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Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects

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Cover of 'Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Structure Determination of Antenna Complexes Using Two-Dimensional Femtosecond Electronic Spectroscopies
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    Chapter 3 Exciton Delocalization in Antenna Complexes.
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    Chapter 4 Exciton Relaxation and Transfer in the Antenna Network of Photosynthetic Bacteria
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    Chapter 5 Which Mechanism of Excitation Transfer Works in Antenna Systems of Photosynthetic Bacteria among Forster, Hot Transfer, Superexchange and Exciton?
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    Chapter 6 Exciton Delocalization in Antenna Complexes of Purple and Green Bacteria as Revealed by Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 7 Red Emission From LH2 at Low Temperature: Where Does it Come From?
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    Chapter 8 Ultrafast Carotenoid Band Shifts Probe Structure and Dynamics in Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 9 Dielectric Relaxation on a Picosecond Time-scale at 77K; a time-resolved Stark fluorescence study on the LH2 B800-820 complex of Rps. acidophila
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    Chapter 13 Characterization of Bchl A’s in B873, B820 and B777 of Light-Harvesting Complex 1 (LH1) from Rhodospirillum Rubrum by Magnetic Circular Dichroism
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    Chapter 14 Spectral and Photochemical Properties of Lightharvesting-Complex II of Purple Bacteria Treated with Sodium Borohydride
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    Chapter 16 Structural Origin of High-800 Peripheral Antenna Complexes
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    Chapter 21 The Size of the LH1 Antenna of Purple Bacteria
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    Chapter 26 Electron Magnetic Resonance of the Chlorosomes from Green Sulfur Bacterium Chlorobium Tepidum
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    Chapter 28 Evidence from Solid State Nmr Correlation Spectroscopy for Two Interstack Arrangements in the Chlorosome Antenna System.
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    Chapter 35 Self-Aggregates of Synthetic Bacteriochlorophyll-F Derivatives
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    Chapter 36 The Role Of Bacteriochlorophyll E And Carotenoids In Light Harvesting In Brown-Colored Green Sulfur Bacteria
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    Chapter 40 Adaptation of the Photosynthetic Antenna of Bchl d-Containing Bacteria to Low Light Intensities
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    Chapter 42 Changes in the Antenna Composition of Chlorobium Limicola Growing in Continuous Culture
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    Chapter 43 Light-Dependent Morphological and Physiological Changes in Prosthecochloris Aestuarii
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    Chapter 54 Localization and Function of Phycobiliproteins in a Chlorophyll A/D Containing Oxygenic Photosynthetic Prokaryote, Acaryochloris Marina
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    Chapter 59 Solutions to the Light-Harvesting Problem: Mix, Match and Duplicate
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    Chapter 67 Studies on the Psii Particles and Core Complexes Using Femtosecond Absorption Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 68 Direct Resolution of Spectral Fine-Structure and Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in Light Harvesting Complex II by Nonlinear Polarization Spectroscopy in the Frequency Domain
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    Chapter 74 Circular Polarization of Luminescence Correlates with Circular Dichroism at Varied Structural Organization of Grana in Pea Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 75 Electro-Optical Investigation of Lhc II Macroaggregates
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    Chapter 77 Mg2+-Induced LHC II Aggregation Kinetics and Its Migration in Thylakoid Membrane
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    Chapter 79 Reversible Light-Inditced Fluorescence Quenching — An Inherent Property of LHCII
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    Chapter 91 A Complex Gene Encoding a Dinoflagellate Light-Harvesting Protein
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    Chapter 94 Membrane Protein Phosphorylation Leads to the Structural Alterations in Maize Mesophyll Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 95 Differences in Characteristics of Photosystem I and II Complexes from Various Regions of Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 96 Energy Equilibration in the Antenna of Photosystem I from Cyanobacterium Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803
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    Chapter 97 Spectral Properties of Long-Wavelength Chlorophylls in Barley Photosystem I Depend on Intimate Interaction Between LHCA1, LHCA4 and the Reaction Centre
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    Chapter 98 In Vitro Reconstitution of Barley LHCA1 and LHCA4, the Proteins of Photosystem I Antenna Subcomplex LHCI-730
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    Chapter 100 The Light-Harvesting Complex of Photosystem I: Pigment Composition and Stoichiometry
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    Chapter 121 Mutational Analysis of Photosystem I
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    Chapter 122 New Types of Reaction Centers Using Chlorophyll d and Zn-Bacteriochlorophyll a
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    Chapter 123 Reaction Centre Complexes of Green Sulfur Bacteria
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    Chapter 126 Relaxation and Trapping In Reaction Centers of the Green Sulfur Bacterium Prosthecochloris Aestuarii
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    Chapter 127 Electron Transfer in Reaction Centers from Green Sulfur Bacteria
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    Chapter 129 A Comparison of the Quinone Binding Sites in Photosystem I and Purple Bacteria
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    Chapter 134 Time-Resolved Fluorescence Measurements of Photosystem 1 from Synechocystis PCC 6803
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    Chapter 137 Origin of the Extreme Longwave Chlorophyll Form of the Photosystem I Trimeric Complex of Spirulina
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    Chapter 139 A Survey of Conserved Histidines in the Photosystem 1 Core: Methodology and Analysis of the PSAB-H656L Mutant
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    Chapter 142 New Structural Details of Photosystem I at 4 Å Resolution
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    Chapter 144 Electron Transfer from Acceptor A1 to the Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Photosystem I Measured with a Time Resolution of 2 NS
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    Chapter 145 Photosystem I Function and Assembly in Tobacco Chloroplast Mutants
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    Chapter 155 Electron Transfer and Redox Equilibrium Between the Iron-Sulfur Clusters in PS I: FB is the Terminal Acceptor
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    Chapter 156 Chemical Rescue of Site-Modified Ligands to the Iron-Sulfur Clusters of Psac In Photosystem I
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    Chapter 157 Charge Recombination Between the Reduced Iron-Sulphur Clusters and P700+
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    Chapter 160 Coherent Nuclear Motions In Reaction Centers from Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Upon 30-Femtosecond Excitation
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    Chapter 164 Free Energy Functions for Charge Separation in Wild-Type and Mutant Bacterial Reaction Centers
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    Chapter 165 Polarization Model of Energy Trapping in Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 172 Acidiphilium Rubrum and Zinc-Bacteriochlorophyll Part 2: Physicochemical Comparison of Zinc-Type Chlorophylls and Other Metallochlorophylls
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    Chapter 174 The Oxidation Behaviour of Bacteriochlorophyll A in Purple Bacterial Reaction Centers and Antenna Complexes
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    Chapter 175 Spectroscopic Characterization of Two New Reaction Center Mutants of the Photosynthetic Bacterium Rhodobacter Sphaeroides
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    Chapter 177 Photosynthetic RCS of RB. Sphaeroides R26 with uniformly 13C, 15N Labelled Bacteriopheophytin Monitored with FTIR and Solid State MAS NMR
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    Chapter 178 15N MAS NMR Spectroscopy of [π-15N] and [τ-15N] histidine labelled bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres
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    Chapter 179 Pigment-Protein Interactions in Reaction Centers of Rhodopseudomonas Viridis: Endor-Study of the Oxidized Primary Donor in Site-Directed Mutants
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    Chapter 180 Investigation of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Center Mutants with Changed Ligands to the Primary Donor
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    Chapter 186 Time-Resolved, Light-Induced Conformational Changes in R. sphaeroides Reaction Centers
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    Chapter 190 Physical Modeling of Slow Relaxation Kinetics of the Light-Adapted Photosynthetic Bacterial RCs
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    Chapter 200 Formation of P+Q B - Via B-Branch Electron Transfer in Mutant Reaction Centers
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    Chapter 204 Proton Uptake and Electron Transfer in Reaction Centers from Rb. Sphaeroides Modified in the Proximity of a Water Chain
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    Chapter 207 The Influence of Quinone Structure on Quinone Binding to the QA Site in Bacterial Reaction Centers from Rhodobacter Sphaeroides
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    Chapter 209 Kinetics of Charge Recombination in Bacterial Reaction Centers Incorporated Into Liposomes
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    Chapter 212 The Natural Defection of Two Hemes in the Tetraheme Cytochrome Subunit Bound to the Photosynthetic Reaction Center Complex in Purple Bacterium Rhodovulum Sulfidophilum
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    Chapter 221 Structural Analysis of Photosystem II Dimer by Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
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    Chapter 240 Mutagenesis of the Symmetry Related H117 Residue in the Photosystem II D2 Protein of Chlamydomonas: Implications for Energy Transfer from Accessory Chlorophylls
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    Chapter 243 Fluorescence Properties of Chlorophyll d-Dominating Prokaryotic Alga, Acaryochloris marina
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    Chapter 247 Identification of Chlorophyll Anion States During Charge Separation in Mutant Photosystem II Reaction Centres
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    Chapter 250 FTIR Studies on the P680 Cation and Triplet States in WT and Mutant PSII Reaction Centres of Synechocystis 6803
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    Chapter 253 Chlorophyll Triplets of Photosystem II Reaction Centre detected by Absorbance Detected Magnetic Resonance (ADMR)
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    Chapter 254 3P680 in Photosystem II with Singly Reduced QA
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    Chapter 255 Protein Relaxation and Kinetics of P 680 + Reduction in Photosystem II
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    Chapter 257 A Thermal Analysis of the D1/D2/cytb-559 Circular Dichroism Spectra
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    Chapter 259 Evidence for one Cytochrome B-559 Per PS II in Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 260 The Feedback Control Role of Cytochrome b559 in the Photoprotection of Photosystem II
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    Chapter 263 Restoration of the High-Potential form of Cytochrome b559 of Photosystem II Occurs Via a Two-Step Mechanism
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    Chapter 266 1D- and 2D-Eseem Study of the [Fe-NO](S=3/2) Complex of PSII
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    Chapter 267 Light-Induced Ftir Difference Spectroscopy of QA Photoreduction in Photosystem II Core Particles
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    Chapter 269 The D2 Protein from the Thermophilic Cyanobacterium S. Vulcanus is Functional in Synechocystis PCC6803
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    Chapter 270 Electron Magnetic Resonance Studies on the Electron Acceptors QA and QB of Photosystem II of Higher Plants
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    Chapter 275 Pathways of Electron Transport, Regulation and the Role of Plastoquinone
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    Chapter 278 Photosynthetic Activity During the Cell Cycle of the Green Alga Scenedesmus Quadricauda
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    Chapter 284 Engineering and Rapid Purification of Histidine-Tagged Photosystem II from Synechocystis PCC 6803
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    Chapter 288 Uncoupler-Sensitive Light-Induced Stimulation of Carbonic Anhydrase Activity of PEA Thylakoids
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    Chapter 293 Inorganic anions induce state changes in spinach thylakoid membranes
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    Chapter 297 Bacterial Overexpression and Site-directed Mutagenesis of the PS2 Manganese Stabilizing Protein: Progress in Elucidation of Structure and Function
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    Chapter 299 Structural Assignments Around Tyrosine-Z in Photosystem II Using Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Structural Modelling
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    Chapter 304 The S0 State EPR Signal from the Mn Cluster Arises from An Isolated Ground State
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    Chapter 308 Substrate Water 18O Exchange Kinetics in the S2 State of Photosystem II
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    Chapter 310 A Correlation Method for Quantification of the Magnitude of the S2-State Multiline EPR Signal
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    Chapter 311 Interaction of NO with the Higher S-States of Photosystem II. A Flash Fluorescence Study
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    Chapter 312 Progressive Reduction of the Mn-Catalase Mn(III)-Mn(III) State to the Mn(II)-Mn(III) and Mn(II)-Mn(II) States by Nitrogen Monoxide
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    Chapter 315 Effects of Anionic Activators on the S-State Cycle
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    Chapter 333 Studies of Photosystem II Using Azide as an Inhibitor of Oxygen Evolution
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    Chapter 335 The Reactivation of Chloride Depleted Photosystem II Membranes with Different Anions. The Relevance of the Two-State Binding Model
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    Chapter 337 Prediction of the Secondary Structure and Topology of the 33 kDa Extrinsic Protein Associated to the Oxygen Evolving Complex
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    Chapter 338 Identification of Amino Acids of the 33 kDa Mn-Stabilizing Protein that are Involved in Binding to PSII Complexes
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    Chapter 340 Reconstitution of photosynthetic oxygen evolving activity with heterologous OEC23 protein expressed in E. coli
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    Chapter 341 Reassembly of the Photosynthetic Water-Oxidizing Complex on the Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 344 Removal of PSII-U in a Strain of Synechocystsis sp. PCC 6803 Lacking the PSII-O Protein Prevents Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 346 Characterization of Chlamydomonas Transformants with Impaired Processing of a Precursor D1 and Oxygen-Evolving Activity of Photosystem II
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    Chapter 360 The Cytochrome bc1-Complex of Rhodobacter capsulaius: Does the Reaction in the Presence of Antimycin a Correspond to a Single Turnover of an Untreated Enzyme?
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    Chapter 363 Evidence for A Nonessential Function of the Small Subunit Pet M in the Cytochrome B6F Complex of Synechocystis PCC 6803
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    Chapter 371 Characterization and Crystallization of A Highly Active Cytochrome b6f Complex from the Thermophilic Cyanobacterium, Mastigocladus Laminosus
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    Chapter 378 Kinetic Mechanisms of Psi Reduction by Plastocyanin and Cytochrome c6 in the Ancient Cyanobacteria Pseudanabaena sp. Pcc 6903 and Prochlorothrix hollandica
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    Chapter 382 H+/E- Ratios for Photosynthetic Electron Transfer in Intact Leaves in the Steady State.
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    Chapter 386 Kinetic Analysis of Rotary F0F1-ATP Synthase
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    Chapter 389 The Comparison of the Structure and Function of the ε Subunit of CF1 from Different Plant Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 391 Proton-Translocating Transhydrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum: Hydride Transfer in Recombinant Domains
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    Chapter 397 Structural Interactions Between Alpha and Gamma Subunits of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase are Maintained After Trypsin Proteolysis
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    Chapter 398 Quantitative Analysis of Tryptophan Fluorescence in CF1
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    Chapter 400 The Relation between the Disulfide Bridge of the γ Subunit of CF1 and the Inhibitory Effect of the ε Subunit
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    Chapter 401 Investigation of the Catalytic and Regulatory Mechanism of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii ATP Synthase by Random and Site Directed Mutagenesis
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    Chapter 404 Deletion Mutagenesis Studies on the ATP Synthase of Rhodobacter Capsulatus
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    Chapter 408 Photophosphorylation, Respiration and ATP Metabolism in Green Algae
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    Chapter 410 Light-Induced Changes in the Structure and Functions of Thylakoid System in the Presence of Permeant Amines
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    Chapter 411 Energy Transduction in Leaves Studied by Millisecond Delayed Light Emission
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    Chapter 419 Molecular Mechanism of Ion Permeation Through the Thylakoid Membrane
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    Chapter 424 Fatty Acids Unsaturation of Membrane Lipids is Involved in the Tolerance to Salt Stress
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    Chapter 425 Adaptation Mechanism of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Cylindrospermopsis Raciborskii Act 9502 to Different Enviromental Effects
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    Chapter 426 Thylakoid Membrane Fluidity Changes the Response of Isolated Pea Chloroplasts to High Temperature
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    Chapter 428 Membrane Lipid Composition of the Cyanobacteria Nostoc Punctiforme and Spirulina Platensis under Various Conditions of Carbon Nutrition
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    Chapter 431 Glycine Betaine Protection of Temperature Induced Changes of Photosystem I.
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    Chapter 433 TLP40: The First Complex Immunophilin-Like Protein in Plant Photosynthetic Membranes
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    Chapter 434 Photosystem II-Associated Protein Kinase Phosphorylates a Novel 6.3 kDa Protein Which Subsequently Dissociates From Photosystem II Core Complexes
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    Chapter 439 Purification and Identification of Thylakoid Protein Kinase(s) that Phosphorylates Isolated Lhcii and CP43 of Photosystem II
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    Chapter 440 Light Regulation of the Thylakoid LHCII Protein Phosphorylation at the Substrate Level
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    Chapter 445 Role of Phosphorylation in Photosystem II Repair Cycle and Oligomeric Structure
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    Chapter 447 Sulfide-Quinone Reductase (SQR) of Rhodobacter Capsulatus: Expression, Induction and Inactivation
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    Chapter 454 Content of Thioredoxins f and m, and of Their Targets FBPase and NADP-MDH, in Pea Plants Grown under Normal and Light-Stressed Conditions
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    Chapter 459 Increased Sensitivity of Photosynthesis to Anaerobic Conditions Induced by Targeted Inactivation of the Chloroplast ndhB Gene
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    Chapter 465 Separation with High Resolution of Maize Superoxide Dismutases By Native Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Characterization of New Chloroplastic SOD Isoforms
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    Chapter 466 The Iron-Containing Superoxide Dismutase of Rhodobacter Capsulatus is Essential for Aerobic Viability
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    Chapter 489 The Response of Light-Harvesting Complex II to Over-Excitation: The Protein Structural Transition?
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    Chapter 494 Photoinduced Damage of the Photosystem II Primary Electron Donor P680: A High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Pigment Content in D1/D2/Cytochrome B559 Complex Under Photoinhibitory Conditions
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    Chapter 497 Photoinactivation of PSII by Single Turnover Flashes: Protective Effect of Ca2+ Depletion
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    Chapter 506 D1-CP43 Aggregates in Photosystem II Formed by Acceptor-Side Photoinhibition are Substrates for an SDS-Resistant Protease in Stroma
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    Chapter 507 Photosensitized Oxygen Uptake by Disorganized Chlorophyll
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    Chapter 508 Photoinhibition Effects On Isolated Thylakoids: Detection Through Simultaneous Fluorescence and Thermal Emission
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    Chapter 513 Fluorescence Analysis of Energy Utilisation and Dissipation by Setaria Sphacelata (C4) Leaves Under Variable Photon Flux Density
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    Chapter 520 Light Stress as Revealed by Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Different Ecotypes of Wheat and Triticale
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    Chapter 521 Photochemical Efficiency of PS II and Characteristics of Photosynthetic CO2 Exchange in Japonica and Indica Subspecies of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and their Reciprocal Cross F1 Hybrids under Photoinhibitory Conditions
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    Chapter 522 Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition in Tobacco Plantlets Grown in vitro: An Ontogenetic Approach
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    Chapter 523 Acclimation of Ice Algae to Higher Irradiance
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    Chapter 524 Light Dependence of Thermostability of Photosynthetic Apparatus
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    Chapter 525 Determination of the Cleavage Site of the Large Subunit of Rubisco by Active Oxygen Species and Its Inhibition by CABP in the Lysates of Wheat Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 527 Chlorophyll A Fluorescence Measurements of an Arabidopsis Mutant, Altered in the γ-Subunit of the ATP Synthase, Display Changes in Non-Photochemical Quenching
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    Chapter 528 Modulation of PSII Photodamage in the Green Alga Dunaliella salina
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    Chapter 529 Recovery of the Photosynthetic Apparatus from Photoinhibition During Dark Incubation of the Green Alga Dunaliella salina
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    Chapter 530 Diurnal Cycle and Photoinhibition in Photosynthesis of Palm Trachycarpus Fortunei
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    Chapter 536 Xanthophyll Cycle and PSII Molecular Composition in Tomato Aurea Mutant at Two Different Light Intensities
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    Chapter 537 Non-Photochemical Fluorescence Quenching in Avena Sativa at Subambient Temperatures
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    Chapter 539 Dibucaine Competes with the ΔpH Indicator 9-Aminoacridine for Uptake in Thyalkoid Membranes Without Uncoupling
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    Chapter 541 Xanthophyll Cycle Functionality in Chlorella fusca Acclimated to Different Light Regimes
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    Chapter 544 The Effect of Dithiothreitol on Photoprotective Mechanisms of Quercus ilex Resprouts After Fire
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    Chapter 553 Natural UV Enhances Chloroplast Protein Damage in Chondrus Crispus, Despite the Presence of UV Screening Pigments
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    Chapter 555 Two-Dimensional GEL Electrophoresis Analysis of Synechococcus SP. PCC 7942 Proteins Under UV-B Stress
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    Chapter 560 Ultraviolet-B Radiation Induce Resistence to the Photoinhibition at Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plants Grown Under Nitrogen Deficiency
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    Chapter 562 Acclimation of Vicia faba Leaves to UV-B Radiation
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    Chapter 564 Effects of UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis in Leaves of Chenopodium Album Plants Resistant or Sensitive to Triazine Herbicides
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    Chapter 575 The Chloroplast Small Heat Shock Protein Studied by Peptide Mapping and Mass Spectrometry Using Purified Recombinant Protein From Arabidopsis Thaliana and Pea
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    Chapter 578 Effects of High Temperatures on Photosynthetic Systems: Fluorescence Fo Increases in Cyanobacteria
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    Chapter 580 Responses of a Japanese Willow to High Temperatures
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    Chapter 598 An Arabidopsis Stress-Responsive Sucrose Synthase Gene is UP-Regulated by Low Water Potential
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    Chapter 602 Contribution of Violaxanthin Cycle to the Stress Tolerance of Semiarid Grassland Species
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    Chapter 605 Effect of Carbamide Cytokinin 4PU-30 on the Photosynthesis of Bean Plants Endured Drought and High Temperature Stresses
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    Chapter 606 Effects of Exogenously Added Ascorbic Acid, Thiamin or Aspirin on Photosynthesis and Some Related Activities of Drought-Stressed Wheat Plants
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    Chapter 608 Water Stress Effects on Variations of Steady-State Chlorophyll Fluorescence (Fs) in Response to Light
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    Chapter 611 Behaviour Under Different Light Conditions of Two Arabidopsis Ecotypes
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    Chapter 613 Increased Respiratory Activity in Light in Synechocystis PCC 6803 Grown Under High Salinity
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    Chapter 621 Iron Stress-Induced Functional Uncoupling of Photosystem II and Photosystem I In Synechococcus SP. PCC 7942
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    Chapter 634 Influence of Cd and Pb on the Ion Content, Growth and Photosynthesis in Cucumber
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    Chapter 635 EPR Study of Mercury Action on the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Spinach Chloroplasts
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    Chapter 638 Photosynthetic Performance of Acer pseudoplatanus L. Seedlings as Affected by Light Availability and Source of Nitrogen
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    Chapter 645 Effect of Anaerobiosis and Darkness on Pigments and Lipids of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Wheat and Rice
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    Chapter 647 Partial Purification of a Protease from Nitrogen Starved-Wheat Leaves that Specifically Degrades the Oxidised form of Rubisco
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    Chapter 650 Effects of Virus Infection on Photosynthesis of Eupatorium Marinoi
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    Chapter 651 Effect of Tobamovirus Infection on PSII Complex of Infected Plants
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    Chapter 653 Sucrose is a signalling molecule in plants
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    Chapter 657 Photoregulation of Chloroplast Gene Expression and Photosynthetic Activity in a Red Alga Rhodella Violacea
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    Chapter 660 Multiple Light and Plastid Signals Control Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis
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    Chapter 663 Stimuli other than Light are Able to Entrain the Endogenous Circadian Rhythm during the Biogenesis of the Chloroplast
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    Chapter 670 Requirements of the CD Loop in the D2 Protein of Photosystem II as Probed by Combinatorial Mutagenesis in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
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    Chapter 675 Characterization of Photosynthetic Regulatory Genes, regA and regB: Studies among Different Species
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    Chapter 677 Photosynthetic Gene Cluster in Purple Bacterium, Rubrivivax Gelatinosus
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    Chapter 685 Single-Helix Relatives to the Chlorophyll A/B Binding Protein Family in Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803
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    Chapter 693 Characterization of Ribonucleoproteins from the Tobacco Chloroplast
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    Chapter 702 Increased mRNA Stability Compensates for Reduced Dark rbcL Transcription Rates in Tobacco Plastids
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    Chapter 703 Copies of the Chloroplast Gene rbcL are Found in the Nuclear Genome of Tobacco
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    Chapter 705 Evidence for the Existence of a Pseudogene for the Large Subunit of Rubisco within the Chloroplast DNA of Norway Spruce (Picea Abies)
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    Chapter 708 Cloning of Cell-Type Specific Genes in Maize Leaves and Characterization of PEP Carboxykinase in Bundle-Sheathstrands
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    Chapter 714 Some Peculiarities of Cicer Arietinum Chloroplast Genome
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    Chapter 718 Protein Transport and Assembly in Thylakoids
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    Chapter 719 Protein Targeting to the Chloroplast Outer Membrane
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    Chapter 721 On the Modulations of Thylakoid Structure and Function upon Adaptation to Prolonged Nitrogen-Deficiency
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    Chapter 731 Co-translational Assembly of the D1 Protein into Photosystem II Complexes
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    Chapter 743 Assembly of Functional Components of Chloroplast Thylakoid Membranes in Intermittent Light
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    Chapter 753 Biosynthesis of the 131-oxo Croup and the /Socylic Ring E of Bacteriochlorophyll a in Various Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria Using 18O-Labelling and Mass Spectrometry
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    Chapter 755 Properties of a Novel Pigment Synthesized by a Rhodobacter Capsulatus Strain Containing an Integrated Photosynthesis Gene Cluster From Heliobacillus Mobilis
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    Chapter 762 Effect of Water-Stress on Chlorophyllide Synthesis and PSII Assembly
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    Chapter 767 Insigths Into Secondary Carotenoid Synthesis in the Green Algae Haematococcus Pluvialis
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    Chapter 775 Induction of CO2 and Bicarbonate Transport in a Green Alga
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    Chapter 776 Oxygen-Insensitive Growth of Algae with and Without CO2-Concentrating Mechanisms
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    Chapter 777 Crystal Structure of Rubisco from a Thermophilic Red Alga, Galdieria Partita
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    Chapter 778 Different Effects of Mercaptoethanol on Cyanobacterial Recombinant Rubisco and Its Site — Directed Mutants
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    Chapter 787 Rubisco: Kinetic Constants of Partial Reactions and Their Relation to VMAX and KM
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    Chapter 790 The Responses of Rubisco Protein to Long-Term Exposure to Elevated CO2 in Rice and Bean Leaves
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    Chapter 791 Temperature Acclimation of the Photosynthetic Apparatus: Balancing Regeneration and Carboxylation of Ribulose Bisphosphate
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    Chapter 801 Network of Inorganic Carbon Uptake Regulation in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803
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    Chapter 805 A PSII-Associated Carbonic Anhydrase Facilitates CO2 Supply to Carbon Assimilaiton in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
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    Chapter 806 Effect of Reduction in Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Caused by Zinc Deficiency on CO2 Transfer Resistance
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    Chapter 815 Effect of Elevated Air CO2 Concentration on the CO2 Assimilation of Winter Wheat
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    Chapter 816 On Importance of Physical Phenomena in the Temperature Dependence of Photosynthesis -A Sensitivity Analysis
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    Chapter 817 Stomatal Regulation in Transgenic Tobacco Plants with Reduced Levels of b6f Complex
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    Chapter 823 Differential Regulation of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenases in the Green Alga Chlorella fusca
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    Chapter 826 Overexpression of Pyrophosphate-Dependent Phosphofructokinase (PFP) in Transgenic Tobacco
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    Chapter 827 Modulation of Thioredoxin Affinity for Chloroplastic Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase by Electrostatic Interactions
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    Chapter 831 Effects of a Maize SPS Gene Expressed in Rice on Its Activity and Carbon Partitioning
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    Chapter 832 Exploitation of Non-Photosynthetic Enzymes to Operate a C4-Type CCM When [CO2] is Low
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    Chapter 844 Is Nitrite Reductase Essential in the Metabolism of Nitrogen in Plants?
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    Chapter 845 NO 2 − Uptake by a NO 2 − Transporter of Chloroplast Envelope
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    Chapter 868 The Release of CO2 from Tall Fescue Leaves Following Photosynthesis under Photorespiratory and Non-Photorespiratory Conditions
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    Chapter 870 Regulation of the Photosynthetic and Respiratory CO2 Exchange in Leaves by External Factors in the Light
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    Chapter 881 The Photosynthetic Activity of the Vine Bush With the New Architectonics
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    Chapter 884 Optimal Photosynthetic Type of Wheat Plant and Biotechnological Approaches to Crop Improvement
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    Chapter 886 QTL Mapping Associated to Photosynthesis in Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
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    Chapter 888 Fruit Photosynthesis
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    Chapter 894 Heat Stress on Rice Leaves Probed by the Fluorescence Transient OKJIP
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    Chapter 895 Differential Sensitivities of Photofunctions of Thylakoid Membranes to Invivo Elevated Temperature Stress in Oryza Sativa (Var. Kalinga III) Seedlings
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    Chapter 898 Acclimatization of Micropropagated Tobacco Plantlets
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    Chapter 900 Plant P-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase: A Target for New Bleaching Herbicides
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    Chapter 902 Effects of Salicylic Acid and Related Compounds on Photosynthetic Parameters in Young Maize (Zea Mays L.) Plants
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    Chapter 906 Effects of Exogenous Electron Acceptors on Kinetic Characteristics of Prompt and Delayed Fluorescence in Atrazine Inhibited Thylakoid Membranes
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    Chapter 908 Response of Maize Plants to Pre-Emergence Application of Herbicides Monitored by Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction
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    Chapter 912 Loss of H2O2-Scavenging Capacity due to Inactivation of Ascorbate Peroxidase in Methylviologen-Fed Leaves, an Estimation by Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometry
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    Chapter 913 Damage Caused to the Photosynthetic Apparatus due to Uncontrolled Application of the Pesticide, Endosulfan: Thermoluminescence and Fluorescence Studies
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    Chapter 917 Photosynthesis of Rain Forests at a Large Scale
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    Chapter 918 Photosynthetic Characteristics of CAM Succulents with High Productivity
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    Chapter 921 Protective Strategies in Plants Exposed to High Visible and UV-B (280–315 nm) Radiation
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    Chapter 929 Evaluation of Photoinhibition on Single-Leaf and Whole-Plant Photosynthesis of Mediterranean Macchia Species
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    Chapter 934 The Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Growth, Carbohydrates and Photosynthesis in Radish, Raphanus sativus
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    Chapter 939 Exploring the Role of Extracellular Ascorbate in Mediating Ozone Tolerance
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    Chapter 953 Modeling Net Photosynthesis Based on Temperature and Light in Colonial Phaeocystis Antarctica Karsten
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    Chapter 957 Reduction of Tellurite and Selenite by Photosynthetic Bacteria
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    Chapter 964 Isolation and Analysis of Poly-ß-Hydroxy Butyrate Granules from Cyanobacteria
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    Chapter 966 Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids by the Microalga Monodus Subterraneus
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    Chapter 973 Synthetic Protein Maquette Design for Light Activated Intraprotein Electron Transfer
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    Chapter 977 Radical Maquettes as Models of Radical Enzymes
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    Chapter 981 Chlorophylla - Photoactive Species in Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Devices
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    Chapter 988 Non-Uniform Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quenching during Photosynthetic Induction in Wilting Leaves, as Revealed by a Field-Portable Imaging System
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    Chapter 998 The Energetic Connectivity of PSII Centres in Higher Plants Probed in Vivo by the Fast Fluorescence Rise O-J-I-P and Numerical Simulations
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    Chapter 1003 Portable Plant Health Measurement System
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    Chapter 1005 A Study of Thylakoid Membrane Architecture by Confocal Microscopy
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    Chapter 1016 Problems with Answers from Photosynthesis: A Way to Teach Biophysics
Attention for Chapter 634: Influence of Cd and Pb on the Ion Content, Growth and Photosynthesis in Cucumber
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Chapter title
Influence of Cd and Pb on the Ion Content, Growth and Photosynthesis in Cucumber
Chapter number 634
Book title
Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects
Published by
Springer, Dordrecht, January 1998
DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-3953-3_634
Book ISBNs
978-0-7923-5547-2, 978-9-40-113953-3

F. Láng, Z. Szigeti, F. Fodor, E. Cseh, L. Zolla, É. Sárvári


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