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Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies

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Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies
Springer, New York, NY

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Atlas and Catalog of Dark Clouds Based on Digitized Sky Survey I
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    Chapter 2 New Views of Molecular Gas Distribution and Star Formation of the Southern Sky with NANTEN
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    Chapter 3 Mapping the Milky Way and the Local Group
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    Chapter 4 VERA Project
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    Chapter 5 Dynamics of Stars in the Inner Galactic Bulge Revealed from SiO Maser Surveys
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    Chapter 6 The Physics of Cold Gas in Galaxy Low Excitation Regions
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    Chapter 7 Secular Evolution of Disc Galaxies and of their Components
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    Chapter 8 Structure and Dynamics of the Old Galactic Components
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    Chapter 9 Galactic Magnetic Fields
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    Chapter 10 Global MHD Simulations of Galactic Gas Disks
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    Chapter 11 Numerical Modeling of the ISM in the Galactic Center and Disks
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    Chapter 12 The Warp and Spiral Arms of the Milky Way
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    Chapter 13 The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey (PGMS)
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    Chapter 14 Mapping Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Giant Molecular Clouds
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    Chapter 15 The Shapes and Supersonic Motions of Molecular Clouds
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    Chapter 16 Millimeter Dust Continuum Emission as a Tracer of Molecular Gas in Galaxies
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    Chapter 17 Mapping Circumnuclear Dust in Nearby Galaxies
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    Chapter 18 Star Formation in the Central Regions of Galaxies
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    Chapter 19 The Synchrotron Cut-off Frequency of Relativistic Electrons in the Radio Arc and their Acceleration Area
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    Chapter 20 The Origin of σ–drops: Mapping Stellar Kinematics and Populations in Spirals
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    Chapter 21 Star Formation and Molecular Gas in AGN
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    Chapter 22 AGN Feeding and AGN Feedback
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    Chapter 23 Suzaku Observations of the Galactic Center: The Origin of Highly Ionized Iron Lines
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    Chapter 24 Nuclear Spirals in Galaxies
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    Chapter 25 Nobeyama CO Atlas of Nearby Spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 26 CO-Line Rotation Curves, Deep Potential of Massive Cores, and High-density Molecular Nuclei
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    Chapter 27 Gas Kinematics from the Center to the Outer Disk
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    Chapter 28 Gas Flows and Bars in Galaxies
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    Chapter 29 Molecular Gas in the Andromeda Galaxy: Properties of the Molecular Clouds
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    Chapter 30 Atomic and Molecular Gas in Disk Galaxies
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    Chapter 31 The Outer Disks of Spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 32 A Complete CO 2-1 Map of M51 with HERA
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    Chapter 33 Mapping of Nearby Galaxies in [CI] 370 μm and CO (7→6) 371 μm
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    Chapter 34 Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies
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    Chapter 35 Extragalactic Magnetic Fields
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    Chapter 36 Galactic Winds
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    Chapter 37 Ram Pressure Stripping in the Virgo Cluster
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    Chapter 38 From Nearby to High Redshift Compact Group of Galaxies
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    Chapter 39 The Cosmic Evolution Survey–COSMOS
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    Chapter 40 Dynamics of High-z Galaxies
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    Chapter 41 Coevolution and Downsizing of Supermassive Black Holes and Galactic Bulges
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    Chapter 42 Molecular Gas in the Early Universe
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    Chapter 43 Galaxy Evolution Viewed as Functions of Environment and Mass
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    Chapter 44 Structure of Galactic Dark Halos and Observational Prospects for Identifying the Nature of Dark Matter
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    Chapter 45 Star Formation Morphology in a Sample of Local Galaxies
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    Chapter 46 The External Zones of Spiral Galaxies: Truncations, No Truncations and Antitruncations
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    Chapter 47 Tracing Galaxy Evolution in the Field: the UV Emission in Shell Galaxies Mapped by GALEX
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    Chapter 48 Star Formation in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies: Mapping in UV, Optical, and CO
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    Chapter 49 The Effect of Cosmological Large–scale Structure on the Orientation of Galaxies
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    Chapter 50 A Physical Classification Scheme for Disk Galaxies
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    Chapter 51 Evolution of dE Galaxies in Abell 496
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    Chapter 52 Kinematics and Morphology of Peculiar Virgo Cluster Galaxies
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    Chapter 53 The Outskirts of Milky Way
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    Chapter 54 Seyferts in 3D: Probing the Kinematic Signatures of Gas Fueling
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    Chapter 55 Galaxies with Nested Bars: Constraining Their Formation Scenarios
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    Chapter 56 Determination of Pattern Speed and Star Formation Timescale in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 57 Contribution of Gas-rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies to the Local Universe
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    Chapter 58 New Catalogs of Radio Compact HII Regions in the Milky Way
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    Chapter 59 Revealing Cosmic Magnetism with the Square Kilometre Array
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    Chapter 60 Maps of the Galaxy in HI with GALFA
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    Chapter 61 TCS-CAIN: NIR Survey of the Galactic Plane
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    Chapter 62 Young Stellar Clusters in the Southern Spiral Arm of NGC 2997
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    Chapter 63 Gas Feeding to the Galactic Center Region within 10 pc in Our Galaxy
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    Chapter 64 Water Maser Sources in the Outer Galaxy
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    Chapter 65 Mapping Galactic Magnetism through Faraday Rotation of Polarized Extragalactic Sources
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    Chapter 66 H13CO+ and Thermal SiO Observations of G0.11–0.11; an Extremely Large Column Density Cloud
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    Chapter 67 A Possible Detection of CO (J = 3–2) Emission from the Host Galaxy of GRB980425 with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
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    Chapter 68 Formation of the Comet Cloud by the Galactic Tide
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    Chapter 69 Radio–Far-Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Young Starbursts
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    Chapter 70 GMCs in the Nearby Galaxy IC 342
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    Chapter 71 Observations of H2O Maser Sources in Nearby Molecular Clouds with VERA
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    Chapter 72 A Systematic Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Nuclear Starbursts in Seyfert Galaxies – Implications for an an AGN Fueling Mechanism –
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    Chapter 73 Ultraviolet Colours and Dust Properties of Nearby Normal Galaxies
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    Chapter 74 Possible Detection of Outer Plasma Around AGN Jets
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    Chapter 75 Candidate Streams of the Galactic Globular Clusters
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    Chapter 76 Distances to Streams of High Velocity Clouds
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    Chapter 77 Atomic Carbon in the Southern Galactic Plane
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    Chapter 78 Delectability of Massive Tori in Proto-QSOs with ALMA
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    Chapter 79 Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Magellanic Clouds
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    Chapter 80 The Angstrom Project
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    Chapter 81 Mid-J CO Emissions from the Star Forming Complexes in the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud
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    Chapter 82 Dust Lanes and Starburst Rings in Barred-spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 83 Molecular Gas and Star Formation in M83
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    Chapter 84 Mapping the Inner Boxy Bulge of the Milky Way
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    Chapter 85 Revealing the Three Dimensional Structure of the ISM in the Galaxy
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    Chapter 86 Effects of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary on a Nuclear Gas Disk
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    Chapter 87 The Distribution of Mira Variables in the Galactic Bulge
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    Chapter 88 Molecular Bubbles and Outflows in the Edge-on Starburst Galaxies M82 and NGC 2146
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    Chapter 89 The Star Formation Properties of HI Selected Galaxies from SINGG
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    Chapter 90 Dense Clouds and Star Formation on Spiral Arm in M33 -deep CO and HCN Observation in NGC604-
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    Chapter 91 Flux Variability of Sgr A *at Short Millimeter Wavelengths
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    Chapter 92 The Feedback Between the Starburst and the ISM in NGC1569
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    Chapter 93 CO(3-2) Wide Area Imaging of M 83 with ASTE: Correlation between CO(3-2)/CO(1-0) Ratios and Star Formation Efficiencies
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    Chapter 94 Kinematic Aging and Spectral Aging in Young Radio Galaxies
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    Chapter 95 A High-velocity [CI] Wing Emission Toward the M17 Molecular Cloud
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    Chapter 96 Evaporation of Tiny HI Clouds: Possible Probes of Physical State of the Galactic Gas Disk
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    Chapter 97 A Wide Survey in NH3 Lines of the Central 200 pc Around the Galactic Center with Kagoshima 6 Meter Radio Telescope
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    Chapter 98 Inclination Angle of the LMC Disk
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    Chapter 99 Three-Dimensional HI and H2 Gas Maps of the Milky Way Galaxy
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    Chapter 100 Radio Continuum and Water Vapor Maser Monitoring Toward the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 6240
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    Chapter 101 Structure of the Galactic Bulge and Near Infrared Interstellar Extinction Law
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    Chapter 102 Si and Fe Depletion in Star-forming Regions Probed by Infrared Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 103 Simulations of Coevolving Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
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    Chapter 104 Nuclear Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 105 Macrolens Toward the Galactic Center
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    Chapter 106 Barstrength and Circumnuclear Dust Structure
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    Chapter 107 Spatially-Dependent Metal Abundances in M82
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    Chapter 108 Anomalous Absorption Towards the Galactic Anticenter: A Blind Search for Dense Molecular Clouds
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    Chapter 109 Tidal Disruption of Dark Matter Halos Around Proto-globular Cluster
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    Chapter 110 NRO/CSO/ASTE Galactic Plane CO Survey
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    Chapter 111 Structure and Kinematics of CO (J=2-1) Emission in the Central Region of NGC 4258
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    Chapter 112 Stellar Populations in the Galactic Bulge
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    Chapter 113 Nearby Galaxy Imaging with WFGS2 and SIRIUS
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    Chapter 114 Radio Atlas of Supernova Remnant at 8.38 GHz
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    Chapter 115 HCN and HCO+ Imaging of the Antennae Galaxies: Distribution and Evolution of Dense Molecular Gas in a Colliding Galaxy System
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    Chapter 116 Kinematics of Molecular Gas in the Bar of Maffei 2
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    Chapter 117 A Subaru/Suprime-Cam Survey of the Andromeda Giant Stream: Constraints of the Dwarf Galaxy as the Stream's Progenitor
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    Chapter 118 Giant Molecular Association in Spiral Arms of M 31: Evidence for Dense Gas Formation via Spiral Shock Associated with Density Waves?
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    Chapter 119 SLUGS: Dust along the Hubble Sequence
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    Chapter 120 Beyond the Unified Theory: Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei Driven by Starburst Events
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    Chapter 121 Water-Vapor Maser Disk at the Nucleus of the Seyfert 2 IC 2560
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    Chapter 122 Structure, Evolution and Instability of a Self-gravitating Disk Subject to a Rapidly Rotating Bar
Attention for Chapter 36: Galactic Winds
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Chapter title
Galactic Winds
Chapter number 36
Book title
Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies
Published in
ADS, January 2008
DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-72768-4_36
Book ISBNs
978-0-387-72767-7, 978-0-387-72768-4

Sylvain Veilleux


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Physics and Astronomy 6 86%
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