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Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015

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Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Complex Motion Modelling in Cancer Imaging
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    Chapter 2 Magnetic Particle Imaging
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    Chapter 3 Data-Driven Spine Detection for Multi-Sequence MRI
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    Chapter 4 Automated Breast Volume of Interest Selection by Analysing Breast-Air Boundaries in MRI
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    Chapter 5 Automatische Detektion von Okklusionen zerebraler Arterien in 3D-Magnetresonanzangiographiedaten
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    Chapter 6 Robust Identification of Contrasted Frames in Fluoroscopic Images
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    Chapter 7 Interaktive und skalierungsinvariante Segmentierung des Rektums/Sigmoid in intraoperativen MRT-Aufnahmen für die gynäkologische Brachytherapie
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    Chapter 8 Over-Exposure Correction in CT Using Optimization-Based Multiple Cylinder Fitting
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    Chapter 9 B-Mode-gestützte zeitharmonische Leber-Elastographie zur Diagnose hepatischer Fibrose bei adipösen Patienten
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    Chapter 10 Discrete Estimation of Data Completeness for 3D Scan Trajectories with Detector Offset
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    Chapter 11 Optimal C-arm Positioning for Aortic Interventions
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    Chapter 12 Projection and Reconstruction-Based Noise Filtering Methods in Cone Beam CT
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    Chapter 13 The SIP-NVC-Wizard
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    Chapter 14 Statistical Analysis of a Qualitative Evaluation on Feature Lines
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    Chapter 15 Assessment of Electrode Displacement and Deformation with Respect to Pre-Operative Planning in Deep Brain Stimulation
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    Chapter 16 Das 3D User Interface zSpace
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    Chapter 17 Passive 3D Needle Tip Tracking in Freehand MR-Guided Interventions with Needle Model Visualization
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    Chapter 18 Evaluation verschiedener Ansätze zur 4D-4D-Registrierung kardiologischer MR-Bilddaten
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    Chapter 19 Binary Image Inpainting with Interpolation-Enhanced Diffeomorphic Demons Registration
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    Chapter 20 Handling Non-Corresponding Regions in Image Registration
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    Chapter 21 A Memetic Search Scheme for Robust Registration of Diffusion-Weighted MR Images
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    Chapter 22 A Variational Method for Constructing Unbiased Atlas with Probabilistic Label Maps
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    Chapter 23 MR-Elastographie auf dem Schreibtisch
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    Chapter 24 Portability of TV-Regularized Reconstruction Parameters to Varying Data Sets
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    Chapter 25 Projection-Based Denoising Method for Photon-Counting Energy-Resolving Detectors
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    Chapter 26 Reference Volume Generation for Subsequent 3D Reconstruction of Histological Sections
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    Chapter 27 3D Reconstruction of Histological Rat Brain Images
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    Chapter 28 Joint Reconstruction of Multi-Contrast MRI for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
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    Chapter 29 Rekonstruktion zerebraler Gefässnetzwerke aus in-vivo μ MRA mittels physiologischem Vorwissen zur lokalen Gefässgeometrie
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    Chapter 30 Reconstructing a Series of Auto-Radiographic Images in Rat Brains
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    Chapter 31 3D Shape Reconstruction of the Esophagus from Gastroscopic Video
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    Chapter 32 Computerunterstützte Planung von Bonebridge Operationen
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    Chapter 33 Real Time Medical Instrument Detection and Tracking in Microsurgery
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    Chapter 34 Enabling Endovascular Treatment of Type A Dissections
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    Chapter 35 Outliers in 3D Point Clouds Applied to Efficient Image-Guided Localization
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    Chapter 36 Iterative Algorithms to Generate Large Scale Mosaic Images
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    Chapter 37 Variational Registration
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    Chapter 38 Joint Registration and Parameter Estimation of T1 Relaxation Times Using Variable Flip Angles
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    Chapter 39 Respiratory Motion Compensation for C-Arm CT Liver Imaging
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    Chapter 40 Detecting Respiratory Artifacts from Video Data
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    Chapter 41 Korrektur geometrischer Verzeichnungen zur Kalibrierung von optischen Kohärenztomographiesystemen
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    Chapter 42 Automatic Single-Cell Segmentation and Tracking of Bacterial Cells in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
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    Chapter 43 Multimodal Image Registration in Digital Pathology Using Cell Nuclei Densities
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    Chapter 44 Räumliche Darstellung und Analyse von Nanopartikelverteilungen in vitalen Alveolarmakrophagen in vitro mit der Dunkelfeldmikroskopie
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    Chapter 45 2D Plot Visualization of Aortic Vortex Flow in Cardiac 4D PC-MRI Data
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    Chapter 46 Automatisierung von Vorverarbeitungsschritten für medizinische Bilddaten mit semantischen Technologien
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    Chapter 47 Towards Standardized Wound Imaging
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    Chapter 48 Implementing a Web-Based Architecture for DICOM Data Capture in Clinical Trials
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    Chapter 49 Semi-automatische Segmentierung von Schädigungszonen in post-interventionellen CT-Daten
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    Chapter 50 Automatic Segmentation of the Cerebral Falx and Adjacent Gyri in 2D Ultrasound Images
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    Chapter 51 Measurement of the Aortic Diameter in Plain Axial Cardiac Cine MRI
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    Chapter 52 Detection of Facial Landmarks in 3D Face Scans Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform (DGHT)
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    Chapter 53 Extraction of the Aortic Dissection Membrane via Spectral Phase Information
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    Chapter 54 Fast Adaptive Regularization for Perfusion Parameter Computation
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    Chapter 55 Modellbasierte Simulation der Atembewegung für das Virtual-Reality-Training von Punktionseingriffen
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    Chapter 56 Rückenschmerz durch Übergewicht?
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    Chapter 57 Markov Random Field-Based Layer Separation for Simulated X-Ray Image Sequences
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    Chapter 58 Image Registration with Sliding Motion Constraints for 4D CT Motion Correction
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    Chapter 59 The Cell-Shape-Wizard
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    Chapter 60 Tumorsegmentierung in CD3/CD8-gefärbten Histopathologien
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    Chapter 61 Segmentierung von zervikalen Lymphknoten in T1-gewichteten MRT-Aufnahmen
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    Chapter 62 Dynamic Programming for the Segmentation of Bone Marrow Cells
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    Chapter 63 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015
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    Chapter 64 Selection of Seeds for Resting-State fMRI-Based Prediction of Individual Brain Maturity
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    Chapter 65 Local Surface Estimation from Arbitrary 3D Contour Sets for Aortic Quantification
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    Chapter 66 Multithreading-Support für die Programmiersprache Julia
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    Chapter 67 Data-Parallel MRI Brain Segmentation in Clinical Use
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    Chapter 68 GraphMIC
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    Chapter 69 A Modular Framework for Post-Processing and Analysis of Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences of Subcellular Calcium Dynamics
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    Chapter 70 Automated Whole Slide Analysis of Differently Stained and Co-Registered Tissue Sections
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    Chapter 71 Band-Pass Filter Design by Segmentation in Frequency Domain for Detection of Epithelial Cells in Endomicroscope Images
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    Chapter 72 Foreground Extraction for Histopathological Whole Slide Imaging
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    Chapter 73 Sharp as a Tack
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    Chapter 74 Gestenbasierte Interaktionsmethoden für die virtuelle Mikroskopie
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    Chapter 75 Spherical Ridgelets for Multi-Diffusion Tensor Refinement
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    Chapter 76 Real-Time Resampling of Medical Images Based on Deformed Tetrahedral Structures for Needle Insertion VR-Simulation
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    Chapter 77 Enhanced Visualization of the Knee Joint Functional Articulation Based on Helical Axis Method
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    Chapter 78 Panorama Mapping of the Esophagus from Gastroscopic Video
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    Chapter 79 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015
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    Chapter 80 Calibration of Galvanometric Laser Scanners Using Statistical Learning Methods
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    Chapter 81 Überwachtes Lernen zur Prädiktion von Tumorwachstum
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    Chapter 82 Classification of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopic Images of the Oral Cavity to Distinguish Pathological from Healthy Tissue
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    Chapter 83 Automatische Tumorsegmentierung mit spärlich annotierter Lernbasis
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    Chapter 84 3D Tensor Reconstruction in X-Ray Dark-Field Tomography
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    Chapter 85 Towards 3D Thyroid Imaging Using Robotic Mini Gamma Cameras
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    Chapter 86 Investigation of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Acquired on Helical Trajectories
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    Chapter 87 Blind Sparse Motion MRI with Linear Subpixel Interpolation
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    Chapter 88 Truncation Robust C-Arm CT Reconstruction for Dynamic Collimation Acquisition Schemes
Attention for Chapter 21: A Memetic Search Scheme for Robust Registration of Diffusion-Weighted MR Images
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Chapter title
A Memetic Search Scheme for Robust Registration of Diffusion-Weighted MR Images
Chapter number 21
Book title
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015
Published in
Informatik aktuell, February 2015
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-46224-9_21
Book ISBNs
978-3-66-246223-2, 978-3-66-246224-9

Hering, Jan, Wolf, Ivo, Alsady, Tawfik Moher, Meinzer, Hans-Peter, Maier-Hein, Klaus, Jan Hering, Ivo Wolf, Tawfik Moher Alsady, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Klaus Maier-Hein


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United States 1 33%
Unknown 2 67%

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Professor > Associate Professor 2 67%
Researcher 1 33%
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Computer Science 2 67%
Unknown 1 33%