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"Smart Technologies" for Society, State and Economy

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Cover of '"Smart Technologies" for Society, State and Economy'

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 3 Prospects for the Development of Seaports of the Arctic Regions of Russia in the Infrastructure of the Arctic Basin
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    Chapter 5 Natural Resource Rent as a Basis for Valuation of Natural Capital in the Context of the Transition to the Sixth Technological Mode
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    Chapter 6 Sustainable Development and Principles of the Green Economy as a Concept for Development of “Smart Technologies”
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    Chapter 9 “Smart Technologies” in Project Management: Rationalization of Decision Making or a Source of New Risks for Information Security
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    Chapter 10 Preconditions of Development and Perspectives of Use of Smart City Technologies for Regional Market of Tourism
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    Chapter 11 The Role of Smart Technologies in Formation of Urban Identity
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    Chapter 12 Evaluation of Poverty and Measures to Reduce It
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    Chapter 13 Household Food Security in Kazakhstan
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    Chapter 14 Impact of Demographic and Gender Factors on Types of Communication Promotion in Social Networks
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    Chapter 15 Analysis and Development of Algorithms for Blind Estimation of Channels with Memory in OFDMA Systems
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    Chapter 16 Linguopragmatics of Advertising Texts in the Era of “Smart Technologies”
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    Chapter 17 Smart Technologies in Protest Communication: Current Practices and Trends
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    Chapter 18 Conditions and Trends of Green Energy Development in the Largest Economies of the Post-soviet Space
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    Chapter 19 Protective Coating Based on Carbon Nanotubes to Ensure Information Security of Particularly Important Objects and Confidential Information
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    Chapter 20 Determination of the Spatial Position of Cars on the Road Using Data from a Camera or DVR
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    Chapter 21 Analogical Reasoning and Metaphor in Uncovering the Essence of Smart Technologies
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    Chapter 22 Investigation of the Impact of Vulnerability of x86 CPUs on the Performance of Software-Defined Networking Controllers
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    Chapter 24 Intelligent System for Diagnostics of Venous Diseases Based on the Microwave Radiothermometry Data
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    Chapter 25 Neural Networks in Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
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    Chapter 27 Educational Robotics in Practice of Modern School
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    Chapter 28 Laser Diagnostics of Biological Objects by Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy
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    Chapter 29 Ellipsometry of Nanocomposite Layered Materials
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    Chapter 30 Analysis of Calculation Models of kPrice Coefficient in Electricity and Capacity Markets
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    Chapter 32 Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Sensory Properties of Carbon Nanotubes When Modifying Their Surface with Boron Atoms
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    Chapter 33 Nanofilters Based on Carbon Nanomaterials for Cleaning Liquids
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    Chapter 34 System of Ornithological Protection of Airfields
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    Chapter 36 Overview of Foreign and Domestic Experience in the Formation and Development of the Waste Management Industry
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    Chapter 37 Smart Technologies in Foreign Language Training
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    Chapter 38 Digital Technologies in Russia: Trends, Place and Role in Economy
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    Chapter 39 Innovative Technologies in the Training of University Specialists
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    Chapter 40 Software Suite for the Analysis of Financial Instruments with the Use of Neural Networks
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    Chapter 41 The Impact of Smart Technologies on the Foreign Exchange Market
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    Chapter 42 Smart Technologies: Trends, Problems and Prospects
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    Chapter 43 Gold in Innovative Technologies: Demand and Price
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    Chapter 44 Smart Technologies in Scientific Literature on Natural Sciences
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    Chapter 45 To the Issue of Identifying Highly Automated Vehicles (HAV) in ITS Infrastructure (Intelligent Transport Systems) to Ensure Compliance with Transport Security Requirements
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    Chapter 47 The Value of Corporations in the Investment Process of the Smart Economy
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    Chapter 48 A New Quality of Economic Growth in “Smart” Economy: Advantages for Developing Countries
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    Chapter 49 Smart Technologies in the Modern Economy
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    Chapter 50 Smart Technology Advancement in the Transition to the Digital Economy
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    Chapter 52 Local and Global Analysis of Fertility Rate in Italy
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    Chapter 53 Tendencies of the Labor Market and Prospects of Future Professions in Russia
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    Chapter 54 The Role of Smart Technologies in the Process of the Labor Market Transformation: Tendencies and Problems
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    Chapter 55 Social Aspects of Eco-Systems’ Development in the Digital Economy
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    Chapter 59 Competitive Human Capital as a Factor and a Result of the Forming and Development of Smart Cities
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    Chapter 60 Omnichannel as a Modern Concept of Interaction with the Consumer
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    Chapter 61 Forming Analyst’s Competencies of Specialists for Modern Transport Companies
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    Chapter 63 Algorithms of Human Activity in the Digital Age: The Problem of Preserving Traditional Values
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    Chapter 64 The Legislative Process Facing the Challenges of the Information Society
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    Chapter 65 Smart Technologies in Human Resources Management
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    Chapter 66 Webinar as a Variation of Smart Technologies for Schoolteachers’ Advanced Training
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    Chapter 67 The Regional Differentiation in Housing Conditions Satisfaction Degree in Russia
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    Chapter 68 Interaction of Human and Smart Technologies in Modern Conditions
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    Chapter 69 Convergence of Technologies in Education: New Determinant of the Society Development
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    Chapter 70 Smart Solutions as Investment in Social and Human Capital
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    Chapter 72 Methodology of Intellectual Analysis of Candidates in the Personnel Selection Process
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    Chapter 73 Smart Technologies for Smart Life
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    Chapter 74 Smart Technologies and Prevention of Extremism Among Young People
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    Chapter 75 Modernization of Criminal Procedural Evidence in the Information Society
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    Chapter 76 The Protest Potential of Smart Technologies in the 21st Century
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    Chapter 78 Smart Technologies, Human Security and Global Justice
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    Chapter 79 “Smart Technologies” in Education: Development Opportunities and Threats
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    Chapter 80 Statistical Characteristics of Intercountry Differences in the Education Level of the Population
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    Chapter 81 Integration of Information Systems Through a Process-Based Approach
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    Chapter 82 Smart Tourism: International Expertise in Strategic Solutions
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    Chapter 83 Smart Technologies in Tourism: To Understanding of the Sphere and Actual Tasks of Effective Use
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    Chapter 85 Smart Technologies in the Humanitarian Field: The Needs for Practice and the Possibilities of Implementation
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    Chapter 86 “Smart Manufacturing” in the Context of Digitalization of Business and Society
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    Chapter 87 Digitalization of Medical Information Processes in the Health Care System on the Principle of Personalization
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    Chapter 88 Anthropological, Sociocultural and Geopolitical Contexts of the Development of “Smart Technologies”
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    Chapter 89 Descriptors of Sports and Technical Readiness of 1st Year Students of the Main Department of Educational Groups of the GPP-Basketball in Digital Technologies of the Discipline “Physical Education and Sport”
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    Chapter 90 “Smart Specialization” of Regional Economies as a Factor in the Dynamics of Living Standards and Income Inequality
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    Chapter 91 Motivational Factors in Ensuring the Transition to Blended Learning of the Subject “Physical Education”
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    Chapter 92 Evaluation of the Socioeconomic Efficiency of the Film Project
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    Chapter 96 The Human Needs of Smart Nations in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
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    Chapter 97 The Application of Digital Marketing Technologies for Improvement of Customer Communications
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    Chapter 98 Digital Technologies in the Educational Process of Higher School
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    Chapter 99 Smart Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching
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    Chapter 100 The Information Aspect of State Management in the Context of Formation of the Global Innovation System
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    Chapter 101 Interactions of Import Substitution and Public Procurement Based on Industrial Policy
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    Chapter 102 Comparative Analysis of Success Factors for the Implementation of Public Digital Procurement Platforms: Domestic and World Experience
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    Chapter 103 Peculiarities of Interaction Between Health Maintenance Organizations and Consumers of Medical Services in the Face of Healthcare Informatization
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    Chapter 106 Public Policy of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of Smart Technologies Development
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    Chapter 107 The Role of Information (Smart) Technologies in Improving the Efficiency of Public Administration
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    Chapter 108 The “Smart Cities” Concept in the European Union and the Russian Federation: From Project to Practical Implementation
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    Chapter 109 Digital Transformation of the EAEU Economies: The Impact on Trade Development and Integration Prospects
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    Chapter 110 Development of Rural Areas by Means of “Smart Village” Concept
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    Chapter 111 The Concept of “Smart Federalism” in Overcoming Spatial Asymmetries in Russia
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    Chapter 112 On the Concept of Regulatory Sandboxes
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    Chapter 114 Information Technology Impact Analysis on the Structural Changes Dynamics in the Regional Economy
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    Chapter 118 Smart Technologies and Logistics as Drivers of Development of a Special Economic Zone
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    Chapter 119 Assessing the Resource Potential of the Territory During the Digital Development of Society
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    Chapter 120 Concept “SMART” in the Modern Urban Discourse
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    Chapter 121 Improving the Electronic System of Public Procurement in the Provision of Housing and Communal Services
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    Chapter 123 The Use of Modern Digital Technologies in the Implementation of the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Citizens
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    Chapter 124 Managing a Structural Modernization of the Regional Industrial Complex
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    Chapter 126 Smart Solutions for Intellectual Capital Commercialized in Industry 4.0
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    Chapter 127 Smart Technologies in Electoral Fundraising
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    Chapter 128 Prospects for Reforming the Criminal Procedure Through the Introduction of Information Technologies as Well as Issues Associated with Their Compatibility with the Psychology of Criminal Proceedings
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    Chapter 129 “Smart Cities” as a Modern Model of Territories’ Sustainable Development
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    Chapter 132 “Smart Decisions” in Development of a Model for Protecting Information of a Subject of Critical Information Infrastructure
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    Chapter 133 “Smart” Innovations in the Public Sector
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    Chapter 134 Development of the Smart City Concept in the System of Municipal Government
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    Chapter 135 Development of Smart Technology in Tax Control
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    Chapter 137 Development of Accounting, Analytical and Control Support for Setting and Solving Management Tasks of Large Corporations
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    Chapter 138 Artificial Intelligence as a New IT Means of Solving and Investigating Crimes
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    Chapter 140 The Possibilities of the Blockchain Technology in the Provision of the Real Estate Rights’ Registration Services
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    Chapter 141 Financial Strategy of Creating “Smart” Regions in Russia’s Digital Economy
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    Chapter 142 Smart Technologies in Lawmaking: Towards the Concept of Smart Regulation
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    Chapter 143 Perspectives of Implementing “Smart” Digital Technologies in Criminal Justice
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    Chapter 144 “Smart City” - A New Historical Stage of Housing Policy in Russia
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    Chapter 145 “Smart Technologies” as a Mechanism for Regulating Bank Competition in Cross-Border Markets
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    Chapter 147 Smart Cities Today and Tomorrow – World Experience
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    Chapter 149 Architectonics of “Smart City” Management System
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    Chapter 151 Innovative Technologies for Development, Justification and Adoption of Personnel Decisions
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    Chapter 152 Legal Basis for the Electronic Document Workflow in HR Procedures
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    Chapter 153 Modern Principles of Design and Modernization of Enterprise Production Systems in High-Technology Industries
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    Chapter 155 Application of Fuzzy Inference Methodology in the Problem of Choosing an Effective Investment Project
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    Chapter 157 Corporate Portal of a Technopark as a Unified Communication Platform
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    Chapter 158 Information and Networking Technologies in the System of Promotion of Hotel Services
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    Chapter 159 Protection of Information Resources in Industrial Enterprises
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    Chapter 161 Specifics of Company Management’s Digital System Creation
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    Chapter 164 Scenario for Production Planning in Industry
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    Chapter 165 Case Analysis of USA Anti-dumping to China’s Color TV Sets
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    Chapter 166 Preconditions and Driving Forces for the Development of Electronic Commerce in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy
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    Chapter 167 The Application of Digital Technologies in Financial Reporting and Auditing
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    Chapter 168 Marketing Technology of Testing the Demand for a Mobile Application
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    Chapter 169 The Basic Factors Determining Communicative Efficiency of an Online Store
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    Chapter 170 Virtual Teams in Russian Organizations
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    Chapter 172 Smart Technologies in Agriculture
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    Chapter 173 Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Transport
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    Chapter 176 Smart Transformation of the Project Management System and Processes as a Factor in Increasing the Efficiency and Competitiveness of the Project
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    Chapter 177 Differentiation of Clients Based on Behavioral Data Using Domestic Software
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    Chapter 179 Foreign Practice of Application of Smart Technologies to Support Technological Entrepreneurship: Prospects for Application in Russia
  136. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 180 Smart Cyber Resilience Technologies of Credit Organizations
  137. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 181 Development of the Vocational Education Ecosystem of an Enterprise: The Role of Advanced Learning Technologies
  138. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 182 Infrastructure Maintenance of “Smart Technologies” for Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Machinery Market: Needs vs. Opportunities
  139. Altmetric Badge
    Chapter 183 Tasks of Preparing Smart Managers for Smart Business
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    Chapter 184 Concept of Marketing Models Combining at Stages of Innovative Startup Implementation
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    Chapter 185 Financing of Public-Private Partnership Projects Based on “Smart Technologies”
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    Chapter 187 Transnational Capital in Banking Market: Making Investment Decisions with the Help of AI in the Conditions of Competition
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    Chapter 188 Smart Technologies in Entrepreneurship: Launching a New Business Cycle or a Countercyclical Instrument for Regulating the Economic Situation
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    Chapter 189 Culture Perception Matrices as an Identity Management Tool
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    Chapter 190 Management in Higher Education Based on “Smart Technologies”: Digital Managerial Staff vs. Artificial Intelligence
Attention for Chapter 20: Determination of the Spatial Position of Cars on the Road Using Data from a Camera or DVR
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Chapter title
Determination of the Spatial Position of Cars on the Road Using Data from a Camera or DVR
Chapter number 20
Book title
"Smart Technologies" for Society, State and Economy
Published by
Springer, Cham, October 2020
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-59126-7_20
Book ISBNs
978-3-03-059125-0, 978-3-03-059126-7

Alexey Y. Gordeev, Vladimir A. Klyachin, Gordeev, Alexey Y., Klyachin, Vladimir A.


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