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Mathematical Software – ICMS 2010

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Mathematical Software – ICMS 2010
Springer Science & Business Media

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Computational Discrete Geometry
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    Chapter 2 Exploiting Structured Sparsity in Large Scale Semidefinite Programming Problems
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    Chapter 3 Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing
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    Chapter 4 The Sage Project: Unifying Free Mathematical Software to Create a Viable Alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and MATLAB
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    Chapter 5 Sollya: An Environment for the Development of Numerical Codes
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    Chapter 6 Validated Special Functions Software
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    Chapter 7 The Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical Functions (DDMF)
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    Chapter 8 Reliable Computing with GNU MPFR
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    Chapter 9 Simplicial Cohomology of Smooth Orbifolds in GAP
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    Chapter 10 Computing Polycyclic Quotients of Finitely (L-)Presented Groups via Groebner Bases
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    Chapter 11 Constructive Membership Testing in Black-Box Classical Groups
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    Chapter 12 Towards High-Performance Computational Algebra with GAP
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    Chapter 13 An Improvement of a Function Computing Normalizers for Permutation Groups
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    Chapter 14 A GAP Package for Computation with Coherent Configurations
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    Chapter 15 CoCoALib: A C++ Library for Computations in Commutative Algebra... and Beyond
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    Chapter 16 LinBox Founding Scope Allocation, Parallel Building Blocks, and Separate Compilation
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    Chapter 17 FGb: A Library for Computing Gröbner Bases
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    Chapter 18 Fast Library for Number Theory: An Introduction
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    Chapter 19 Controlled Perturbation for Certified Geometric Computing with Fixed-Precision Arithmetic
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    Chapter 20 Exact Geometric and Algebraic Computations in CGAL
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    Chapter 21 On Solving Systems of Bivariate Polynomials
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    Chapter 22 Accurate and Reliable Computing in Floating-Point Arithmetic
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    Chapter 23 Deferring Dag Construction by Storing Sums of Floats Speeds-Up Exact Decision Computations Based on Expression Dags
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    Chapter 24 The Design of Core 2: A Library for Exact Numeric Computation in Geometry and Algebra
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    Chapter 25 Introducing HOL Zero
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    Chapter 26 Euler’s Polyhedron Formula in mizar
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    Chapter 27 Building a Library of Mechanized Mathematical Proofs: Why Do It? and What Is It Like to Do?
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    Chapter 28 Linear Programs for the Kepler Conjecture
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    Chapter 29 A Formal Proof of Pick’s Theorem
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    Chapter 30 Evaluation of Automated Theorem Proving on the Mizar Mathematical Library
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    Chapter 31 On Local Deformations of Planar Quad-Meshes
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    Chapter 32 Construction of Harmonic Surfaces with Prescribed Geometry
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    Chapter 33 A Library of OpenGL-Based Mathematical Image Filters
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    Chapter 34 MD-jeep: An Implementation of a Branch and Prune Algorithm for Distance Geometry Problems
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    Chapter 35 TADD: A Computational Framework for Data Analysis Using Discrete Morse Theory
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    Chapter 36 Introduction to Normaliz 2.5
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    Chapter 37 Computer Algebra Methods in Tropical Geometry
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    Chapter 38 A New Desingularization Algorithm for Binomial Varieties in Arbitrary Characteristic
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    Chapter 39 An Algorithm of Computing Inhomogeneous Differential Equations for Definite Integrals
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    Chapter 40 New Algorithms for Computing Primary Decomposition of Polynomial Ideals
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    Chapter 41 An Automated Confluence Proof for an Infinite Rewrite System Parametrized over an Integro-Differential Algebra
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    Chapter 42 Operadic Gröbner Bases: An Implementation
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    Chapter 43 Magma - A Tool for Number Theory
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    Chapter 44 Enumerating Galois Representations in Sage
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    Chapter 45 NZMATH 1.0
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    Chapter 46 Removing Redundant Quadratic Constraints
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    Chapter 47 Traversing Symmetric Polyhedral Fans
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    Chapter 48 C++ Tools for Exploiting Polyhedral Symmetries
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    Chapter 49 isl: An Integer Set Library for the Polyhedral Model
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    Chapter 50 The Reformulation-Optimization Software Engine
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    Chapter 51 Generating Smooth Lattice Polytopes
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    Chapter 52 Mathemagix: Towards Large Scale Programming for Symbolic and Certified Numeric Computations
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    Chapter 53 Complex Inclusion Functions in the CoStLy C++ Class Library
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    Chapter 54 Standardized Interval Arithmetic and Interval Arithmetic Used in Libraries
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    Chapter 55 Efficient Evaluation of Large Polynomials
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    Chapter 56 Communicating Functional Expressions from Mathematica to C-XSC
Attention for Chapter 52: Mathemagix: Towards Large Scale Programming for Symbolic and Certified Numeric Computations
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