RT @serdundon: Just sent this excellent chapter along to the rest of my lab. @PomBase is an amazing resource for our community. https://t.c…
RT @serdundon: Just sent this excellent chapter along to the rest of my lab. @PomBase is an amazing resource for our community. https://t.c…
RT @Antonia_Nilsson: Book chapter published in "Methods and Protocols, Eukaryotic Genomic Databases"! https://t.co/LFvCdOtERu
Book chapter published in "Methods and Protocols, Eukaryotic Genomic Databases"! https://t.co/LFvCdOtERu
Just sent this excellent chapter along to the rest of my lab. @PomBase is an amazing resource for our community. https://t.co/ttN2Izx5Fn