89 Ultrafast Recombination in Ion-Damaged InP Studied by Femtosecond Luminescence
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    Chapter 90 Subpicosecond Photoconductivity in III-V Compound Semiconductors Using Low Temperature MBE Growth Techniques
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    Chapter 91 Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in GaAs Semiconductors Induced by Energetic Ions
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    Chapter 92 Ultrafast Relaxation Processes of Hot Carriers in Graphite
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    Chapter 93 Femtosecond Dynamics of Photo-Generated Carriers in Amorphous Hydrogenated Germanium
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    Chapter 94 Ultrafast Pump—Probe X-Valley Absorption Spectroscopy in GaAs
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    Chapter 95 Subpicosecond Nonlinearities of Semiconductor Near Infrared Bragg Reflectors
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    Chapter 96 Femtosecond Thermomodulation of Single-Crystalline and Polycrystalline Gold Films
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    Chapter 97 Vibrational Exciton Decay in Uranyl Crystals by Picosecond Coherent Raman Scattering: Energy Bottlenecks and High Order Relaxation Mechanisms
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    Chapter 98 Second-Harmonic Efficiency and Reflectivity of GaAs During Femtosecond Melting
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    Chapter 99 Picosecond Time-Resolved Measurements of Photorefractive Grating Dynamics in Zincblende Semiconductors
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    Chapter 100 Hot Phonon Spectra of Polar Semiconductors Studied via Picosecond Free Carrier Absorption Between 5 and 10 µ m
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    Chapter 101 Resonant Excitation of Coherent Optic Phonons by Femtosecond Multiple-Pulse Impulsive Stimulated Raman Scattering
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    Chapter 102 Impulsive Phase Coherent Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Atomic and Molecular Transients with Phase-Locked Pulse Pairs
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    Chapter 103 Direct Time-Resolved Observation of Coherent-Phonon Oscillations in III-V Compounds
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    Chapter 104 Excitation of Low Frequency Polaritons in PbTiO 3 with Femtosecond Pulses
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    Chapter 105 Time-Resolved Electron—Hole Plasma and Optical Phonon Interaction in GaP
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    Chapter 106 Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of High Temperature Superconductors with Terahertz Electrical Pulses
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    Chapter 107 Femtosecond Absorption Studies of Nonequilibrium Electronic Processes in High-T c Superconductors
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    Chapter 108 Femtosecond Thermomodulation Study of Conventional and High-T c Superconductors
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    Chapter 109 Rate of Electron—Phonon Relaxation in Niobium
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    Chapter 110 Surface Vibrational Energy Relaxation: c(2 × 2)-CO/Cu(100)
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    Chapter 111 Femtosecond Laser-Induced Structural Changes in Gallium Arsenide
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    Chapter 112 Ultrafast Relaxation of Electrons Probed by Surface Plasmons at a Thin Silver Film
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    Chapter 113 Picosecond Transient Surface Temperature Measurement by Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
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    Chapter 114 Lifetime of an Adsorbate Substrate Vibration: H on Si(111)
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    Chapter 115 Pump-Probe Investigation of Femtosecond Desorption
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    Chapter 116 Femtosecond Dynamics of Single Electron Transfer in Aqueous Media
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    Chapter 117 Femtosecond Studies of Electrons in Water
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    Chapter 118 Femtosecond Optical Spectroscopies of Solvated Polyatomic Molecules
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    Chapter 119 Ultrafast Studies on Intramolecular Charge Transfer and Solvation
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    Chapter 120 Dynamics of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Polar Solvents
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    Chapter 121 Femtosecond Proton Transfer Reactions in Electronically Excited Aromatic Molecules
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    Chapter 122 Solvent/Solute Interactions Probed by Transient Absorption and Transient Raman Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 123 Solvation and Barrierless Electron Transfer: How Different Are the Dynamics?
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    Chapter 124 Low Temperature Ultrafast Charge Separation: Rate Versus Free Energy
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    Chapter 125 Solvent Dynamics by Transient Holeburning: Nonpolar Versus Polar Solutes
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    Chapter 126 Femtosecond Dynamics from c.w. Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 127 Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Carbon Disulfide Observed at High Pressure in a Diamond Anvil Cell
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    Chapter 128 Femtosecond Transition-State Absorption Spectroscopy of Bi Atoms Produced by Bi 2 Photodissociation
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    Chapter 129 Femtosecond Infrared Spectroscopy of Complex Molecules Using CW IR Lasers
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    Chapter 130 The Observation of Vibrational Relaxation and Solvent Reorientation Following Ultrafast Photodissociation of Cr(CO) 6
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    Chapter 131 Ultrafast Rotational Dynamics of Electronically Excited Aniline Molecules in Solution
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    Chapter 132 Dynamics of cis-Stilbene Isomerization in Solution
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    Chapter 133 Isomerization of cis-Stilbene in Ar and Kr Clusters: Direct Measurements of trans-Stilbene Formation Rates on a Picosecond Time Scale
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    Chapter 134 Rotational Dynamics in Simple and Nematogenic Liquids: Transient Grating Optical Kerr Effect Investigations
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    Chapter 135 Rotational Diffusion of Phenoxazine Dyes: Characterization of Molecular Friction
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    Chapter 136 Linear Electron—Phonon Interaction in Dye-Doped Polymers Studied by Femtosecond Accumulated Photon Echo
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    Chapter 137 Time-Resolved Decay of Absorption Anisotropy due to Rotation of Free Molecules in the Gas Phase
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    Chapter 138 Ultrafast Predissociation Dynamics of Isolated Small Molecules from UV Resonance Raman Depolarization Ratios
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    Chapter 139 Vibrational Dynamics of Chloroform, Bromoform and Iodoform
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    Chapter 140 Photoisomerization Dynamics of Methylstilbenes
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    Chapter 141 Ultrafast Energy Trapping in Mercuric Iodide
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    Chapter 142 Non-Markovian Dynamics of Azulene in Solution
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    Chapter 143 Resonance Raman Scattering as a Probe of Ultrafast Electronic Surface Hopping and Nuclear Vibrational Motion
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    Chapter 144 Nickel(II) Octaethylporphyrin: Conformational Dynamics, Ligand Binding and Release
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    Chapter 145 Application of Ultrafast Broadband Infrared Spectroscopy to Measurement of Metal-Carbonyl Dynamics
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    Chapter 146 Broadband Ultrafast Absorption Spectroscopy in the Hard Ultraviolet: Evolution of the CF 2 Radical upon Photodissociation of CF 2 Br 2
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    Chapter 147 Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Photochemical Reactions in Solution
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    Chapter 148 Subpicosecond Infrared Spectroscopy: The Condensed Phase Photochemistry of Iron Carbonyls
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    Chapter 149 Excited State Dynamics of Jet-Cooled Substituted Indoles: The Role of Polar Interactions in 1 L a − 1 L b State Coupling
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    Chapter 150 Molecular Alignment in the Photoisomerization of Stilbene
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    Chapter 151 Femtosecond and Picosecond Laser Photolysis Studies of Photoreduction Processes of Excited Benzophenone and Its Derivatives in Solution
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    Chapter 152 Femtosecond Laser Photolysis Studies on the Conformation Change of Benzil in Solutions
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    Chapter 153 Fast Change in the Excited State Absorption Spectrum of TPM Dye Solutions
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    Chapter 154 Temperature Dependent Superradiant Decay in Molecular Aggregates
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    Chapter 155 Studies of Diffusion-Influenced Fluorescence Quenching
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    Chapter 156 Zero-Phonon Line and Ultrafast Dephasing in Nile Blue Doped Polymer Film
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    Chapter 157 The Impact Approximation in Transition-State Absorption Spectroscopy: On the Possibility of Obtaining Difference Potentials Directly from the Transient Spectra
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    Chapter 158 Primary Charge Separation in the Photosynthesis of Bacterial Reaction Centers
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    Chapter 159 Primary Charge Separation Process in Reaction Centers from Chloroflexus aurantiacus Bacterium
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    Chapter 160 Picosecond Transient Phase Grating Studies of the Energetics and Structure Dynamics of Heme Proteins
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    Chapter 161 Polarized Pump—Probe Spectroscopy of the Q y Band of BChl a-Protein from Prosthecochloris aestuarii : Evidence for Ultrafast Exciton Localization
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    Chapter 162 Picosecond Transient Absorption and Dichroism Studies on Excitation Transfer in Allophycocyanin
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    Chapter 163 Vibrational Temperatures of Photoexcited Deoxy-Hemoglobin
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    Chapter 164 Sub-picosecond Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Some Biological Systems
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    Chapter 165 Picosecond Polarization Studies of Protein Relaxation
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    Chapter 166 Subpicosecond Fluorescence Anisotropy Measurements of Tryptophanyl Residues in Proteins
Attention for Chapter 156: Zero-Phonon Line and Ultrafast Dephasing in Nile Blue Doped Polymer Film
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