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Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination

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Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination
Springer International Publishing

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Exploring Graphic Sciences
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    Chapter 3 Writing Is Image
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    Chapter 4 A Mythological Hand with 45 Fingers. The Olivetti Advertising Office in the 1930s
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    Chapter 5 Leonardo and the Design of Machines
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    Chapter 6 Visual-Graphic Learning
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    Chapter 7 The Power of Learning by Graphic Representation. The Documentation of Indian Historic Centers
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    Chapter 8 Rethink Spaces with Students. Graphics: The Use of Drawing to Redesign a Square in Bicocca
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    Chapter 9 Telling Stories Through Space. Landscapes, Maps and Architecture in Peter Sís’ Picture Books
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    Chapter 10 Developing Users’ Soft Skills in Higher Education Through University Painting Collections: The Tito Rossini Project
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    Chapter 11 Inside Outside Children’s Perspective in ECECC: Graphic as a Reflective Practice in an International Study
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    Chapter 12 Direct and Indirect Geometry of Architectural Paper Model: Images for Imagination
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    Chapter 13 Pop-Up Books. Three-Dimensional Books
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    Chapter 14 Rethinking Local Heritage Through Graphics in Mantua and Sabbioneta. Images, Maps, Fanzines for Narrating a UNESCO Site with Students During School-Work Internship
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    Chapter 15 Drawing and Memory
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    Chapter 16 Integra(c)tion of Graphic Supports. A Case-Study on Parabolic Motion for Students with Learning Difficulties
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    Chapter 17 Using Graphics to Communicate Intangible Cultural Heritage: Kids and Teens at Work!
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    Chapter 18 Reading Dyslexia and Other LDs with Piperita Patty
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    Chapter 19 Drawings Say More Than Words: Bullying Representation in Children’s Drawing in Argentina
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    Chapter 20 Drawing and Writing. Learning of Graphical Representational Systems in Early Childhood
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    Chapter 21 Lettering and Expressiveness. When Characters Tell a Story
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    Chapter 22 Create-Actions of the Morfographic Line
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    Chapter 23 Music/Graphics/Ornament
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    Chapter 24 The ‘Graphic’ in ‘Typographic’: Picture Theory Applied to Type Through Caricature
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    Chapter 25 Graphemes and Standard Type. A Methodological Proposal for the Evolutionary Analysis of Oscar Niemeyer’s Work
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    Chapter 26 Geo-Graphic Map as Representation of the Earth
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    Chapter 27 The Arabic Calligraphy: An Identifying Parameter in Space, Time and Contents
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    Chapter 28 From Sound to Sign. Graphic Experimenting for the Visual Transcription of Sound Expression
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    Chapter 29 Alphabet as a Pretext. Representation and Architecture Starting from J.D. Steingruber
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    Chapter 30 Cities and Comic Books. Berlin in Alberto Madrigal’s Graphic Novels
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    Chapter 31 Imagination and Representation: Metaphor of Designing Thought
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    Chapter 32 The Encrypted Communication in Napoleon’s Telegraph: Chappe’s Vocabulary from Morphemes to Graphemes
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    Chapter 33 From the Talking Initials of Luigi Vanvitelli to the Graphics of the Alphabet for Language Teaching of XX and XXI Century
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    Chapter 34 Doing, Having Done, Doing Less, Doing Nothing
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    Chapter 35 Ephemeral Memories. The Paradox of Images’ Abundance in the Age of Digital Mortality
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    Chapter 36 Strati-Graphics. Relationships Between Graphics and Photography in Print Advertisement
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    Chapter 37 ACADEMY REBRANDING from Coat of Arms to Logotype, from “Dissegno” to Design
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    Chapter 38 MICRO-GRAPHICS. Icons in Visual Communication: Between Symbolic Value and Interaction Design
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    Chapter 39 Norman Graphics: A Multimedia Manifesto
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    Chapter 40 Linear Representation: Contemporary Use
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    Chapter 41 Museum A/V Branding
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    Chapter 42 Graphics AND Motion. Graphics ON Motion Futurism and Motion Between Image and Imagination
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    Chapter 43 Graphics in Process. Fortunato Depero’s Experience in Commercial Advertising
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    Chapter 44 Communication’s Strategies and Images. The Case of Federico Seneca in Perugina
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    Chapter 45 Imagining Colour. Marks as Chromatic Figures of Thoughts
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    Chapter 46 Representation in the Time of Videoclip
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    Chapter 47 Visual Aspects of the Symbols of Terrorism. Identity, Representations, and Visual Statues
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    Chapter 48 Images of Identity: Exploring Local Identity Through Visual Design
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    Chapter 49 Instantaneity, Brevity, Involvement
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    Chapter 50 Persuasive-Graphic Propaganda: Signs, Shapes, Glances
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    Chapter 51 Technology Transfer System. Overcoming a Cliché to Communicate Technology
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    Chapter 52 “Graphicizing” Service Design
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    Chapter 53 Tools for the Communication of the Sardinian Carnival
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    Chapter 54 More History of Representation! Images Risk Homologation
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    Chapter 55 Nineteenth Century Illustrations in “Cosmorama Pittorico”
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    Chapter 56 Seeing Through Cross-sections: Implementations of an Age-Old Graphical Form on Landscape Description
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    Chapter 57 Looking for the More Favourable Similarity Between Graphic Images
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    Chapter 58 Ephemeral Graphics_ Illusionism and Representation in Baroque Machines
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    Chapter 59 Architectural Language, Between Narration and Architectural Representation
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    Chapter 60 Extemporaneous Handwriting. Writing with Light in Carlo Scarpa’s Brion Grave
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    Chapter 61 Modes, Techniques, Sciences and Arts of Representation Drawn Through Images. Religious Architecture in the City of Ohrid in Macedonia
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    Chapter 62 Imagination and Image in Renaissance Wooden Inlays
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    Chapter 63 Nomadic Sign
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    Chapter 64 The Design Drawing, Between Vagueness and “danger”, from Mansart to Domus
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    Chapter 65 The Drawing and the Artefact: Biomorphism in the Design of Murano Glass Objects in the 20th Century
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    Chapter 66 Anatomographics. The Parallel Lives of Medical and Architectural Disciplines
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    Chapter 67 Topography and Topology of the Interior: Lissitzky vs. Florenskij
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    Chapter 68 The Drawn City and the Reconstruction of a Collective Model
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    Chapter 69 From Graphics for Calculations to Drawings for Works: Exercises of Students Engineers of the Regia Scuola di Applicazione di Torino at the End of the Nineteenth Century
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    Chapter 70 Perception and Communication of Urban Space: Observations on Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Representations of Rome
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    Chapter 71 Andrea Palladio Graphic Designer
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    Chapter 72 Differences in Distance Estimations in Real and Virtual 3D Environments
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    Chapter 73 Advanced Heritage: From the Virtual Copy to a Virtuous Image of Reality
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    Chapter 74 Stereoscopy Does not Improve Metric Distance Estimations in Virtual Environments
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    Chapter 75 New Interpretation Tools and Metamorphosis of the Image, How the Self-synthesizing of Visual Elements Influences the Aesthetic Evolution
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    Chapter 76 Display the Invisible. Automated Algorithms to Visualize Complex Phenomena
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    Chapter 77 Spherical Drawing for Understanding Urban Spaces
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    Chapter 78 Concept Art for the Entertainment Industry. Graphics for the Evocation of Imaginary Spaces
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    Chapter 79 Redrawing the Nineteenth Century Panorama of Milan to Learn the Cultural Heritage
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    Chapter 80 Grammar of Visual Communication in Videogame: Analysis and Comparison of Languages Between the Present and Past
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    Chapter 81 Data Representation, Digital Stereotomy and Virtual Museums at the VIDE Laboratory
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    Chapter 82 Two Methods of Optimization for an AR Project: Mesh Retopology and Use of PBR Materials
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    Chapter 83 Integrated Technologies for Indirect Documentation, Conservation and Engagement of the Roman Mosaics of Piazza Armerina (Enna, Italy)
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    Chapter 84 Architectural Visualization in the Age of 5G
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    Chapter 85 It’s Time for Data! Modulations of Representation: Visible, Perceptible, Imaginable
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    Chapter 86 Participatory Data Physicalization: A New Space to Inform
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    Chapter 87 Atlas of Abandoned Villages. An Online Database for the Ongoing Representation of Neglected Towns in Abruzzo
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    Chapter 88 Limes et con-finis
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    Chapter 89 Can a Map Save City Shops? Applications of Data Visualization to Represent the Material and Immaterial Urban Survey
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    Chapter 90 The Use of Graphs to Explore the Network Paradigm in Urban and Territorial Studies
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    Chapter 91 Circle Tales. Infographics to Tell About Contemporary Art
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Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination
Published by
Springer International Publishing, May 2020
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-41018-6
978-3-03-041017-9, 978-3-03-041018-6

Cicalò, Enrico


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