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Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures

Overview of attention for book
Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures
Springer Netherlands

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
  2. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8413 Agriculture in Japan
  3. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8421 Ajima Naonobu
  4. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8437 Animal Domestication
  5. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8459 Astronomy in Native North America
  6. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8466 Aztec Science
  7. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8467 Astrology in Babylonia
  8. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8471 Beads
  9. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8482 Eclipses: Calculating and Predicting Eclipses
  10. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8484 Calendars in Egypt
  11. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8490 Celestial Vault and Sphere
  12. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8505 Cities and Towns in Ancient Israel (Bronze and Iron Ages)
  13. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8512 City Planning: Aztec City Planning
  14. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8520 Colonialism and Science in the Americas
  15. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8525 Comets and Meteors in the Islamic World
  16. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8526 Mathematics Communicating Across Culture and Time
  17. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8541 Divination: Science, Technology, and the Mantic Arts in Traditional China
  18. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8548 Metallurgy: Early Metallurgy in Mesopotamia
  19. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8562 Embalming in Egypt
  20. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8564 Environment and Nature in Buddhism
  21. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8568 Environment and Nature: The Natural Environment in Native American Thought
  22. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8569 Environment and Nature in the Amazon
  23. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8570 Environment and Nature in Buddhist Thailand: Spirit(s) of Conservation
  24. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8580 Ethnobotany in Native North America
  25. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8611 Geography in the Islamic World
  26. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8617 Geomancy in China
  27. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8637 Holography
  28. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8643 Ibn Al-‘Arabī
  29. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8647 Ethnomathematics of the Inkas
  30. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8650 Knowledge Systems: Indigenous Knowledge of Trees and Forests
  31. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8684 Kitora Burial Mound
  32. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8694 Medicine in Korea
  33. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8717 Maps and Mapmaking in Africa
  34. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8718 Maps and Mapmaking in Ancient Egypt
  35. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8721 Maps and Mapmaking in China
  36. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8731 Maps and Mapmaking: Chinese Geomantic Maps
  37. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8735 Mathematics and Astronomies of the Ancient Berbers
  38. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8744 Mathematics in Vietnam
  39. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8750 Ceramics: Maya Pottery
  40. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8751 City and Town Planning of the Maya
  41. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8760 Medicine and Colonialism in Sri Lanka
  42. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8772 Megalithic Monuments in Korea
  43. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8778 Metallurgy in Ancient Eastern Eurasia
  44. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8802 Mummies in Egypt
  45. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8804 Ceramics in Pre-Hispanic North America
  46. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8815 Obelisks in Ancient Egypt
  47. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8820 Ottoman Science
  48. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8905 Building Construction
  49. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8911 Ceramics in Africa
  50. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8975 Astronomy in Japan: A Cultural History
  51. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 8988 Almagest: Its Reception and Transmission in the Islamic World
  52. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9016 Gardens in Japan
  53. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9105 Astronomical Monuments in Polynesia and Micronesia
  54. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9148 Ceramics in Korea
  55. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9163 Medicine in Oceania
  56. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9206 Algebra in India: Bījagaṇita
  57. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9208 Arithmetic in India: Pāṭīgaṇita
  58. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9212 Astronomy in Egypt
  59. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9216 Bakhshālī Manuscript
  60. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9223 Combinatorics in Indian Mathematics
  61. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9226 Geometry in Islamic Mathematics
  62. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9238 Ibn Muʿādh
  63. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9247 Ibn Yūnus
  64. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9258 Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ
  65. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9259 Isḥāq Ibn Ḥunayn
  66. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9262 Kūshyār ibn Labbān
  67. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9263 Līlāvatī
  68. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9269 Marāgha
  69. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9274 Metallurgy in Egypt
  70. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9276 Nāṣir-I Khusraw
  71. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9278 Number Theory in India
  72. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9280 Nyāya
  73. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9281 Observatories in the Islamic World
  74. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9291 Al-Samarqandī
  75. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9306 Al-Ḥajjāj
  76. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9316 Al-Khalīlī
  77. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9322 Al-Māridīnī, Jamāl al-Dīn, and Badr al-Dīn
  78. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9348 Jiuzhang Suanshu
  79. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9365 Leather Work in Ancient Egypt
  80. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9369 Mathematics in Egypt: Mathematical Leather Roll
  81. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9413 Abacus
  82. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9418 Knowledge Systems of Indigenous America
  83. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9434 Ethnobotany of Alaska: A Southwestern Alaska Perspective
  84. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9476 Bread in Africa
  85. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9555 Calculus
  86. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9563 Devācārya
  87. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9573 Jagannātha Samrāṭ
  88. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9576 Kamalākara
  89. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9582 Mahādeva
  90. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9584 Makaranda
  91. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9588 Parameśvara
  92. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9589 Pauliśa
  93. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9590 Precession of the Equinoxes
  94. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9620 Ethnobotany in Pakistan
  95. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9623 Ibn al-Shāṭir
  96. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9630 Archaeoastronomy of North Africa
  97. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9644 Nilometer
  98. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9717 Cosmologies of India
  99. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9726 Cosmetic Surgery in Ancient India
  100. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9727 Surgery in Ancient India
  101. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9740 Ceramics: Rethinking Olmec Pottery
  102. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9741 Architecture and Landscape in India
  103. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9771 Maps and Mapmaking in Egypt: Turin Papyrus Map
  104. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9778 Magic Squares in India
  105. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9797 Ajanta
  106. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9798 Acoustics at Chichen Itza
  107. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9815 Altars in China
  108. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9822 Architecture of the Maya
  109. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9824 Astronomy in the Argentinian Chaco
  110. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9828 Barrow in China
  111. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9829 Basketry in Africa
  112. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9833 Beer Production in Peru
  113. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9835 Betel Nuts
  114. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9836 Board Games in Antiquity
  115. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9840 Calendars and Timekeeping Around the World
  116. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9841 Calendars in Turkey
  117. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9842 Hydraulic Engineering at Angkor
  118. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9848 Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures
  119. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9855 Ceramics in the West Indies
  120. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9856 Ceramics in West Africa
  121. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9864 City Planning in Cambodia
  122. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9865 City Planning in India
  123. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9868 Cloth Making at Chichen Itza
  124. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9870 Copper in Zimbabwe
  125. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9871 Prehistoric Copper Mining in Botswana
  126. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9872 Copper Production in Mexico
  127. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9874 Cotton in India
  128. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9876 Crop Domestication in the Amazon
  129. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9882 Architecture of the Maya: Domestic Architecture
  130. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9884 Architecture in South Africa: Domestic Architecture
  131. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9887 Embroidered Textiles in China
  132. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9889 Ethnobotany of Amazonia
  133. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9893 Farming Technology in Amazonia
  134. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9894 Fertility in Historical China
  135. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9901 Food Production Systems in the Amazon
  136. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9903 Gold Mining in Mongolia
  137. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9909 Hunting in Amazonia
  138. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9916 Knowledge: Indigenous Knowledge in Africa
  139. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9920 Navigation: Inland Navigation in Amazonia
  140. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9921 Navigation: Inland Navigation in China
  141. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9925 Irrigation Systems in Samarkand
  142. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9927 Jade in Southeast Asia
  143. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9931 Kauṭilya and Strategy
  144. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9941 Machu Picchu
  145. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9947 Mancala
  146. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9950 Maya Lithic Production
  147. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9955 Hospitals and Medical Schools in the Ottoman Empire
  148. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9963 Metallurgy in Tanzania
  149. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9966 Comet and Meteorite Traditions of Aboriginal Australians
  150. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9966 Comet and Meteorite Traditions of Aboriginal Australians
  151. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9970 Military Technology in the Andes
  152. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9973 Mining in Angola
  153. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9974 Mining in Botswana
  154. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9975 Mining in Brazil
  155. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9980 Mining in the Congo
  156. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9990 Ophthalmology in Egypt
  157. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 9991 Oracle Bones
  158. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10005 Plant Domestication in India
  159. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10006 Plant Domestication in the Near East
  160. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10008 Polycentered History of Science
  161. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10009 Glazes in China
  162. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10012 Puerto Rico Tower
  163. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10022 Reproduction in Japan
  164. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10076 Hydraulic Engineering in Ancient Peru and Bolivia
  165. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10086 Defensive Barricades of the Maya
  166. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10087 Philanthropy, Medicine, and Health in Colonial India
  167. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10089 Glass in Egypt
  168. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10090 Aquatic Environments in Mesoamerica: Pre-Hispanic Subsistence Activities
  169. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10092 Printing and Dyeing in India
  170. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10111 Geometry in Islamic Art
  171. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10113 Alcoholic Rice Beverages
  172. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10114 Astronomy in Medieval India
  173. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10116 City Planning of the Lao/Thai
  174. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10117 Clovis Blade Manufacture
  175. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10119 Architecture in the Andes: Domestic Architecture
  176. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10122 Food and the Maori
  177. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10124 Ghulām Ḥusain Jaunpūrī
  178. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10127 Hydraulic Technology in Egypt
  179. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10130 Irrigation in Egypt
  180. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10133 Junks
  181. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10135 Land, Labor, Water, and Technology in Pre-Columbian South America
  182. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10138 Medicine in the Ottoman Empire
  183. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10148 Nāgarasarvasva of Padmaśrī
  184. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10151 Architecture of the Maya: Public Architecture
  185. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10167 Bezoar Stones in Peru
  186. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10168 Earspools in Mexico
  187. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10170 Maya Blue
  188. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10171 Millet in China
  189. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10173 Hydraulic Engineering in Petra
  190. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10178 Metallurgy in Southeast Asia
  191. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10183 Glass in China
  192. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10184 Glass in the Middle East
  193. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10186 Jewelry in the Ottoman Empire
  194. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10188 Ancient Jewelry in Turkey
  195. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10189 Agriculture in the Ancient Near East
  196. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10190 Couscous
  197. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10193 Gardens in Ancient Egypt
  198. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10195 Ceramics in Burma
  199. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10196 Bricks in Nineveh
  200. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10197 Alcohol Fermentation in Australian Aboriginals
  201. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10202 Architecture in French West Africa
  202. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10203 City Planning: Yorùbá City Planning
  203. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10207 Architecture: Nomadic Architecture of Inner Asia
  204. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10210 Boats in Goa
  205. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10212 Gold in the Andes
  206. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10215 Architecture of Fiji
  207. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10217 Agriculture: Origins of Agriculture in Brazil
  208. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10218 Architecture of the Cherokee
  209. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10220 Basketry of the Wabanaki Indians
  210. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10221 Ancient Urban Water System Construction of China
  211. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10223 Gardens of the Islamic World
  212. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10225 Architecture: El Morro of Puerto Rico
  213. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10227 Mausoleums of the Islamic World
  214. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10228 Hydraulic Systems in the Middle East
  215. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10229 Agriculture in Indonesia
  216. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10232 Architecture in Sumba
  217. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10233 Geometry and Architecture in the Americas
  218. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10234 Armor in Japan and Korea
  219. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10236 Cotton in Indonesia
  220. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10237 Origins of Agriculture in Egypt
  221. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10238 Architecture in Suakin
  222. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10239 Boats in Indonesia
  223. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10241 Architecture in Hanoi
  224. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10246 Architecture of the Moluccas
  225. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10247 Probability in Non-Western Cultures
  226. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10248 Zeroism
  227. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10257 Basketry of South America
  228. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10258 Jute in Bengal
  229. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10260 Indigo in Bengal
  230. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10264 Landscape and Temples in Ayutthaya
  231. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10265 Ancient Indian Square Roots
  232. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10269 Boats in Vietnam
  233. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10270 Astronomy in Mesoamerica
  234. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10274 Planetary Models in India
  235. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10276 Ethnomathematics
  236. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10277 Nautical Technology in Cambodia
  237. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10278 Earth Structures of the Olmec
  238. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10279 Boats of the Precolonial Philippines: Butuan Boats
  239. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10282 Pakṣa
  240. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10283 Acyuta Piṣāraṭi
  241. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10284 Armillary Spheres in India
  242. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10288 Decimal Notation
  243. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10289 Deśāntara
  244. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10291 Haridatta
  245. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10293 Jayadeva
  246. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10295 Lalla
  247. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10298 Mahendra Sūri
  248. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10300 Munīśvara
  249. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10301 Nīlakaṇṭha Somayāji
  250. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10316 Basketry in Japan
  251. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10320 Environment in Ancient India
  252. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10321 Decimal System in India
  253. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10322 Architecture: La Citadel of Haiti
  254. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10323 Hydrologic Engineering of the Tiwanaku
  255. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10324 Hardaliye
  256. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10325 La Taptana
  257. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 10326 Calculus Transmission
Overall attention for this book and its chapters
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Mentioned by

5 news outlets
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19 Wikipedia pages


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Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures
Published by
Springer Netherlands, January 2008
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5

Helaine Selin


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Mendeley readers

The data shown below were compiled from readership statistics for 157 Mendeley readers of this research output. Click here to see the associated Mendeley record.

Geographical breakdown

Country Count As %
United Kingdom 1 <1%
United States 1 <1%
Brazil 1 <1%
Unknown 154 98%

Demographic breakdown

Readers by professional status Count As %
Student > Ph. D. Student 20 13%
Student > Bachelor 20 13%
Researcher 18 11%
Student > Master 17 11%
Student > Doctoral Student 11 7%
Other 26 17%
Unknown 45 29%
Readers by discipline Count As %
Arts and Humanities 27 17%
Social Sciences 16 10%
Agricultural and Biological Sciences 15 10%
Environmental Science 9 6%
Engineering 7 4%
Other 32 20%
Unknown 51 32%