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Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II

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Cover of 'Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II'

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Extracting Cosmological Information from Galaxy Spectra and Observations of High-Redshift Objects
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    Chapter 2 A new Code for Hydrodynamical Simulations in Cosmology
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    Chapter 3 The Probability Distribution of Formation Times of Dark-Matter Haloes
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    Chapter 4 Comparison between Disk-Like Objects Formed in Hierarchical Hydrodynamical Simulations and Observations of Spiral Galaxies
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    Chapter 5 Evolution of the Star Formation Rate in Different Cosmological Scenarios
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    Chapter 6 Evolution of the Star Formation Rate at Z∼0.2 and Z∼0.4 from H α
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    Chapter 7 Generalized Hubble Law, Violation of the Cosmological Principle and Supernovae
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    Chapter 8 Cataclysmic Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts
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    Chapter 9 Search for Gamma Ray Burst Quasi Simultaneous Optical Emission with BOOTES-1
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    Chapter 10 Supernovae at High Redshift: Cosmological and Astrophysical Implications
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    Chapter 11 VLBI Imaging of the Gravitational Lenses B1422+231 and MG J0414+0534
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    Chapter 12 Daily Monitoring of the Gravitational Lens QSO 2237+0305 at the Nordic Optical Telescope
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    Chapter 13 Host Galaxies: A New Approach to Distinguish Lensed and Binary Quasars
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    Chapter 14 Physical Parameters in Relativistic Jets from Compact Symmetric Objects
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    Chapter 15 The Origin of S0 Galaxies in Clusters
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    Chapter 16 The Galaxy Cluster Core
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    Chapter 17 The Coma Cluster of Galaxies: Spectral Classification and Star Formation with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectroscopic Commissioning Data
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    Chapter 18 Star-Forming Galaxies from the UCM-CIDA-YALE Survey
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    Chapter 19 Seyfert Galaxies at the Mid-Infrared: ISOCAM Observations
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    Chapter 20 Dynamics of Galaxy Interactions
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    Chapter 21 NGC253: An Infrared View
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    Chapter 22 Characterization of the Star Formation in the Local Universe
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    Chapter 23 Star Formation Activity in the Local Universe
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    Chapter 24 A Stellar Library of H and He Line Absorption Profiles at High Resolution
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    Chapter 25 HI Properties of Luminous Blue Compact Galaxies in the Local Universe
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    Chapter 26 An HST Archival Study of Massive Young Clusters
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    Chapter 27 Study of Chemical Abundances and Ionizing Populations in Extragalactic HII Regions
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    Chapter 28 Chemical Evolution Models along the Hubble Sequence
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    Chapter 29 Statistical Study of Luminosity Profiles of Galaxies Using a Bulge-Disk-Spiral Composite Model
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    Chapter 30 Structure and Morphology of Disk Galaxies with Visible and NIR Surface Photometry
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    Chapter 31 The λ4000Å Break in Elliptical Galaxies
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    Chapter 32 The near-IR Ca II Triplet: Empirical Calibration and Stellar Populations Synthesis Models
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    Chapter 33 Ram-Pressure Stripping on Dwarf Galaxies
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    Chapter 34 Tidal Disruption of Galactic Dwarf Galaxies: Clues for the Formation of the Milky Way
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    Chapter 35 Stellar Populations in Virgo Bright Spheroidals
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    Chapter 36 An Empirical Method to Derive Distances to Stellar Clusters
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    Chapter 37 The Star Population of the Young Open Cluster NGC 1893
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    Chapter 38 Revisiting the Open Cluster M35
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    Chapter 39 Late-Type Stellar Population of Young Moving Groups
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    Chapter 40 Spatial and Kinematic Structure of the Solar Neighbourhood
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    Chapter 41 Spiral Structure Parameters in the Solar Neighbourhood
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    Chapter 42 Are Black Holes Fussy Eaters?
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    Chapter 43 Nonlinear Evolution of R-Modes in Rotating Relativistic Stars
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    Chapter 44 Strangeness in Proto-Neutron Stars: Evolutionary Implications
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    Chapter 45 A Divergence-Free High-Resolution Code for MHD
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    Chapter 46 Collimated Ejections in Planetary Nebulae
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    Chapter 47 Signposts of Massive Stars Evolution into the Interstellar Medium: NGC 2359
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    Chapter 48 Gaseous Components of Protoplanetary Disks
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    Chapter 49 Jets from T Tauri Stars
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    Chapter 50 Detection of Weak Magnetic Fields in Hot Stars
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    Chapter 51 Luminosity and Kinematic Calibration of FGK Stars Using a Maximum Likelihood Method
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    Chapter 52 Oxygen Abundances in Very Metal-Poor Stars
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    Chapter 53 Spectral Observations of the Very Low Mass Flare Binary Wolf 424 AB
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    Chapter 54 Automatic Classification of Optical Sources Candidates to Be in the post-AGB Stage
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    Chapter 55 Non-LTE Inversion of Spectral Lines and Stokes Profiles
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    Chapter 56 New Strategies on the Analysis of Spectral Lines
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    Chapter 57 Non Adiabatic Effects in Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
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    Chapter 58 Fast and Alfvén MHD Waves in Sheared Coronal Arcades
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    Chapter 59 Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events in Space Weather
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    Chapter 60 Observations of Interactions between Giant Vortices in the Atmosphere of Jupiter: 1997–2000
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    Chapter 61 Effect of N 2 on H 2 O Infrared Absorption Bands: Applications to Triton and Pluto
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    Chapter 62 A Comparative Study of Moist Convection on Jupiter and Saturn
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    Chapter 63 The Influence of Decreasing Mass on the Orbits of Wide Binaries: An Approach to the Problem
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    Chapter 64 Resonances and Lyapunov Stability for Lagrange Equilibria of Orbiting Dust
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    Chapter 65 On the Construction of Focal-Type Orbital Elements and Their Application to the Zonal Gravitational Harmonics
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    Chapter 66 Towards a Canonical Reduction of a Class of Perturbed Gylden Systems
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    Chapter 67 Photometric Lunar Occultations
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    Chapter 68 CCD Scanning Technique Applied to Millisecond Photometric Observations
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    Chapter 69 The GTC: Two Years from First Light
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    Chapter 70 Image Quality at the GTC Site
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    Chapter 71 Canaricam: An Infrared Camera Spectrograph for the Spanish Gran Telescopio Canarias
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    Chapter 72 Development of a Network of Standard Stars for the Infrared between 1 and 30 Microns
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    Chapter 73 Laser Guide Star for Segmented Telescopes
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    Chapter 74 Laser Guide Star at the Canary Islands Observatories
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    Chapter 75 Present and Future Instrumentation on the Calar Alto Observatory
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    Chapter 76 Drift-Scan Observations with the Venezuelan Schmidt Telescope. Astrometric Potential
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    Chapter 77 The New Astronomical Facilities at Monte Faro
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    Chapter 78 LIRIS (Long-Slit Intermediate Resolution Infrared Spectrograph)
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    Chapter 79 Astrometry and Photometry with Robotic Telescopes
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    Chapter 80 INES: The IUE Archive in Spain
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    Chapter 81 Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Observations from EURD after Three Years of Mission
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    Chapter 82 GAIA: A Six-Dimensional View of Our Galaxy
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    Chapter 83 Much More Than a Question of Terminology
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    Chapter 84 The Impact of Spanish Astrophysics in the 1990’s
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    Chapter 85 Mid-IR Science Post-ISO: What to do with Canari-Cam on the GTC
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    Chapter 86 An Infrared View of Seyfert Galaxies
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    Chapter 87 Optical and Near-IR Spectrophotometry of the Galaxy NGC1068
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    Chapter 88 On the Intensity of the Extragalactic X-ray Background
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    Chapter 89 Empirical Calibration of the Mg I Line at 8807 Å
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    Chapter 90 Studies of Star-Forming Galaxies at High-Z. I: Detection Limits for the Cosmos Survey
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    Chapter 91 Studies of Star-Forming Galaxies at High-Z. II: The First Results of Cosmos K Band Survey
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    Chapter 92 Mid Infrared Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies of the UCM Sample
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    Chapter 93 Fast Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in Prominence Fine Structures
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    Chapter 94 A New Application Mode of Docobo’s Analytical Method for Visual Double Star Orbits Calculation Using the Hipparcos Parallaxes
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    Chapter 95 The Orbit and Flaring Activity of CR Dra
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    Chapter 96 Speckle Interferometry Camera of the Astronomical Observatory R.M. Aller: The First Results
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    Chapter 97 Spectroscopic Analysis of the Extremely Active Binaries: BK Psc and XX Tri
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    Chapter 98 Counterrotating Molecular Disk in the Spiral NGC 3593
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    Chapter 99 ISO Spectroscopy of the Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 17423-1755 (Hen 3-1475)
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    Chapter 100 IAC Gravitational Lenses Monitoring Program: Difference Signals from 2.5 Years of QSO 0957+561 Observations
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    Chapter 101 Radio Astronomy at the Robledo Deep Space Station
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    Chapter 102 Luminosity Function for Quasars: Samples from Areas of the Clusters of Galaxies
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    Chapter 103 Non-Equilibrium Structures in Dissipative, Self-Gravitating Systems
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    Chapter 104 The Life and Death of C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
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    Chapter 105 Water Vapour Measurements at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos
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    Chapter 106 The Rotation Period of the Trans-Neptunian Object 1995 SM55
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    Chapter 107 On Periodic Orbits of the Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem
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    Chapter 108 A Sample of Large Angular Size Radio Galaxies
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    Chapter 109 Numerical Treatment of Some San Fernando Observations of Planets
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    Chapter 110 Orbits for the Double Stars WDS 15186+2356 and WDS 15347+2655
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    Chapter 111 The Local Association Moving Group: Late-Type Members and Age Subgroups
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    Chapter 112 A Study of AE UMa: Is It a δ Scuti Variable?
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    Chapter 113 Design of the GAIA Mission Simulator
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    Chapter 114 Violent Stellar Bursts. Observational Programme with ISO
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    Chapter 115 Detection of the Planetary Nebula IC 4997 at 7 Millimetres with the VLA
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    Chapter 116 Chromospheric Activity, Lithium and Radial Velocities of Late-Type Stars Members of Young Stellar Kinematic Groups
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    Chapter 117 A New Analysis of the Correlation between Activity and Rossby Number in Late-Type Stars
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    Chapter 118 The Structure and Dynamical Properties of the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 548
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    Chapter 119 CC-Pol — The Canaricam Polarimetry Module
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    Chapter 120 MOSES: A Synchrotron Radio Emission Code for Supernovae
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    Chapter 121 Widespread Ethanol in Galactic Center Clouds
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    Chapter 122 A Spectroscopic Study of HD 89890
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    Chapter 123 The Host Galaxies of Intermediate and High Redshift Radio Quasars
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    Chapter 124 Morphological Parameters of Nearby Active and Normal Galaxies
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    Chapter 125 An Experimental Setup for the Characterization of Ices of Astrophysical Interest
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    Chapter 126 A Flat Baryonic Universe?
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    Chapter 127 Data Reduction Pipeline for EMIR, the Near-IR Spectrograph for GTC
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    Chapter 128 Identification of λ Bootis Stars Using the Ines Archive
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    Chapter 129 Physical Parameters for the Export Sample: Rotational Velocities and Temperatures
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    Chapter 130 WSO/UV: World Space Observatory/Ultraviolet
Attention for Chapter 107: On Periodic Orbits of the Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem
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Chapter title
On Periodic Orbits of the Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem
Chapter number 107
Book title
Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II
Published by
Springer, Dordrecht, January 2001
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1776-2_107
Book ISBNs
978-9-04-815705-1, 978-9-40-171776-2

M. Lara, Lara, M.


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