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Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens

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Cover of 'Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 The importance of diagnosis and prognosis in integrated plant protection
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    Chapter 2 Phytosanitary Implications of Diagnostic Activities and Vice Versa
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    Chapter 3 General Aspects on diagnostic Methods: Viruses Microorganisms
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    Chapter 4 Fungal Taxonomy in Crisis
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    Chapter 5 PCR-Based Diagnostics of Agricultural Pests and Diseases
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    Chapter 6 Electron microscopic methods currently used for diagnosis and characterization of plant viruses
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    Chapter 7 Experiences with the Isolation of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
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    Chapter 8 Detection of Different Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens in Apparently Healthy Strawberry Plants
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    Chapter 9 The Use of Nested PCR for the Detection of Phytophthora Fragariae in Strawberry
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    Chapter 10 rDNA Sequencing: An Essential Guide to the Taxonomy and Diagnosis of Colletotrichum
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    Chapter 11 Anastomosis Grouping and Molecular Genetic Typing of Rhizoctonia Solani Causing Crater Disease of Wheat in South Africa
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    Chapter 12 Identification of Physiologic Races and Formae Speciales of Fusarium Oxysporum
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    Chapter 13 Fatty Acid Analysis in the Identification, Taxonomy and Ecology of (Plant Pathogenic) Bacteria
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    Chapter 14 Assessment of Microbial Communities by Fatty Acid Analysis
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    Chapter 15 Testing Viability and Germination of Plasmodiophora Brassicae (Wor.) Resting Spores Using the Fluorescence Microscope Technique
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    Chapter 16 Histological Study of a Susceptible Potato Cultivar ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Igor) Infected with Potato Virus Y NTN
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    Chapter 17 Assessment of Characteristics for Determining Pathogen Populations of Rhizoctonia Solani in Rice-Based Cropping Systems
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    Chapter 18 Monoclonal Antibody-Based Assays for Detection and Quantification of Botrytis Cinerea
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    Chapter 19 Sensitive Detection of Plant Pathogens by Using Immobilized Targets in Tissue Imprinted Membranes
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    Chapter 20 Development of a Dot-Immunobinding Assay for the Detection of Phytophthora spp. in Roots
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    Chapter 21 Detection of Resting Spores of Spongospora Subterranea F.SP. Subterranea Using Serological Techniques
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    Chapter 22 Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Verticillium Dahliae Detection in Soil
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    Chapter 23 Immunological Methods for the Detection of Verticillium Dahliae in Oilseed Rape
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    Chapter 24 Development of a Rapid Method for The Detection and Identification of Colletotrichum Acutatum
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    Chapter 25 Selective Enrichment Improves Isolation, Serological and Molecular Detection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
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    Chapter 26 Application of Different Techniques to Detect Phytophthora spp. in Roots of Nursery Plants
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    Chapter 27 Serological Detection of Spongospora Subterranea F.SP. Subterranea in Soil
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    Chapter 28 Prospects of Using PCR for the Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Potato
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    Chapter 29 Development of a Semi-Selective Medium and Use of Serology for Fast and Sensitive Detection of Xanthomonas Campestris PV. Manihotis , Incitant of Bacterial Blight of Cassava
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    Chapter 30 Characteristics of Large-Scale Production of Phyto-Sanitary Improved In-Vitro Fruit Tree Cultivars Using In-Vitro Elimination Treatments and Serodiagnostics
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    Chapter 31 Production of antibodies against a synthetic peptide based on a sequence common to all tospovirus non-structural Ns S protein
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    Chapter 32 The use of the polymerase chain reaction for the characterisation and diagnosis of yam potyviruses
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    Chapter 33 Novel Methods Based on Genomic Amplification for Routine Detection of Potato Leafroll Virus in Potato Tubers
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    Chapter 34 Routine Detection of Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid in Chrysanthemum Plants by Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction
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    Chapter 35 Identification of a Tobamovirus Infecting New Guinea Impatiens
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    Chapter 36 IC-RT-PCR Detection of Blackcurrant Reversion Associated Nepovirus, and Perspectives of Its Use for Diagnosis of the Reversion Disease
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    Chapter 37 Detection and Identification by PCR-Based Techniques of Diverse Phytoplasmas Infecting Grapevine
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    Chapter 38 Diagnosis of Viroids in Fruit Trees: An Italian Experience
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    Chapter 39 Detection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria in Ornamentals by the PCR Technique
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    Chapter 40 Differentiation and Detection of the Subspecies of Clavibacter Michiganensis by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) - Techniques
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    Chapter 41 Molecular diagnosis of rape seed pathogens
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    Chapter 42 Identification of Space-Specific Markers of Phytophthora Fragariae with AFLP
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    Chapter 43 Physiological Race Determination in Fusarium Oxysporum F.SP. Dianthi by RAPD-PCR
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    Chapter 44 Quantitative Estimation of Fusarium Graminearum Using a Novel Solid Phase PCR-Assay
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    Chapter 45 Molecular Diagnosis of Toxigenic Fusarium Species
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    Chapter 46 Genetic Variability of Ascochyta Rabiei : Population Structure Revealed by RAPD Analysis and Classification into Pathotypes
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    Chapter 47 Detection of Lophodermium Seditiosum from Pine Needles Using PCR Techniques
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    Chapter 48 A Common Basis of Genetically Based and Induced Resistance in Cereals
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    Chapter 49 Quantification of Fungal Biomass of a Pathogen and an Antagonist in Necrotic Leaf Tissue Using Fluorescence Microscopy and Image Analysis
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    Chapter 50 A Novel Spore Trap for Monitoring Airborne Alternaria Brassicae Spores Using Monoclonal Antibodies
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    Chapter 51 Fusarium Ear Blight on Wheat - Epidemiology and Control of Gibberella Zeae , The Teleomorph of Fusarium Graminearum , with Folicur®
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    Chapter 52 Risk Assessment Through Quantitative Detection of Soil Suppressiveness Against Plant Diseases Caused by
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    Chapter 53 Effect of Crop on the Diversity and the Potential of Fungal Egg Pathogens of Cyst Nematodes
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    Chapter 54 Modified Spore Germination Inhibition Technique for Evaluation of Candidate Fungitoxicant ( Eucalyptus spp.)
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    Chapter 55 Introducing Decision Support Systems Available in Germany
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    Chapter 56 Estimation of Disease Severity Using Redefined Disease Incidence
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    Chapter 57 A Decision Support System for Cercospora Leaf Spot on Sugarbeet
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    Chapter 58 An Advisory System for the Control of Brown Rust on Winter Wheat in Northern Italy
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    Chapter 59 Vegetative Compatibility Groups in Acremonium Cucurbitacearum
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    Chapter 60 Causal Agents of Hop-Dying in Spalt
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    Chapter 61 Fusarium Sections Elegans and Liseola : Taxonomy, rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences and Diagnostics
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    Chapter 62 Investigation of Claviceps Purpurea /FR./ Tul in the Poacea Family Plants in Lithuania
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    Chapter 63 First Report on Anthracnose Diagnosis and Colletotrichum spp. Identification in White Lupin ( Lupinus Albus L.) Infection in Poland
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    Chapter 64 Suitability of Electron Microscopy for Routine Diagnosis of Plant Virus Diseases in Extension Service
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    Chapter 65 Use of the Scanning Electron Microscope in the Identification of Powdery Mildews
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    Chapter 66 Analysis of Pyrenophora Teres (Died.) Drechs. Population from Slovakia
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    Chapter 67 Detection of Plum Pox Virus by Different Methods
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    Chapter 68 Image Analysis and Archiving as an Aid to Fungal Identification
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    Chapter 69 Anastomosis Groups and Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia Solani Isolates From Tobacco in Italy
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    Chapter 70 Use of Fungicide-Resistance for the Characterisation and Differentiation of Venturia Inaequalis Strains - Suitability for Competitivity Studies
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    Chapter 71 Isolation of Micromycetes from Pea Seeds
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    Chapter 72 Isolation and Identification of Fusarium Spp. and Microdochium Nivale from Winter Wheat
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    Chapter 73 Quantification of Phytophthora Infestans During Early Stages of Pathogenesis
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    Chapter 74 Description of Microbial Communities of Rhizosphere Soil Based on the Phospholipid Fatty - Acid Spectrum Analysis of Microorganisms
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    Chapter 75 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Verticillium Dahliae on the Cotton Root Surface
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    Chapter 76 Isolation and Identification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF)
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    Chapter 77 Analysis of AMF- Glomus Caledonium J 55-Host Interaction — Activity, Isozyme Patterns and Plant Response
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    Chapter 78 Antagonism Between Mycorrhizal Fungi and Heterobasidion Annosum (Fr.) Bref. - Scanning Electron Microscopical Studies
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    Chapter 79 Pathogenicity of the Isolates of Rhizoctonia Cerealis and R. Solani from the Poznan Region Towards the Wheat Seedlings
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    Chapter 80 The Presence of Spongospora Subterranea F.SP. Subterranea in the Northern Areas of Pakistan Confirmed by Microscopy, Serology and Bioassay
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    Chapter 81 Differentiation and Immunochemical Characterisation of Various Potato Viruses and their Strains by Means of Monoclonal Antibodies
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    Chapter 82 In sig ht ® - A New Diagnostic Tool for Mycosphaerella spp . in Banana Leaves
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    Chapter 83 Feasibility of a Diagnostic Kit for Multiplex DIG-Chemiluminescent Detection of Tomato Viruses
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    Chapter 84 Development of Monoclonal Antibodies for the Detection and Identification of Monilinia spp. Causing Brown Rot of Stone and Pome Fruit
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    Chapter 85 Determination of Clavibacter Michiganensis subsp. Insidiosus Infection in Lucerne Seeds by Immunofluorescence Staining and Direct Isolation Using Selective Medium
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    Chapter 86 Detection of Ryegrass Mosaic Virus by Monoclonal Antibodies and Immunocapture PCR
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    Chapter 87 Detection of Poplar Mosaic Carlavirus (POPMV) by Immuno-Capture RT-PCR
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    Chapter 88 Indirect Immunofluorescence - an Useful Method in Studies on Some Fungal Pathogens
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    Chapter 89 The Use of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Plants for the Estimation of the Resistance to Stem Rust
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    Chapter 90 Detection and differentiation of Three potyviruses infecting sweet potato by PCR
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    Chapter 91 Differentiation of Fusarium Species by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of PCR-Amplified Ribosomal DNA
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    Chapter 92 Diagnosis and Identification of Pathogens Causing Apple Storage Rots, by Using PCR-RFLP and Allele Specific Amplification
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    Chapter 93 Development of DNA-assays for in Vitro differentiation and in Planta detection of Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum
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    Chapter 94 Isolation and Characterization of a Nepo-Type Virus from Reverted Blackcurrant ( Ribes nigrum L.)
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    Chapter 95 Differential Detection of Erwinia Amylovora Isolates from Fruit Trees and Rubus spp. Based on Ribosomal DNA and PCR
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    Chapter 96 Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the Positive Identification of Two Phytoplasma Diseases in Poland
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    Chapter 97 Silicacapture-Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (SC-RT-PCR): Application for the Detection of Several Plant Viruses
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    Chapter 98 Non-Radioactive Probe for the Detection of Strawberry Vein Banding Virus
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    Chapter 99 Detection of Bacterial Diseases of Tomatoes by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Serology
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    Chapter 100 Detection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Soil Using PCR
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    Chapter 101 Sequence Analysis of the Ribosomal DNA Spacer Region of Pyrenophora spp.; Evaluation of its Potential for PCR Detection in a Seed Health Test
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    Chapter 102 Identification of Potyviruses Infecting Alstroemeria
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    Chapter 103 Differentiation of Allium Potyviruses by Polymerase Chain Reaction
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    Chapter 104 Detection and Differentiation of Sweet Potato Closteroviruses by RT-PCR and Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism
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    Chapter 105 The Use of Video Time-Lapse Recordings to Study the Effects of Antifungal Compounds on Phytopathogenic Fungi
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    Chapter 106 Identification and Quantitative Determination of Phytophthora Species Infecting Ornamental Plants in Nurseries
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    Chapter 107 Evaluation of Three Methods for the Detection of Septoria Spp. in Wheat Leaves
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    Chapter 108 Variation for Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight ( Fusarium Culmorum ) in Somaclones of Winter Triticale
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    Chapter 109 Quantification of Phytophthora Nicotianae on Tomatos Grown with The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
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    Chapter 110 Comparison of Willow Leaf Rust Quantification Methods
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    Chapter 111 Comparison Between a DNA-Based Assay and a Soil Bioassay in Quantifying the Amount of Gaeumannomyces Graminis Var. Tritici in Soil
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    Chapter 112 Identification of Complex Pathotypes and Seasonal Changes of their Frequency in Subregional Populations of Barley Powdery Mildew ( Erysiphe Graminis F.SP. Hordei )
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    Chapter 113 Characterization and Role in the Pathogenesis of Potatoes of a Novel Pectate Lyase from Eriwinia Chrysanthemi 3937
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    Chapter 114 Fluorescent Parameters of Two Cucumber Cultivars Differing in Resistance to Mildew
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    Chapter 115 The Rate Constants of Electron Transport in RC PS2 During Disease Development (Stem Rust, Powdery Mildew)
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    Chapter 116 Rapid Assessment of Aggressiveness of Root Rot Agents of Alfalfa ( Medicago L.)
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    Chapter 117 The Role of Prunus Spinosa L. in Epidemiology of Plum Pox Virus in the Czech Republic
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    Chapter 118 Yield Reduction and Seed Transmission Rate of Lithuanian Isolate of Broad Bean True Mosaic Virus
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    Chapter 119 Characterization of Fusarium Oxysporum Populations by Growth Parameter Evaluation in Microtiter Plates
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    Chapter 120 Study on the Influence of Ascochyta Fabae and Botrytis Fabae on Two Growing types of Faba Bean
Attention for Chapter 82: In sig ht ® - A New Diagnostic Tool for Mycosphaerella spp . in Banana Leaves
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Chapter title
In sig ht ® - A New Diagnostic Tool for Mycosphaerella spp . in Banana Leaves
Chapter number 82
Book title
Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens
Published by
Springer, Dordrecht, January 1997
DOI 10.1007/978-94-009-0043-1_82
Book ISBNs
978-9-40-106508-5, 978-9-40-090043-1

L. Etienne, C. Steden, J. Suter


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