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The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States

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Cover of 'The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Civilizational Peculiarities Versus Ideal Typicalities
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    Chapter 2 Social Structure and Conflict Groups
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    Chapter 3 Political Institutions
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    Chapter 4 Legitimacy
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    Chapter 5 Economy and Polity
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    Chapter 6 Warfare and Religion
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    Chapter 7 Civilizational Peculiarities Versus Ideal-Typicalities
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    Chapter 8 Social Structure and Conflict Groups
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    Chapter 9 Political Institutions
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    Chapter 10 Horticulture, Matrilineal Clans, and the Rise of Status and Power of Women
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    Chapter 11 Warfare and Politics
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    Chapter 12 The Confederacy of Tribes
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    Chapter 13 Tribal Games
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    Chapter 14 Religion and Politics
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    Chapter 15 Legitimation Processes
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    Chapter 16 Economy and Polity
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    Chapter 17 Conclusions on Band and Tribal Societies
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    Chapter 18 Civilizational Peculiarities Versus Ideal-Typicalities
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    Chapter 19 Social Structure and Conflict Groups
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    Chapter 20 Religion and Politics
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    Chapter 21 Women and Politics in Horticultural Societies
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    Chapter 22 Warfare in Horticultural Village Societies
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    Chapter 23 Political Institutions: Theocratic Despotism
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    Chapter 24 Legitimation Processes
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    Chapter 25 Civilizational Peculiarities Versus Ideal-Typicalities
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    Chapter 26 Herding Tribes, Patri-Clans, and the Rise of the Military Kingship
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    Chapter 27 Social Structure and Conflict Groups
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    Chapter 28 Warfare, Women, Religion, and Politics
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    Chapter 29 The Political Institutions of Herding Society: Despotic Military Kingship
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    Chapter 30 Military Kingship and State Violence
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    Chapter 31 The Legitimacy Processes of Herding Societies
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    Chapter 32 Economy and Polity
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    Chapter 33 Some Impediments to Democracy in Horticultural and Herding Societies
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    Chapter 34 The Paradox of Tribes
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    Chapter 35 Introduction to the Middle Eastern Grain, Agricultural, and Animal Herding Societies
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    Chapter 36 Democracy in the Sumerian City States: The Assembly, the Elders, and the King
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    Chapter 37 Projections of the Tribal Assembly in the World of the Sumerian Myths
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    Chapter 38 The Status and Role of Women in Ancient Sumer
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    Chapter 39 The Emergence of the Temple Economy Overseen by Priests and Priestesses in the River-Flood Areas
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    Chapter 40 The Rise of the Kingship: Expansionary, Genocidal Warfare
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    Chapter 41 From the Theocratic State to the Kingly-Bureaucratic State
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    Chapter 42 The Reform Movements and the Ethic of Social Justice
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    Chapter 43 The Pastoral Tribal Invasions and the Partial De-Legitimation of The Kings
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    Chapter 44 The Revival and Expansion of the Private Economic Sector in Mesopotamia
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    Chapter 45 The Early Agricultural City-States
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    Chapter 46 The City-State, Ugarit: A Great Coastal Trading City
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    Chapter 47 West Semitic Myths and Legends
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    Chapter 48 Ebla
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    Chapter 49 The Political Structure of the Canaanite City-States: Monarchy and Merchant Oligarchy
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    Chapter 50 From Canaanites to Phoenicians
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    Chapter 51 The Political Institutions of the Phoenician City-States
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    Chapter 52 Carthage
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    Chapter 53 Religion and Women in Phoenician Society
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    Chapter 54 The Pastoral Origins of the Hebrews: “Those Who Crossed the River”
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    Chapter 55 Egypt and the Hebrews
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    Chapter 56 Egypt After the Hyksos Invasion: The New Kingdom and the New Religious Ideas
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    Chapter 57 Creation and the Supreme Deity in the Theology of Egypt
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    Chapter 58 The Hebrews Enter the Nile Delta
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    Chapter 59 From Joseph to Moses
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    Chapter 60 Israelite Tribal Confederation Enters Canaan
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    Chapter 61 The Rise of the Monarchy
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    Chapter 62 The Prophets: Moralistic Monotheism, Social Justice, and the Doomsday Theodicy
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    Chapter 63 The Babylonian Exile
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    Chapter 64 Return from Exile: Theocracy Established
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    Chapter 65 Monotheism and the Jews
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    Chapter 66 The Status of Women in Societies Embracing a Patriarchal Monotheistic God
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    Chapter 67 Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations
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    Chapter 68 The Expansion of Mycenaean Greek Civilization
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    Chapter 69 The Doric Invasions and the Regression to Tribalism
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    Chapter 70 Doric Tribalism and the Culture of Greece and, Doric Tribalism and the Revival of Mycenaean Tribalism During the Dark Age
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    Chapter 71 Doric Religion
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    Chapter 72 The Olympic Games: Doric Tribal Culture Engenders a Pan Hellenic Cultural Complex
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    Chapter 73 From Aristocratic Champions to the Phalanx of the Common Men
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    Chapter 74 The Cavalary Aristocrats—“Hippeis,” and Their Declining Role in Mainland Greek Warfare
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    Chapter 75 Sparta: The Re-Crudescence of Tribal Democracy on a Hoplite Base
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    Chapter 76 The Spartan Women: Economic Control, Sexual Liberation, and Olympic Athletics
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    Chapter 77 Some Notes on the Democratization of Argos and Crete
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    Chapter 78 The Political Paradox Involved in the Transition from the Tribe to the City-State: The Greek Case
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    Chapter 79 The Revival of Trade in the Aegean Region
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    Chapter 80 Trade and the Changing Class Structure of Greece
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    Chapter 81 The Rise of the Greek Trading Cities
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    Chapter 82 The Transition from Tribal to City-State Political Organization
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    Chapter 83 The Rise of Democracy in Syracuse
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    Chapter 84 A Note on Democracy in Kroton and Korinthos
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    Chapter 85 Class Conflicts in the Greek City States During the Era of Expansionary Trade
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    Chapter 86 Conclusions on the Causes of Democracy in Greece: The Hoplite Phalanx Military Innovation, and, the Trade-Capitalist Economic Revolution
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    Chapter 87 The Ideology of Equality and Democracy
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    Chapter 88 The Rise of Legal Authority in the Greek City States
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    Chapter 89 The Ionians of Asia Minor Make Contact with the Civilizations of the Middle East and the Tribes of the Black Sea
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    Chapter 90 The Decline of Greek Religion After Homer and Hesiod
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    Chapter 91 The Rise of the Rational-Scientific World View
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    Chapter 92 The Rise of the Social Sciences
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    Chapter 93 Doric Women
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    Chapter 94 The Status of Ionian Women
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    Chapter 95 The Women Philosophers, Scientists, Doctors, and Mathematicians of the Greek World
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    Chapter 96 Women and Religion
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    Chapter 97 Comparison Between the German Tribes and the Celtic Tribes
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    Chapter 98 The German or Norse Tribes
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    Chapter 99 The Economy of the Norse Tribes: Herding and Agriculture
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    Chapter 100 The Religion of the Norse Tribes: No Official Priesthood
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    Chapter 101 Marriage, Clans, and Clan Retribution
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    Chapter 102 Language and Runes
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    Chapter 103 Debt Slavery and War Captive Slavery
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    Chapter 104 Civilizational Influences
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    Chapter 105 Feasts, Celebrations, and Guest Friendship
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    Chapter 106 German or Norse Tribal Assemblies and Courts, and the Rise of the Monarchies
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    Chapter 107 The Political Structure of the Norse Tribes: The Assembly of Warriors with Aristocratic Domination
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    Chapter 108 A Closer Look at the Germanic, or Norse, Assemblies
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    Chapter 109 War Chiefs and Military Aristocrats
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    Chapter 110 Iceland: Nobles and Freemen Flee the Centralizing Power of the Norwegian King and Reestablish Tribal Democracy (with Aristocratic Domination)
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    Chapter 111 The Anglo-Saxon-Jute Tribal Confederation and Its Moot and Folk-Moot
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    Chapter 112 The Court Councils of the Centralizing Monarchies
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    Chapter 113 Creation of the World and the Gods
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    Chapter 114 The Class Structure of the Norse Tribes as Shown in “The Song of Rig”
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    Chapter 115 Women in the Myths and Sagas
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    Chapter 116 Games and Individual Competitions
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    Chapter 117 Magic and Runes
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    Chapter 118 The Volsung Myths
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    Chapter 119 Beowulf
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    Chapter 120 The Icelandic Sagas
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    Chapter 121 The Netherlands
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    Chapter 122 The Norse Tribes in the High Mountain Valleys of Switzerland
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    Chapter 123 Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests Kings and Bishops
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    Chapter 124 The Celtic Gauls and the Romans
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    Chapter 125 The Invasions of the Norse Tribes
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    Chapter 126 The Importance of City-States in the Evolution of Democratic Political Processes
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    Chapter 127 The Transitions from Tribal Democracy to City-State Democracy in Post-Feudal Europe: Italy
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    Chapter 128 The Germanic City States
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    Chapter 129 The Cities of the Low Countries
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    Chapter 130 The Trade-Capitalist City-States of Switzerland
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    Chapter 131 The German Trade-Capitalist City-States
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    Chapter 132 The German Kings Against the Pope and the Italian-Dominated Catholic Church
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    Chapter 133 The Centralizing Monarchies Become Dependent on Money from the City-States
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    Chapter 134 The Swiss Confederation
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    Chapter 135 The Parliament in the Netherlands: The “States General” and the King’s Council
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    Chapter 136 The Romanized Celtic Colony of Britain
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    Chapter 137 The Invasion of Britain by the Anglo-Saxon-Jute Confederation: Norse Tribal Democracy in England—The Moot and the Folkmoot
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    Chapter 138 The Second Danish Invasion and the Norman Invasion: King Canute and William the Conqueror
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    Chapter 139 The Establishment of the Commercial Trade-Capitalist Economy in Britain: The Rise of the Merchant-Gentry
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    Chapter 140 The Rise of the English Parliament
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    Chapter 141 The Reformation in England and Scotland: Before Luther and Calvin
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    Chapter 142 The Beginnings of the English Civil War
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    Chapter 143 The English Revolution: “Civil War;” “Puritan Revolt”
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    Chapter 144 With Monarchy and Feudalism Defeated, the Struggle Between the Rich, the Poor, and the Middle Classes Takes Center Stage
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    Chapter 145 Rational-Legal Authority in England
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    Chapter 146 The Rise of the Rational-Scientific Worldview in Britain
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    Chapter 147 The United States: The English Revolution Continues; Frontier Property and the Emergence of a Majority Middle Class
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    Chapter 148 France: The Stalemate of Classes; Anarchic and Anomic Violence
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    Chapter 149 Germany: Feudalism/Kingship and the Warrior Cynosure Remain Culturally Dominant
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    Chapter 150 Spain: The Conquest of the Muslims and the New World Empires Empowers the Monarchy and Weakens the Commercial Classes
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    Chapter 151 Conclusions on the Rise of Commercial Capitalism, Parliamentary Democracy, and the Decline of Feudalism
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    Chapter 152 From Trade Capitalism to Industrial Capitalism
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    Chapter 153 The Class Structure of Industrial Capitalism
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    Chapter 154 Women’s Gender Roles: From Horticultural Tribes to Modern Technocratic “White Collar” Work
Attention for Chapter 42: The Reform Movements and the Ethic of Social Justice
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