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Computational Neuroscience

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Cover of 'Computational Neuroscience'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Activity-Dependent Regulation of Inhibition in Visual Cortical Cultures
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    Chapter 2 The Dual Role of Calcium in Synaptic Plasticity at the Motor Endplate
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    Chapter 3 Neuronal Exocytosis Exhibits Fractal Behavior
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    Chapter 4 Strength and Timing of Graded Synaptic Transmission Depend on Frequency and Shape of the Presynaptic Waveform
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    Chapter 5 Autophosphorylation Versus Dephosphorylation of Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II
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    Chapter 6 A Model of the Possible Role of Gaseous Neuromessenger Nitric Oxide in Synaptic Potentiation
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    Chapter 7 An Investigation of Tonic Versus Phasic Firing Behavior of Medial Vestibular Neurons
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    Chapter 8 Effect of Potassium Conductance Characteristics on Pattern Matching in a Model of Dendritic Spines
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    Chapter 9 Calculating Finely-Graded Ordinal Weights for Neural Connections From Neuroanatomical Data from Different Anatomical Studies
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    Chapter 10 Modeling the Passive Properties of Nonpyramidal Neurons in Hippocampal Area CA3
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    Chapter 11 An Analysis of the Adaptive Behavior of Piriform Cortex Pyramidal Cells
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    Chapter 12 Changes in Response Profiles of Taste Cells in the Brain Stem Parallel Those Observed in Somatosensory Thalamic Cells Following Anesthetization of Part of Their Receptive Fields
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    Chapter 13 Robust Parameter Selection for Compartmental Models of Neurons Using Evolutionary Algorithms
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    Chapter 14 Hybrid Analyses of Neuronal Spike Train Data for Pre- and Post-Cross Intervals in Relation to Interspike Interval Differences
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    Chapter 15 Long-Term Potentiation: Effects on Synaptic Coding
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    Chapter 16 Measuring the Information Expressed by Neural Discharge Patterns
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    Chapter 17 A Continuous Time Model of Synaptic Plasticity in the Cerebellar Cortex
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    Chapter 18 Effects of a Diffusing Messenger: Learning Temporal Correlations
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    Chapter 19 Information Processing in a Cerebellar Granule Cell
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    Chapter 20 A Model for Fast Analog Computations with Noisy Spiking Neurons
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    Chapter 21 Stochastic Modeling of the Pyramidal Cell Module
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    Chapter 22 How Neurons May Respond to Temporal Structure in Their Inputs
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    Chapter 23 The Dendritic Origins of Fast Prepotentials in Pyramidal Cells
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    Chapter 24 Entrainment of a Spiking Neuron Model to Two Periodic Pulse Trains
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    Chapter 25 Discrimination of Phase-Coded Spike Trains by Silicon Neurons with Artificial Dendritic Trees
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    Chapter 26 Cholinergic Modulation of Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission in the Piriform Cortex
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    Chapter 27 Measuring Information in Firing Rates
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    Chapter 28 A Model of Position-Invariant, Optic Flow Pattern-Selective Cells
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    Chapter 29 Pyramidal Cell Response to Patterns of Synaptic Input Believed to Underlie Gamma Oscillations
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    Chapter 30 A Detailed Model of Signal Transmission in Excitable Dendrites of Rat Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons
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    Chapter 31 Inter-Arrival Time Spike Train Analyses for Detecting Spatial and Temporal Summation in Neurons
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    Chapter 32 Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Matched to Physiological F-I Curves Yield High Input Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range
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    Chapter 33 On the Generation of Random Dendritic Shapes
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    Chapter 34 Irregular Firing in Cortical Circuits with Inhibition/Excitation Balance
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    Chapter 35 Intensity Coding in an Olfactory Sensory Neuron
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    Chapter 36 Neural Network Analysis of Single Unit Recording from Human Basal Ganglia
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    Chapter 37 Self-Organizing Circuits of Model Neurons
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    Chapter 38 Spontaneous Replay of Temporally Compressed Sequences by a Hippocampal Network Model
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    Chapter 39 A Cortical Network Model of Cognitive Attentional Streams, Rhythmic Expectation, and Auditory Stream Segregation
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    Chapter 40 Calculating Conditions for the Emergence of Structure in Self-Organizing Maps
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    Chapter 41 Dynamics of Synaptic Plasticity: A Comparison between Models and Experimental Results in Visual Cortex
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    Chapter 42 Physical Basis of the Epilepsy Occurrence
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    Chapter 43 Retrieval Properties of Attractor Neural Networks Incorporating Biological Features — A Self-Consistent Signal-to-Noise Analysis
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    Chapter 44 Modeling Delay-Period Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex during Working Memory Tasks
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    Chapter 45 What Do Dynamic Receptive Field Properties Reveal About Computation in Recurrent Thalamocortical Circuits?
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    Chapter 46 Cortical Circuits for Control of Voluntary Arm Movements
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    Chapter 47 Identifying Oscillatory and Stochastic Neuronal Behavior with High Temporal Precision in Macaque Monkey Visual Cortex
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    Chapter 48 A Joint Cross Interval Difference Analysis for Detecting Coupling Trends between Neurons
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    Chapter 49 Do “Lateral Connections” in the Cortex Carry Out Topological Information?
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    Chapter 50 Information Based Limits on Synaptic Growth in Hebbian Models
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    Chapter 51 Computational Neuroscience
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    Chapter 52 Gussto: A Neural Network Model of Gustatory Processing in the Rat NTS and PbN
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    Chapter 53 Single Cell and Population Activity in a Statistical Model of the Hippocampal CA3 Region
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    Chapter 54 A Model of Monocular Cell Development by Competition for Trophic Factor
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    Chapter 55 Simulated Retinal Center/Surround Artificial Neuroprocessing Using Analog VLSI
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    Chapter 56 Interneuron Plasticity in Associative Networks
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    Chapter 57 Parameters of LTP Induction Modulate Network Categorization Behavior
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    Chapter 58 Memory and Epileptogenesis in Complex Biological and Simulated Systems
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    Chapter 59 Modulating the Calcium Dependent Potassium Conductance in a Model of the Lamprey CPG
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    Chapter 60 Nonlinear Network Models of the Oculomotor Integrator
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    Chapter 61 A Simplified Hippocampal Model That Learns and Uses Three Kinds of Context
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    Chapter 62 Short Term Memory Function in a Model of the Olfactory System
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    Chapter 63 Modeling the MCN1-Activated Gastric Mill Rhythm
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    Chapter 64 Modeling Dynamic Receptive Field Changes in Primary Visual Cortex Using Inhibitory Learning
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    Chapter 65 Nonlinear Dynamics in a Compound Central Pattern Generator
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    Chapter 66 Control of CA3 Place Fields by the Dentate Gyrus: A Neural Network Model
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    Chapter 67 A Simple Model for Cortical Orientation Selectivity
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    Chapter 68 Dynamical Behavior of Networks of Active Neurons
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    Chapter 69 Functional Significance of Synaptic Depression between Cortical Neurons
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    Chapter 70 How Transmission Delays and Noise Modify the Simple and Large Neural Networks Dynamics
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    Chapter 71 A Simple Model for Development and Function of Long-Range Connections in Neocortex
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    Chapter 72 Short-Term Cortical Reorganization in a Lateral Inhibitory Neural Network
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    Chapter 73 Simulation of Spontaneous Activity Generation in an Excitatory Network Involved in the Control of the Respiratory Rhythm
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    Chapter 74 A Critical Analysis of an Attractor Network Model of Schizophrenia
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    Chapter 75 On-Center and Off-Center Cell Competition Generates Oriented Receptive Fields from Non-Oriented Stimuli in Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map
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    Chapter 76 Synergism of Cellular and Network Mechanisms in Respiratory Pattern Generation
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    Chapter 77 Reorganization of Ocular Dominance Columns
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    Chapter 78 Effect of Binocular Cortical Misalignment on Networks of BCM and Oja Neurons
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    Chapter 79 A Model for Duration Coding in the Inferior Colliculus
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    Chapter 80 A Local Circuit Integration Approach to Understanding Visual Cortical Receptive Fields
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    Chapter 81 Simulating a Network of Cortical Areas Using Anatomical Connection Data in the Cat
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    Chapter 82 A Computational and Experimental Study of Rebound Firing and Modulatory Effects on the Lamprey Spinal Network
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    Chapter 83 Modeling Visual Cortical Contrast Adaptation Effects
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    Chapter 84 An Engineering Principle Used by Mother Nature: Use of Feedback for Robust Columnar Development
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    Chapter 85 Localized Neural Network Control of Spring Actuated Leg
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    Chapter 86 Bursting and Oscillations in a Biophysical Model of Hippocampal Region CA3: Implications for Associative Memory and Epileptiform Activity
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    Chapter 87 Cortical Synchronization Mechanism for “Pop-Out” of Salient Image Contours
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    Chapter 88 Type-Based Analysis of Neural Ensembles
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    Chapter 89 The Ontogeny of the Nervous Control of Cardiovascular Circulation
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    Chapter 90 Effects of Medial Septal Lesions
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    Chapter 91 Weight-Space Mapping of fMRI Motor Tasks
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    Chapter 92 Temporal Coding of Sensory Information
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    Chapter 93 Testing the Role of Associative Interference and Compound Cues in Sequence Memory
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    Chapter 94 Anatomical Organization of Feedforward Pathways in Cortical Microcircuits
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    Chapter 95 A Model for Periodicity Coding in the Auditory System
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    Chapter 96 A Model of Contextual Interactions in Primary Visual Cortex: Examining the Influence of Corticogeniculate Feedback
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    Chapter 97 A Model of the Rodent Head Direction System
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    Chapter 98 Septohippocampal Cholinergic Modulation in Classical Conditioning
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    Chapter 99 Mechanism for Temporal Encoding in Fear Conditioning
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    Chapter 100 Neural Dynamics for the Perception of Illusory Contours
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    Chapter 101 Nonlinear Functions Interrelating Neural Activity Recorded Simultaneously from Olfactory Bulb, Somatomotor, Auditory, Visual and Entorhinal Cortices of Awake, Behaving Cats
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    Chapter 102 Population Coding, Population Regularity and Learning
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    Chapter 103 A Developmental Learning Rule for Coincidence Tuning in the Barn Owl Auditory System
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    Chapter 104 Experience-Based Auditory Map Formation and the Perceptual Magnet Effect
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    Chapter 105 Spatiotemporal Patterns of Light Stimulation are Correlated with Large Scale Dynamical Patterns of Synchronised Oscillations
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    Chapter 106 The Importance of Hippocampal Gamma Oscillation for Place Cells
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    Chapter 107 A Statistical Link between Learning and Evolution
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    Chapter 108 The Role of V1 in Shape Representation
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    Chapter 109 Predicting Novel Paths to Goals by a Simple, Biologically Inspired Neural Network
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    Chapter 110 Investigating Amplifying and Controlling Mechanisms for Random Events in Neural Systems
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    Chapter 111 Perceptual Completion across the Fovea under Scotopic/Mesopic Viewing Conditions
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    Chapter 112 Neurons and Networks with Activity-Dependent Conductances
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    Chapter 113 Estimation of Signal Characteristics during Electrolocation from Video Analysis of Prey Capture Behavior in Weakly Electric Fish
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    Chapter 114 The Integration of Parallel Processing Streams in the Sound Localization System of the Barn Owl
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    Chapter 115 Expansion and Shift of Hippocampal Place Fields: Evidence for Synaptic Potentiation during Behavior
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    Chapter 116 Fourier Analysis of Intersegmental Coordination during Fictive Swimming in the Lamprey
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    Chapter 117 Adaptive Resonance in V1–V2 Interaction
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    Chapter 118 A Holistic Model of Human Touch
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    Chapter 119 Post Synaptic Density (PSD) Computational Objects: Abstractions of Plasticity Mechanisms from Neurobiological Substrates
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    Chapter 120 V1 Receptive Fields Reflect the Statistical Structure of Natural Scenes
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    Chapter 121 A Computational Model of Spatial Representations that Explains Object-Centered Neglect in Parietal Patients
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    Chapter 122 Cortico-Cortical Dynamics and Learning during Visual Recognition: A Computational Model
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    Chapter 123 Imaging with Electricity
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    Chapter 124 Poisson-Like Neuronal Firing Due to Multiple Synfire Chains in Simultaneous Action
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    Chapter 125 Attentional Gain Modulation as a Basis for Translation Invariance
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    Chapter 126 Modelling Rat Behavior in an Elevated Plus-Maze Confronted with Experimental Data
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    Chapter 127 Modeling the Precedence Effect for Speech
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    Chapter 128 Adaptability and Variability in the Oculomotor System
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    Chapter 129 Using Measures of Nonlinear Dynamics to Test a Mathematical Model of the Oculomotor System
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    Chapter 130 Mathematical Models of the Crayfish Swimmeret System
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    Chapter 131 A Model of Changes in Inferotemporal Activity during a Delayed Match-To-Sample Task
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    Chapter 132 A New Approach to Learning Via Self-Organization
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    Chapter 133 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computational Modeling
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    Chapter 134 Analyzing the View Dependence of Population Codes in Inferior Temporal Cortex
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    Chapter 135 Phase Setting and Locomotion
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    Chapter 136 Activity-Dependent Self-Organization of Orientation Preference Predicts a Transient Overproduction of Pinwheels during Visual Development
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    Chapter 137 A Special Role for Input Codes in Solving the Transverse Patterning Problem
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    Chapter 138 A Model of the Effects of Scopolamine on Human Memory Performance
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    Chapter 139 Spatial Orientation and Dynamics of Papez Circuit
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    Chapter 140 Grid Generation for Brain Visualization at the Cellular and Tissue Level
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    Chapter 141 Parallel GENESIS for Large-Scale Modeling
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    Chapter 142 Large Neural Network Simulations on Multiple Hardware Platforms
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    Chapter 143 Optimization Analysis of Complex Neuroanatomical Data
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    Chapter 144 Detailed Simulation of Large Scale Neural Network Models
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    Chapter 145 Tetrodes for Monkeys
  147. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 146 Internet Brains: Combining Neuronal Simulation and Robots
  148. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 147 Modeling Brain Imaging Data with Neuronal Assembly Dynamics
Attention for Chapter 135: Phase Setting and Locomotion
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Chapter title
Phase Setting and Locomotion
Chapter number 135
Book title
Computational Neuroscience
Published by
Springer US, January 1997
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-9800-5_135
Book ISBNs
978-1-4757-9802-9, 978-1-4757-9800-5

R. E. L. Turner


James M. Bower


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