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Ultrafast Phenomena XI

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Ultrafast Phenomena XI
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Sub-5-fs Pulses: Generation, Characterisation, and Experiments
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    Chapter 2 Generation of Intense Diffraction-Limited White Light and 4-fs Pulses
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    Chapter 3 Broadband Operation of a Ti:Sapphire Laser Using Novel Double-Chirped Mirrors and Semiconductor Saturable Absorbers
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    Chapter 4 Improved Broadband Double-Chirped Mirrors with Controlled Dispersion Characteristics
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    Chapter 5 A New Type of Saturable Bragg Reflector with Record-Low Saturation Fluence and Broad Tuning Range
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    Chapter 6 Time-Resolved Measurement of Electronic and Vibrational Nonlinear Refraction in Ti:sapphire and Cr:LiSGaF
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    Chapter 7 Generation of amplified shaped pulses for highly adiabatic excitation
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    Chapter 8 Transient Excited-State Absorption Measurement in Chromium Doped Forsterite
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    Chapter 9 Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
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    Chapter 10 First Experimental Observation of Polarization Locked Temporal Vector Solitons
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    Chapter 11 Time-Domain Jitter Measurement of Modelocked Fiber Lasers
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    Chapter 12 0.28 TW laser system at 1 kHz, Scaleable to 2 TW at 1 kHz
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    Chapter 13 Generation of 100 TW, Sub-20 fs Pulses at a 10 Hz Repetition Rate in Ti:Sapphire
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    Chapter 14 Ultra-Broadband Optical Parametric Amplifiers in the Visible and in the Near-Infrared
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    Chapter 15 Sub-5-fs Pulse Generation by Pulse-front-matched Optical Parametric Amplification
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    Chapter 16 Tunable Visible and NIR Parametric Amplifiers at 1 kHz and Pulse Lengths Down to 10 fs
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    Chapter 17 Parametric chirped pulse microamplifier based on engineerable quasi-phase-matched LiNbO 3
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    Chapter 18 High Repetition Rate Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator
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    Chapter 19 Generation of High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Infrared Pulses Tunable from 9 to 18 µm
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    Chapter 20 A Proof of Principle Experiment of Sum Frequency Generation Using Chirped Pulses
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    Chapter 21 A Novel Scheme for High-Intensity Ultrashort Pulse Generation
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    Chapter 22 Self-focusing in waveguides
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    Chapter 23 Observation of Raman Self-Conversion of fs-pulse Frequency due to Impulsive Excitation of Molecular Vibrations
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    Chapter 24 Spatio-temporal coherence properties of super-continuum single filament in bulk media
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    Chapter 25 Second Harmonic Pulse Compression
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    Chapter 26 Adaptive Control of Pulse Phase In A Chirped Pulse Amplifier
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    Chapter 27 Wavefront Correction of High Intensity Femtosecond Lasers
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    Chapter 28 Spatiotemporal Imaging, Spatiotemporal Pulse Shaping, and Spatiotemporal Coherent Control
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    Chapter 29 Infrared streak camera
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    Chapter 30 In-situ Waveform Retrieval and Display of Femtosecond Optical Pulses and Picosecond Electrical Pulses
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    Chapter 31 Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric Field Reconstruction of Ultrashort Optical Pulses
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    Chapter 32 Spatial-temporal field distribution of self-focused femtosecond pulses
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    Chapter 33 Pulse Characterization Techniques for sub-30 Femtosecond Terawatt Lasers
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    Chapter 34 Single-Shot Third-Order Correlator for Femtosecond Terawatt Ti:sapphire Lasers
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    Chapter 35 Temporal evolution of selfguided femtosecond laser pulses in the presence of Kerr-nonlinearity and ionisation
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    Chapter 36 Femtosecond Lidar
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    Chapter 37 Superluminal Localized Waves in Femtosecond Optics
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    Chapter 38 Even-order nonlinear interaction of focused femtosecond beam with the bulk of chiral media
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    Chapter 39 Complete Electric Field of Femtosecond Photon Echoes at Their Point of Origin
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    Chapter 40 Characterization of the Complex Third-order Susceptibility of Myoglobin using Diffractive Optics
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    Chapter 41 Time domain separation of the nuclear and electronic contributions to the third order nonlinearity in glasses
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    Chapter 42 Multiple-Pulse Control and Bispectral 2D Raman Analysis of Nonlinear Lattice Dynamics
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    Chapter 43 Engineering Quantum Indistinguishability in Ultrafast Parametric Downconversion
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    Chapter 44 Ultrafast Laser Technology Applied to Whole-Field Fluorescence Lifetime Changing
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    Chapter 45 Optical Coherence Tomography using Femtosecond Lasers
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    Chapter 46 3D-microscopy using third-harmonic generation at interfaces in biological and non-biological specimens
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    Chapter 47 Ultrafast STM-tip Localized Responses from Nanostructured Surfaces
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    Chapter 48 Ultrafast Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Using a Photoexcited Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs Tip
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    Chapter 49 Photoconductive sampling with a scanning tunneling microscope
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    Chapter 50 Femtosecond Nonlinear Microscopy of Photodetectors
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    Chapter 51 Time-Resolved Near-Field Spectroscopy of the Carrier Dynamics in single GaAs Nanostructures
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    Chapter 52 Time resolved near field imaging and diffraction with sub-wavelength far-infrared dipole sources
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    Chapter 53 Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing at Over 100 Gbit/s with Mode-Locked Semiconductor Diode Lasers
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    Chapter 54 Characterization of Interferometric Switching Devices for Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing
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    Chapter 55 Measurement of 1.4 THz Beat Frequencies from a Dual Wavelength Gain-Switched Laser Diode using Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating
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    Chapter 56 Spectral Holography For Dynamic Dispersion Compensation
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    Chapter 57 Femtosecond Optical Pulse Generation from CW Laser Using Electrooptic Phase Modulator Featuring Lens Modulation
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    Chapter 58 Characterization of > 300 GHz Transistors Using a Novel Optoelectronic Network Analyzer
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    Chapter 59 Free-Space Electro-Optic Detection of THz Radiation with Chirped Optical Beam
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    Chapter 60 Spectrum control of intense THz-radiation from InAs under magnetic field irradiated with stretched femtosecond laser pulses
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    Chapter 61 Dithered-edge sampling of terahertz pulses: fast detection using slow photoconductive receivers
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    Chapter 62 Driving Intersubband Transitions With THz Pulses
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    Chapter 63 Quantum Interference Control of Free Carriers in Semiconductors
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    Chapter 64 Optical Control of Precession of Mn 2+ Moment in CdTe/Cd 1-x Mn x Te Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 65 Ultrafast Time-Resolved Quantum Beats in the Polarization State of Coherent Emission from Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 66 Femtosecond Coherent Response of Spin-orbit Split-off Excitons in InP
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    Chapter 67 Femtosecond Dynamics and Coherence Properties of Resonant Secondary Emission from Excitons in GaAs Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 68 Femtosecond Interferometric Measurements of Secondary Emission from Resonantly Excited Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 69 Quantum coherence dynamics of 2D excitons
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    Chapter 70 Femtosecond Two Color Four-Wave Mixing Experiments on GaAs Quantum Wells Using Two Independently Tunable Lasers
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    Chapter 71 Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Radiatively Coupled Excitons in Multiple Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 72 Pulse Breakup due to Coherent Self-Induced Transmission on a Free Exciton Resonance
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    Chapter 73 Excitonic Quantum Beating in Space- and Time- Resolved Pump and Probe Experiments
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    Chapter 74 Ultrafast phase relaxation of confined excitons in CuCl nanocrystals: Non-Markovian behaviors
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    Chapter 75 Study of hexagonal GaN by femtosecond- excitation correlation measurement and degenerate four-wave-mixing
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    Chapter 76 Evidence of Trion and Carrier Localization in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells by fs and ps FWM Studies
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    Chapter 77 Ultrafast pump-probe signals at the band edge of bulk GaAs: Excitonic versus free carrier contributions
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    Chapter 78 Femtosecond Coherent Dynamics of Free Carriers in Semiconductors
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    Chapter 79 Intraband Coherence after Energy Relaxation
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    Chapter 80 Subpicosecond Carrier-Phonon Interactions in GaAs/Al x Ga 1-x As MQW’: Plasmon-Phonon Coupling Mediated by Well-to-Well Coupling in MQW’s
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    Chapter 81 Study of coherent folded acoustic phonons in GaAs/AlAs superlattices by two-color pump-probe technique
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    Chapter 82 Coherent Acoustic Phonon Oscillations in Superlattices
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    Chapter 83 High-Field Transport in Semiconductors Studied via Ultrabroadband THz Sampling
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    Chapter 84 Kinetics of Four-Wave Mixing for a Magnetoplasma in a Quantum Well
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    Chapter 85 Ultrafast Heating and Cooling of Electrons in GaAs at Room Temperature
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    Chapter 86 Effects of carrier screening and state filling on the carrier scattering of Si doped GaAs
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    Chapter 87 Ultrafast Nonlinear Absorption in an Exciton Bragg Reflector
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    Chapter 88 Super-Radiant Decay in Two-Dimensional Layered Semiconductors
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    Chapter 89 Spectral Hole Burning in Intersubband Absorption Bands of Quantum-Well-Structures
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    Chapter 90 Ultrafast Carrier Capture into InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells
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    Chapter 91 Femtosecond Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers: Dark Pulse Formation
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    Chapter 92 Ultrafast Dynamics of Field-Induced Charge Generation in Conducting Polymers
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    Chapter 93 Ultrafast Phase Transition in GeSb Films Triggered by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
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    Chapter 94 Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy of Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Solid Surfaces
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    Chapter 95 Nanometer precision material ablation and optical breakdown with sub-10 fs pulses
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    Chapter 96 Time Resolved Studies of Femtosecond Laser Induced Ablation from Solid Surfaces
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    Chapter 97 Surface Modifications in Transparent Dielectrics Induced by a Mid-Infrared Free-Electron Laser
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    Chapter 98 Direct Measurement of the Valence Band Decoherence in Copper
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    Chapter 99 Lifetime Effects of Xenon Adsorption on the Image-Potential States of Ru(0001)
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    Chapter 100 Dephasing of Image-Potential States on Cu(100) upon CO Adsorption Measured by Femtosecond Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 101 Excited Electron Dynamics at Benzene/Ag(111)
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    Chapter 102 New Directions in Nonlinear Surface Spectroscopy Enabled by Ultrafast Lasers
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    Chapter 103 Ultrafast broadband (0.5–2.5eV) absorption spectroscopy of a one-dimensional mixed-valence metal complex
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    Chapter 104 Ultrafast Surface Plasmon Resonance Nonlinearities in Noble Metal Nanoparticles
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    Chapter 105 Nonlinear Optical Interplay Between Different Surface Plasmons in Silver Nano-Ellipsoids
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    Chapter 106 Femtosecond spectroscopy of silver nanoparticles in different dielectric matrixes
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    Chapter 107 Ultrafast Relaxation Processes in Au Quantum Dots at High Pulse Repetition Frequencies
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    Chapter 108 Femtosecond demagnetization of ferromagnetic CoPt 3 thin films and Ni nanoparticles
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    Chapter 109 Generation of Coherent and Squeezed Phonon Fields Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
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    Chapter 110 Nonequilibrium Superconductivity and Quasiparticle Dynamics in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7
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    Chapter 111 Femtosecond Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Nonequilibrium Excitations in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ
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    Chapter 112 Phase-matched Generation of Short Wavelength, Ultrashort-pulse Light in Capillary Waveguides
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    Chapter 113 Generation of Near-keV High Harmonic Radiation With a Sub-10fs Laser
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    Chapter 114 Temporal Broadening Of Femtosecond High Harmonic Radiation
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    Chapter 115 High-Order Harmonic Generation and Quasi-Phase-Matching With Self-Guided Femtosecond Laser Pulses
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    Chapter 116 Kilohertz High Harmonic Generation in Hollow Core Fibers
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    Chapter 117 Generation of “Dark” Femtosecond Synchrotron Pulses from the Advanced Light Source
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    Chapter 118 Disorder in Solids Studied on an Ultrashort Timescale using Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction
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    Chapter 119 Vacuum Heating vs. Resonance Absorption in the Solid to Plasma Transition of fs-Laser-Irradiated Iron and Aluminum
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    Chapter 120 Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in InSb Probed by Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction
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    Chapter 121 Time-resolved x-ray diffraction of GaAs with a 20-fs, laser-driven plasma source
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    Chapter 122 Interaction of Superintense Femtosecond Laser Pulses with Cluster-like Solids
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    Chapter 123 Probing Black Hole Physics in the Laboratory Using High Intensity Femtosecond Lasers
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    Chapter 124 Experimental observation of photon acceleration of femtosecond laser pulses in relativistic under-dense ionization fronts
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    Chapter 125 Generation of Ultrashort Electron Bunches Using Table-Top Laser-Plasma-Based Electron Accelerators
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    Chapter 126 Ultrafast optical diagnostics for laser driven wakefields and plasma fibers
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    Chapter 127 Ultrafast Plasma Studies by Phase Measurements with Femtosecond Spectral Interferometry
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    Chapter 128 Complete Measurement and Control of Rydberg Wave Packets
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    Chapter 129 Collective Multi-Electron Tunneling in State- and Charge-Selected Atoms in Strong Fields
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    Chapter 130 Femtosecond time-resolved experiments in atomic calcium in weak and strong laser fields
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    Chapter 131 Femtosecond Coherent Spectroscopy at 800nm: MI-FROG Measures High-Field Ionization Rates in Gases
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    Chapter 132 Resonant Effects in Above Threshold Ionization
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    Chapter 133 Imaging of ions produced by femtosecond laser induced Coulomb explosion of molecules
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    Chapter 134 Coulomb Explosion Imaging of H 2 +
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    Chapter 135 High Resolution Investigation of H 2 + Exploding in a High Intensity Ultrashort Laser Pulse
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    Chapter 136 Photodissociation of Na 2 + in intense femtosecond laser fields
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    Chapter 137 Time-Resolved Configuration Interaction
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    Chapter 138 Ultrafast Dissociation Dynamics of Polynuclear Organometallic Compounds in the Gas Phase
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    Chapter 139 Vibrational ladder climbing with chirped pulses
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    Chapter 140 Optimal laser control for photoisomerization
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    Chapter 141 Quantum Control of Femtosecond Multiphoton Absorption via Chirp
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    Chapter 142 Automated Coherent Control of Chemical Reactions and Pulse Compression by an Evolutionary Algorithm with Feedback
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    Chapter 143 Dynamics of Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Precursor States in I - (D 2 O) n Clusters
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    Chapter 144 Analysis of the femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectra of the ammonia dimer excited to the à state
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    Chapter 145 Time-Resolved Observation of Geometrical Reorientations of Metal Clusters
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    Chapter 146 Experimental Observation of Resonance Effects in Intensely Irradiated Atomic Clusters
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    Chapter 147 Conical Intersections and Femtosecond Dynamics
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    Chapter 148 Vibrational Coherence in Excited State of an Electron Donor-Acceptor Complex
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    Chapter 149 Ultrafast Vibrational Energy Transfer Studied by a Novel Spectrometer
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    Chapter 150 Ultrafast Relaxation Processes of Metal-to-Ligand Charge Transfer Excited State in One-Dimensional Metal Complex
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    Chapter 151 Sub-picosecond Interfacial Electron Injection in Dye Sensitized Titanium Dioxide Films
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    Chapter 152 Local Density Effects in the Energy Relaxation of Vibrationally Highly Excited Molecules from the Gas to the Compressed Liquid Phase
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    Chapter 153 The UV Band System of the Allyl Radical, Studied by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 154 Vibrational relaxation and dephasing of small molecules strongly interacting with water
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    Chapter 155 Anomalous 1-ps relaxation of excited exciton in J-aggregates of three-level molecules
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    Chapter 156 Coherence from Femtosecond Fluorescence Interference Noise-Terahertz Electronic Beatings in Pentacene
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    Chapter 157 Fluorescence of Dye Molecules Embedded in a Photonic Crystal
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    Chapter 158 Chirped wavepacket dynamics of solvating HgBr
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    Chapter 159 A Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Approach to Solvation Dynamics Tested by Three Pulse Photon Echo Measurements
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    Chapter 160 Dynamics of Site-Specific Excited-State Solute-Solvent Interactions as Probed by Femtosecond Vibrational Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 161 Studies of Molecular Interactions and Collective Liquid Motions with Two-Dimensional Raman Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 162 Two-Dimensional Raman-Echo Spectroscopy; Femtosecond View of Vibrational Coherence
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    Chapter 163 Ultrafast solvation dynamics and quantum beats
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    Chapter 164 Ultrafast Relaxation of the Dye LDS-750 in Solution: Dependence on Excitation Wavelength
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    Chapter 165 Optically Induced SHG as a Probe of Orientational Dynamics in Liquids
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    Chapter 166 Solvation Dynamics in Restricted Environments: Solvent Immobilization in Reverse Micelles
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    Chapter 167 Photon Echo Studies of Solute-Solvent Interaction Dynamics in Polymer Glasses
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    Chapter 168 Ultrafast measurement of microscopic chemical environments using high intensity chirped pulses
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    Chapter 169 Femtosecond mid-infrared pump-probe spectroscopy of water and ice
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    Chapter 170 Time-Resolved THz Studies of Liquid Dynamics
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    Chapter 171 THz Reflection Spectroscopy of H 2 O(1) and D 2 O(1)
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    Chapter 172 Subpicosecond Holeburning Spectroscopy of Water in the Infrared: Dynamics of Local Structures
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    Chapter 173 Dynamics of the Hydrogen-Bond in Liquid Water
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    Chapter 174 Mode Coupling Mechanisms in Liquids Studied by 2D Raman Scattering
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    Chapter 175 Electronic “Bubble” Dynamics in Solid Argon
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    Chapter 176 Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy on the Equilibrated Aqueous Solvated Electron: Isotope Effects and Saturation Studies
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    Chapter 177 Hydrated Electron Dynamics on a 5-fs Timescale
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    Chapter 178 Femtosecond Pump-Probe-Spectroscopy of the Solvated Electron in Water and Aqueous Salt Solutions
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    Chapter 179 Excitation Energy Dependence of the H/D Isotope Effect in the Geminate Recombination of Hydrated Electrons
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    Chapter 180 Investigating the Photochemical Dynamics of Chlorine Dioxide in Water and Acetonitrile using Ultrafast Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 181 Instantaneous Product Anisotropies in the fs-Photolysis of Triiodide
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    Chapter 182 Photoinduced Release of Nitric Oxide from S-nitrosoglutathione
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    Chapter 183 Aromatic solute photoionization studied by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
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    Chapter 184 Ultrafast Photomodulation of Conformation in Azobenzene Containing Cyclic Peptides
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    Chapter 185 Potential Energy Surfaces for Ultrafast Photochemistry: Short Chain Polyenes and Protonated Schiff Bases
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    Chapter 186 Ultrafast photoisomerizations and S 1 /S 0 internal conversions in organic and inorganic molecules: evidence for easily accessible conical intersections
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    Chapter 187 Femtosecond Dynamics of Quantum Dissipative Systems: Localization of Electrons at Interfaces
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    Chapter 188 Ultrafast reaction in solvated metal atom clusters: A dynamic study in the visible and near IR spectral range
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    Chapter 189 Photodissociation of CH 2 I 2 and the Subsequent Electron Transfer in Its Cluster Formed in Solution
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    Chapter 190 Dynamics of Excited-State Evolution in Transition Metal Complexes: Time Resolving Electron Delocalization
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    Chapter 191 Modulation of Ultrafast Electron Transfer Dynamics by Wavepacket Motion in Oxazine 1
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    Chapter 192 Site Dependent Electron Transfer Reaction in Solution
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    Chapter 193 Measurements and Theoretical Modelling of Ultrafast Heterogeneous Spacer-Controlled Electron Transfer
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    Chapter 194 Femtosecond IR Study of Ru(II)(SCN) 2 (dcbpy) 2 Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO 2 Thin Films: Ultrafast Electron Injection and Relaxation Dynamics
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    Chapter 195 Femtosecond Photoselectivity in Intramolecular Double Proton Transfer in [2,2′-bipyridyl]-3,3′- diol
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    Chapter 196 Feedback Quantum Control of Population Transfer Using Shaped Femtosecond Pulses
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    Chapter 197 Control of Condensed Phase Molecular Excitation with Intense Infrared and Visible Chirped Pulses
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    Chapter 198 Femtosecond Dynamics, Two Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy and Echoes of Protein Vibrations
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    Chapter 199 Three Pulse Echo Peak Shift Measurements and ab initio Excited State Calculations of Photosynthetic Light Harvesting Function
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    Chapter 200 Two-Dimensional Femtosecond Spectroscopies of Coupled Chromophores
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    Chapter 201 Fluorescence Upconversion and ab initio Studies of the Light-Harvesting Function of Carotenoids in Bacterial Light-Harvesting Antenna
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    Chapter 202 Dynamics of Energy Transfer in the LH2 Antenna Complex of the Purple Bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides
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    Chapter 203 Ultrafast Singlet Energy Transfer in a Carotenopyropheophorbide Dyad: A Biomimetic Model for Photosynthetic Light Harvesting?
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    Chapter 204 Adiabatic Behaviour in the Primary Photosynthetic Electron Transfer
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    Chapter 205 Characterization of the Ultrafast Processes in the Trimeric Photosystem I Complex by Femtosecond Transient Absorption
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    Chapter 206 Single and Double Mutants of Bacteriorhodopsin and their Impact on Photoisomerization
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    Chapter 207 Femtosecond-Picosecond Fluorescence Studies on Excited State Dynamics of Photoactive Yellow Protein (PYP) and It’s Site — Directed Mutants
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    Chapter 208 Femtosecond Lasers for Ultra-Accurate Surgery: Application to Corneal Surgery
Attention for Chapter 181: Instantaneous Product Anisotropies in the fs-Photolysis of Triiodide
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Chapter title
Instantaneous Product Anisotropies in the fs-Photolysis of Triiodide
Chapter number 181
Book title
Ultrafast Phenomena XI
Published by
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, January 1998
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-72289-9_181
Book ISBNs
978-3-64-272291-2, 978-3-64-272289-9

Stephan Hess, Peter Vöhringer, Hess, Stephan, Vöhringer, Peter


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