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The Armenian Massacres of 1915–1916 a Hundred Years Later

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The Armenian Massacres of 1915–1916 a Hundred Years Later

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Introduction
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    Chapter 2 Historical Introduction: World War I and the Dynamics of the Armenian Genocide
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    Chapter 3 The Armenian Massacres as the Murder of a Nation?
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    Chapter 4 On the Applicability of the Genocide Convention to the Armenian Massacres
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    Chapter 5 Is Customary Law on the Prohibition to States to Commit Acts of Genocide Applicable to the Armenian Massacres?
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    Chapter 6 Metz Yeghern and the Origin of International Norms on the Punishment of Crimes
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    Chapter 7 Armenian Cultural Properties and Cultural Heritage: What Protection under International Law One Hundred Years Later?
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    Chapter 8 What Reparations for the Descendants of the Victims of “the Armenian Genocide”?
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    Chapter 9 The Armenian Massacres and the Price of Memory: Impossible to Forget, Forbidden to Remember
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    Chapter 10 Denying the Armenian Genocide in International and European Law
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    Chapter 11 Criminalizing the Denial of 1915–1916 Armenian Massacres and the European Court of Human Rights: Perinçek v Switzerland
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    Chapter 12 Is the Denial of the “Armenian Genocide” an Obstacle to Turkey’s Accession to the EU?
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    Chapter 13 The European Parliament as the Human Rights Gatekeeper of the Union?
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    Chapter 14 The EU and the Turkish Recognition of the Armenian “Genocide” in the Broader Framework of the EU External Action: A Tale of Possibilities Yet to Be Explored
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