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Computational Science — ICCS 2002 : International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings, Part II

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Computational Science — ICCS 2002 : International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24…
Springer Science & Business Media

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Inverse Direct Lighting with a Monte Carlo Method and Declarative Modelling
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    Chapter 2 Light Meshes—Original Approach to Produce Soft Shadows in Ray Tracing
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    Chapter 3 Adding Synthetic Detail to Natural Terrain Using a Wavelet Approach
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    Chapter 4 The New Area Subdivision Methods for Producing Shapes of Colored Paper Mosaic
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    Chapter 5 Fast Algorithm for Triangular Mesh Simplification Based on Vertex Decimation
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    Chapter 6 Geometric Determination of the Spheres which Are Tangent to Four Given Ones
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    Chapter 7 Metamorphosis of Non-homeomorphic Objects
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    Chapter 8 Bézier surfaces of minimal area
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    Chapter 9 Transformation of a Dynamic B-spline Curve Into Piecewise Power Basis Representation
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    Chapter 10 Rapid Generation of C 2 Continuous Blending Surfaces
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    Chapter 11 Interactive Multi-volume Visualization
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    Chapter 12 Efficient Implementation of Multiresolution Triangle Strips
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    Chapter 13 The Hybrid Octree: Towards the Definition of a Multiresolution Hybrid Framework
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    Chapter 14 Interactive Hairstyle Modeling Using a Sketching Interface
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    Chapter 15 Orthogonal Cross Cylinder Using Segmentation Based Environment Modeling
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    Chapter 16 Helping the Designer in Solution Selection: Applications in CAD
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    Chapter 17 Polar Isodistance Curves on Parametric Surfaces
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    Chapter 18 Total Variation Regularization for Edge Preserving 3D SPECT Imaging in High Performance Computing Environments
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    Chapter 19 Computer Graphics Techniques for Realistic Modeling, Rendering and Animation of Water. Part I: 1980–88
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    Chapter 20 Computer Graphics Techniques for Realistic Modeling, Rendering and Animation of Water. Part II: 1989–1997
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    Chapter 21 A Case Study in Geometric Constructions
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    Chapter 22 Interactive versus Symbolic Approaches to Plane Loci Generation in Dynamic Geometry Environments
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    Chapter 23 Deformations Expressed as Displacement Maps An Easy Way to Combine Deformations
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    Chapter 24 A Property on Singularities of NURBS Curves
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    Chapter 25 Interactive Deformation of Irregular Surface Models
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    Chapter 26 Bandwidth Reduction Techniques for Remote Navigation Systems
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    Chapter 27 OSCONVR: An Interactive Virtual Reality Interface to an Object-Oriented Database System for Construction Architectural Design
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    Chapter 28 Internet Client Graphics Generation Using XML Formats
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    Chapter 29 The Compression of the Normal Vectors of 3D Mesh Models Using Clustering
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    Chapter 30 Semi-metric Formal 3D Reconstruction from Perspective Sketches
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    Chapter 31 Reconstruction of Surfaces from Scan Paths
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    Chapter 32 Extending Neural Networks for B-Spline Surface Reconstruction
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    Chapter 33 Computational Geometry and Spatial Meshes
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    Chapter 34 A Combinatorial Scheme for Developing Efficient Composite Solvers
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    Chapter 35 Parallel and Fully Recursive Multifrontal Supernodal Sparse Cholesky
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    Chapter 36 Parallel Iterative Methods in Modern Physical Applications
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    Chapter 37 Solving Unsymmetric Sparse Systems of Linear Equations with PARDISO
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    Chapter 38 A Multipole Approach for Preconditioners
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    Chapter 39 Orthogonal Method for Linear Systems. Preconditioning
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    Chapter 40 Antithetic Monte Carlo Linear Solver
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    Chapter 41 Restarted Simpler GMRES Augmented with Harmonic Ritz Vectors
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    Chapter 42 A Projection Method for a Rational Eigenvalue Problem in Fluid-Structure Interaction
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    Chapter 43 On Implementation of Vector Gauss Method for Solving Large-Scale Systems of Index 1 Differential-Algebraic Equations
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    Chapter 44 One Class of Splitting Iterative Schemes
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    Chapter 45 Filtration-Convection Problem: Spectral-Difference Method and Preservation of Cosymmetry
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    Chapter 46 A Comparative Study of Dirichlet and Neumann Conditions for Path Planning through Harmonic Functions
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    Chapter 47 Adaptation and Assessment of a High Resolution Semi-Discrete Numerical Scheme for Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Stiffness
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    Chapter 48 The Computational Modeling of Crystalline Materials Using a Stochastic Variational Principle
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    Chapter 49 Realization of the Finite Mass Method
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    Chapter 50 Domain Decomposition Using a 2- Level Correction Scheme
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    Chapter 51 Computational Models for Materials with Shape Memory: Towards a Systematic Description of Coupled Phenomena
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    Chapter 52 Calculation of Thermal State of Bodies with Multilayer Coatings
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    Chapter 53 An Irregular Grid Method for Solving High- Dimensional Problems in Finance
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    Chapter 54 On Polynomial and Polynomial Matrix Interpolation
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    Chapter 55 Comparing the Performance of Solvers for a Bioelectric Field Problem
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    Chapter 56 Iteration Revisited Examples From a General Theory
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    Chapter 57 A New Prime Edge Length Crystallographic FFT
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    Chapter 58 TopoMon: A Monitoring Tool for Grid Network Topology
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    Chapter 59 Logistical Storage Resources for the Grid
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    Chapter 60 Towards the Design of an Active Grid
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    Chapter 61 An Active Reliable Multicast Framework for the Grids
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    Chapter 62 A Parallel Quasi-Monte Carlo Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations
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    Chapter 63 Mixed Monte Carlo Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Computation
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    Chapter 64 Numerical Experiments with Monte Carlo Methods and SPAI Preconditioner for Solving System of Linear Equations
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    Chapter 65 Measuring the Performance of a Power PC Cluster
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    Chapter 66 Monte Carlo Techniques for Estimating the Fiedler Vector in Graph Applications
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    Chapter 67 Peer-to-Peer Computing Enabled Collaboration
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    Chapter 68 Working Towards Strong Wireless Group Communications: The Janus Architecture
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    Chapter 69 Towards Mobile Computational Application Steering: Visualizing The Spatial Characteristics of Metropolitan Area Wireless Networks
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    Chapter 70 Hungarian Supercomputing Grid
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    Chapter 71 The Construction of a Reliable Multipeer Communication Protocol for Distributed Virtual Environments.
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    Chapter 72 Process Oriented Design for Java: Concurrency for All
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    Chapter 73 Collaborative Computing and E-learning
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    Chapter 74 CSP Networking for Java (JCSP.net)
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    Chapter 75 The MICROBE Benchmarking Toolkit for Java: a Component-Based Approach
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    Chapter 76 Distributed Peer-to-Peer Control in Harness
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    Chapter 77 A Comparison of Conventional Distributed Computing Environments and Computational Grids
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    Chapter 78 Developing Grid Based Infrastructure for Climate Modeling
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    Chapter 79 A Real Application of the Model Coupling Toolkit
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    Chapter 80 Simplifying the Task of Generating Climate Simulations and Visualizations
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    Chapter 81 On the Computation of Mass Fluxes for Eulerian Transport Models from Spectral Meteorological Fields
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    Chapter 82 Designing a Flexible Grid Enabled Scientific Modeling Interface
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    Chapter 83 Parallel Contact Detection Strategies for Cable and Membrane Structures
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    Chapter 84 A Parallel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for the Adaptive Finite Element Solution of 3-D Convection-Diffusion Problems
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    Chapter 85 Parallel Performance in Multi-physics Simulation
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    Chapter 86 A Parallel Finite Volume Method for Aerodynamic Flows
  88. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 87 An Extensible Compiler for Creating Scriptable Scientific Software
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    Chapter 88 Guard: A Tool for Migrating Scientific Applications to the .NET Framework
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    Chapter 89 Lithium: A Structured Parallel Programming Environment inJa va
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    Chapter 90 Using the TrustME Tool Suite for Automatic Component Protocol Adaptation
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    Chapter 91 Integrating CUMULVS into AVS/Express
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    Chapter 92 Monitoring System for Distributed Java Applications
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    Chapter 93 A Concept of Portable Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs
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    Chapter 94 dproc - Extensible Run-Time Resource Monitoring for Cluster Applications
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    Chapter 95 A Comparison of Counting and Sampling Modes of Using Performance Monitoring Hardware
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    Chapter 96 Debugging Large-Scale, Long-Running Parallel Programs
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    Chapter 97 Performance Prediction for Parallel Iterative Solvers
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    Chapter 98 Improving Data Locality Using Dynamic Page Migration Based on Memory Access Histograms
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    Chapter 99 Multiphase Mesh Partitioning for Parallel Computational Mechanics Codes
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    Chapter 100 The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code Using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit
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    Chapter 101 Dynamic Load Equilibration for Cyclic Applications in Distributed Systems
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    Chapter 102 3G Medicine - The Integration of Technologies
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    Chapter 103 Architecture of Secure Portable and Interoperable Electronic Health Records
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    Chapter 104 Designing for change and reusability - Using XML, XSL, and MPEG-7 for developing professional health Information systems
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    Chapter 105 Personal LocationMessaging
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    Chapter 106 The E-CARE Project - Removing the Wires
  108. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 107 Automatic Generation of Efficient Adjoint Code for a Parallel Navier-Stokes Solver
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    Chapter 108 Switchback: Profile-Driven Recomputation for Reverse Mode
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    Chapter 109 Reducing the Memory Requirement in Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation by Solving TBR Flow Equations
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    Chapter 110 The Implementation and Testing of Time-minimal and Resource-optimal Parallel Reversal Schedules
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    Chapter 111 Automatic Differentiation for Nonlinear Controller Design
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    Chapter 112 Computation of Sensitivity Information for Aircraft Design by Automatic Differentiation
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    Chapter 113 Performance Issues for Vertex Elimination Methods in Computing Jacobians using Automatic Differentiation
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    Chapter 114 Making Automatic Differentiation Truly Automatic: Coupling PETSc with ADIC
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    Chapter 115 Improved Interval Constraint Propagation for Constraints on Partial Derivatives
Attention for Chapter 18: Total Variation Regularization for Edge Preserving 3D SPECT Imaging in High Performance Computing Environments
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