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Computational Neuroscience

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Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Response-Field Dynamics in the Auditory Pathway
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    Chapter 2 Rapid Categorization of Extrafoveal Natural Images: Implications for Biological Models
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    Chapter 3 Cortical Activity Pattern in Complex Tasks
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    Chapter 4 Relations among Eegs from Entorhinal Cortex, Olfactory Bulb, Somatomotor, Auditory and Visual Cortices in Trained Cats
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    Chapter 5 Naive Preference and Filial Imprinting in the Domestic Chick: A Neural Network Model
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    Chapter 6 A Computational Model of Retinogeniculate Development
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    Chapter 7 Cluster Structure of Cortical Systems in Mammalian Brains
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    Chapter 8 Dynamic Memory Maintenance
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    Chapter 9 Encoding Context in Spatial Navigation: One Role of Dentate Gyrus
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    Chapter 10 Large Scale Simulations of Hippocampal-Neocortical Interactions in a Parallel Version of Genesis
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    Chapter 11 Production of Phase Lag in Chains of Neural Networks Oscillating Through an Escape Mechanism
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    Chapter 12 A Dynamic Neighbourhood Function in Volume Learning
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    Chapter 13 Basal Ganglia Perform Differencing Between ‘Desired’ and ‘Experienced’ Parameters
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    Chapter 14 Neural Model of Transfer-of-Binding in Visual Relative Motion Perception
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    Chapter 15 Analysis of Coupled Chaoscillators Embedded within Thalamocortical and Corticocortical Reentrant Loops Encompassing Dynamics on Multiple Time Scales
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    Chapter 16 Presence of a Chaotic Region Between Subthreshold Oscillations and Rhythmic Bursting in a Simulation Of Thalamocortical Relay and Reticular Neurons
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    Chapter 17 The Role of the Hippocampus in the Morris Water Maze
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    Chapter 18 A State Space Model of Gerbil Cochlea
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    Chapter 19 Rank Order Coding
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    Chapter 20 Neuromodulation of Hippocampal Population Coding: Place Field Development and Phase Precession
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    Chapter 21 Cortical Synchronization and Perceptual Salience
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    Chapter 22 Resolving the Paradoxical Effect of Activity on Synapse Elimination
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    Chapter 23 Cellular Mechanisms of Calcium Elevation Involved in Long Term Memory
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    Chapter 24 Temporal Characteristics of V1 Cells Arising from Synaptic Depression
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    Chapter 25 Synaptic Pruning in Development: A Novel Account in Neural Terms
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    Chapter 26 A Nonlinear Systems Approach of Characterizing AMPA and NMDA Receptor Dynamics
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    Chapter 27 Detailed Model of Ryanodine Receptor-Mediated Calcium Release in Purkinje Cells
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    Chapter 28 Somato-Dendritic Interactions Underlying Action Potential Generation in Neocortical Pyramidal Cells in Vivo
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    Chapter 29 Modelling the Evoked Release of Quanta at Active Zones: Theoretical Investigation of the Secretosome Hypothesis
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    Chapter 30 Analysis of Sensory Coding in the Lateral Superior Olive
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    Chapter 31 Dynamics of Spike Generation May Underly in Vivo Spike Train Statistics
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    Chapter 32 Modeling the Contributions of Calcium Channels and NMDA Receptor Channels to Calcium Current in Dendritic Spines
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    Chapter 33 Computational Properties of a Neuronal Model for Noisy Subthreshold Oscillations
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    Chapter 34 Analysis of Light Responses of the Retinal Bipolar Cells Based on Ionic Current Model
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    Chapter 35 Cable Properties of Motoneurons in Rat Spinal Cord Slice Cultures
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    Chapter 36 Active Dendritic Conductances Influence the Relations Between Synaptic Input and the Current-Voltage Relation of Adult Spinal Motoneurons
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    Chapter 37 Emulation of Hopfield Networks with Spiking Neurons in Temporal Coding
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    Chapter 38 Binocular Disparity Tuning in Cortical ‘Complex’ Cells: Yet Another Role for Intradendritic Computation?
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    Chapter 39 Dendritic Calcium Currents in Thalamic Relay Cells
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    Chapter 40 A Model of How Rapid Changes in Local Input Resistance of Shark Electrosensory Neurons May Enable Detection of Small Signals
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    Chapter 41 Dynamics of the Electroreceptors in the Paddlefish, Polyodon Spathula
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    Chapter 42 Computational Mechanisms Underlying the Second-Order Structure of Cortical Complex Cells
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    Chapter 43 A Calcium Diffusion-Reaction Model for Facilitation
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    Chapter 44 Spike Timing Reliability in a Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Model
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    Chapter 45 Can Stochastic Neurons Support Spatio-Temporal Codes
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    Chapter 46 Modelling the Control of Calcium Oscillations by Phosphorylation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors
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    Chapter 47 Monte Carlo Simulation of Neuro- Transmitter Release Using MCell, a General Simulator of Cellular Physiological Processes
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    Chapter 48 Non-Linear Parameter Estimation of Membrane Properties in Xenopus Embryonic Neurons
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    Chapter 49 Cholinergic Modulation of Spike Timing and Spike Frequency Adaptation in Neocortical Neurons
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    Chapter 50 Noise Removal by Nonlinear Synapses
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    Chapter 51 Temporal Coding with Oscillatory Sequences of Firing
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    Chapter 52 An Oscillating Cortical Network Model of Sensory-Motor Timing and Cordination
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    Chapter 53 Pattern-Generator-Driven Development in Self-Organizing Models
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    Chapter 54 An Empirical Model Describing the Dynamics of Graded Transmission in the Lobster Pyloric Network
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    Chapter 55 Novel Frequency Control in a Population of Bursting Neurons with Excitatory Synaptic Coupling
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    Chapter 56 A Two-Layer Model Describes the Spatiotemporal Properties of Spontaneous Retinal Waves
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    Chapter 57 The Inhibitory Control of Pyramidal Cell Discharge in a Neural Network Simulation of a Local Circuit in Hippocampus Area CA1
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    Chapter 58 A Biological Mechanism for Synaptic Stability in Developing Neocortical Circuits
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    Chapter 59 Edge Detectors and Texture Detectors Differ in Their Lateral Connectivity
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    Chapter 60 Orientation Contrast Enhancement Modulated by Differential Long-Range Interactions in Visual Cortex
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    Chapter 61 Carbachol-Induced Rhythms in the Hippocampal Slice: Slow (.5-2HZ), Theta (4-10HZ) and Gamma (80-100HZ) Oscillations
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    Chapter 62 Chemotaxis Control by Linear Recurrent Networks
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    Chapter 63 A Visually Driven Hippocampal Place Cell Model
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    Chapter 64 Transient Synchronization of Propagating Discharges in Neocortical Slices
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    Chapter 65 A Hebbian Algorithm that Balances Information Rate and Neural Resource Consumption
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    Chapter 66 A Model of Monocular Cell Development by Competition for Neurotrophic Factor: Effects of Excess NT with Monocular Deprivation and Effects of NT Antagonist
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    Chapter 67 Synchronization of Randomly Driven Nonlinear Oscillators and the Reliable Firing of Cortical Neurons
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    Chapter 68 Neural Ensemble Processing with Types
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    Chapter 69 Response to Perturbations of a Neural Network Model of Locomotor Control in the Lamprey
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    Chapter 70 Modeling Dynamic Receptive Field Changes Produced by Intracortical Microstimulation
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    Chapter 71 Local Spinal Modulation of the K CA Channel Underlying Slow Adaptation in a Model of The Lamprey CPG
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    Chapter 72 Sequence Compression by a Hippocampal Model: A Functional Dissection
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    Chapter 73 From Touch Localization to Directed Motor Output in the Leech Local Bend Network
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    Chapter 74 Information Exchange Between Pairs of Spike Trains in the Mammalian Visual System
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    Chapter 75 The Role of Feedforward and Feedback Inhibition on Frequency-Dependent Information Processing in a Cerebellar Granule Cell
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    Chapter 76 Using the Dynamic Clamp Technique to Study Frequency Regulation of the Pyloric Rhythm
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    Chapter 77 Attractor Dynamics in Realistic Hippocampal Networks
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    Chapter 78 Entrainment of a Slow Neuronal Oscillator by a Fast One
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    Chapter 79 Entrainment of a Reciprocal Inhibition Neural Network Model to a Periodic Pulse Train
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    Chapter 80 Extracellular Recording from Multiple Neighboring Cells: Response Properties in Parietal Cortex
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    Chapter 81 Analysis of Tetrode Recordings in Cat Visual System
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    Chapter 82 Correlation Coding in Stochastic Neural Networks
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    Chapter 83 A Model of the Effects of Lamination and Celltype Specialization in the Neocortex
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    Chapter 84 Self-Organizing Maps of Spiking Neurons Using Temporal Coding
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    Chapter 85 A Model For Development of Cortical Lateral Connectivities Using Motion Information
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    Chapter 86 Analog VLSI Model of the Leech Heartbeat Elemental Oscillator
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    Chapter 87 A Mathematical Description for Gabaergic Modulation of Sequence Disambiguation in Hippocampal Region CA3
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    Chapter 88 Bidirectional Completion of Cell Assemblies in The Cortex
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    Chapter 89 Model of Hippocampal LTP Induced by Time-Structured Stimuli
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    Chapter 90 Modulation of Oscillatory Properties, Burst Rates, Intersegmental Coordination By Gabab- Receptor Activation in the Lamprey
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    Chapter 91 Activity Dependent Modulation of the Burst Rate by Calcium-Dependent Potassium Channels in Lamprey
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    Chapter 92 Synchronization in Networks of Noisy Interneurons
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    Chapter 93 Significance of Modulated Adaptation for Rhythm Generation and Inter-Segmental Co-Ordination in Lamprey
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    Chapter 94 A Hippocampal-Like Neural Network Model Solves the Transitive Inference Problem
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    Chapter 95 Finite Element Decomposition of Human Neocortex
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    Chapter 96 Path Integration in the Rat Head-Direction Circuit
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    Chapter 97 Weight-Space Mapping of fMRI Language Tasks
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    Chapter 98 Representing Odor Quality Space: a Perceptual Framework for Olfactory Processing
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    Chapter 99 Neuronal Representations in a Categorization Task: Sensory to Motor Transformation
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    Chapter 100 The Paperless Laboratory: an Integrated Environment for Data Acquisition, Analysis, Archiving, and Collaboration
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    Chapter 101 The Qualitative Reasoning Neuron: a New Approach to Modeling in Computational Neuroscience
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    Chapter 102 Perturbative M-Sequences for Auditory Systems Identification
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    Chapter 103 Extracellular Recording from Multiple Neighboring Cells: a Maximum-Likelihood Solution to the Spike-Separation Problem
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    Chapter 104 From Cells to Systems: Logos and Metalogos
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    Chapter 105 Regularity in Spike Firing with Random Inputs Detected by Method Extracting Contribution of Temporal Integration of a Pair of Incoming Spikes to the Firing of a Neuron
Attention for Chapter 97: Weight-Space Mapping of fMRI Language Tasks
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Chapter title
Weight-Space Mapping of fMRI Language Tasks
Chapter number 97
Book title
Computational Neuroscience
Published by
Springer, Boston, MA, January 1998
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-4831-7_97
Book ISBNs
978-1-4613-7190-8, 978-1-4615-4831-7

Jeremy B. Caplan, Randall R. Benson, James M. Hodgson, Kaaren E. Bekken, Bruce R. Rosen, Jeffrey P. Sutton, Caplan, Jeremy B., Benson, Randall R., Hodgson, James M., Bekken, Kaaren E., Rosen, Bruce R., Sutton, Jeffrey P.


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