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Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV

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Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV
Springer International Publishing

Table of Contents

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    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Sources, Transport, and Multi-decadal Trends
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    Chapter 2 Modelling Organic Aerosol in Europe: Application of the CAMx Model with a Volatility Basis Set Within the Eurodelta III Exercise
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    Chapter 3 The Role of Aerosols in Low and Upper Atmospheric Layers Condensation
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    Chapter 4 A Multi-model Case Study on Aerosol Feedbacks in Online Coupled Chemistry-Meteorology Models Within the COST Action ES1004 EuMetChem
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    Chapter 5 Influence of Ammonia Emissions on Aerosol Formation in Northern and Central Europe
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    Chapter 6 Modeling Formation of SOA from Cloud Chemistry with the Meso-NH Model: Sensitivity Studies of Cloud Events Formed at the Puy de Dôme Station
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    Chapter 7 Modelling of Externally-Mixed Particles in the Atmosphere
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    Chapter 8 Regional Modeling of Aerosol Chemical Composition at the Puy de Dôme (France)
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    Chapter 9 Effect of Sea Salt Emissions on Anthropogenic Air Pollution and Nitrogen Deposition in Northwestern Europe
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    Chapter 10 Spatial and Temporal Variations in Aerosol Properties in High-Resolution Convection-Permitting Simulations in an Idealized Tropical Marine Domain
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    Chapter 11 Analysis of National Verses Long-Range Transport Contribution to Organic and Inorganic Aerosol Load in Selected Location in Poland
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    Chapter 12 Impact of Aerosols in Regional Climate Projections Over the Mediterranean Area
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    Chapter 13 Extensive Comparison Between a Set of European Dust Regional Models and Observations in the Western Mediterranean for the Summer 2012 Pre-ChArMEx/TRAQA Campaign
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    Chapter 14 A Modelling Perspective of the Summer 2013 and 2014 ChArMEx/SAFMED Chemistry Intensive Campaigns: Origin of Photo-Oxidant and Aerosol Formation over the Western Mediterranean
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    Chapter 15 Aerosol Variability and Weather Regimes over the Mediterranean Region
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    Chapter 16 Assessment of Population Exposure to Particulate Matter for London and Helsinki
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    Chapter 17 Calculation of Source-Receptor Matrices for Use in an Integrated Assessment Model and Assessment of Impacts on Natural Ecosystems
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    Chapter 18 Using a Coupled Modelling System to Examine the Impacts of Increased Corn Production on Groundwater Quality and Human Health
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    Chapter 19 Future Air Quality Related Health Effects in Europe and the Nordic Region—Sensitivity to Changes in Climate, Anthropogenic Emissions, Demography and Building Stock
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    Chapter 20 High-Resolution Modelling of Health Impacts and Related External Cost from Air Pollution Using the Integrated Model System EVA
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    Chapter 21 Health Parameters Under Climate Change Projections for Airborne Benzo[a]Pyrene
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    Chapter 22 Modeling the Air Quality and Public Health Benefits of Increased Residential Insulation in the United States
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    Chapter 23 Estimating the Impact of Air Pollution Controls on Ambient Concentrations
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    Chapter 24 Assessment of Damage to Vegetation in Belgium Based on an Ozone Flux Model Approach
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    Chapter 25 Health Benefits of Emission Controls: A Multi-pollutant and Multi-health Outcome Analysis
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    Chapter 26 Air Quality Modelling to Support Decision-Making: Scenario and Optimization Approaches
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    Chapter 27 Recent and Future Changes in Nitrogen and Sulphur Emission, Deposition and the Exceedance of Critical Loads for the Region of South-West Poland and Eastern Saxony
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    Chapter 28 Black Carbon Exposure of Schoolchildren in Barcelona
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    Chapter 29 Developing a New Management Tool—a Holistic View on the Nitrogen Cycle
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    Chapter 30 Variability in Ozone Metrics with Emission Reductions and Its Application in Health Impact Assessment
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    Chapter 31 The Future: Earth System Modelling
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    Chapter 32 International Workshop on Air Pollution, Climate Change, Human Health, and Extreme Weather
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    Chapter 33 Future Climate and Air Quality of the Brussels Capital Region for the 2050s Under A1B Scenario
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    Chapter 34 Impact of Climate Change on the Production and Transport of Sea Salt Aerosol on European Seas
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    Chapter 35 European Air Quality Simulations in the Context of IMPACT2C, Focus on Aerosol Concentrations
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    Chapter 36 Cloud Processing of Aerosol Particles: Consequences for Precipitation?
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    Chapter 37 Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Increase in Future Climate Change Scenarios
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    Chapter 38 Sensitivity-Based VOC Reactivity Calculation
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    Chapter 39 Multiscale Modeling of Multi-decadal Trends in Ozone and Precursor Species Across the Northern Hemisphere and the United States
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    Chapter 40 Global and Regional Modeling of Long-Range Transport and Intercontinental Source-Receptor Linkages
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    Chapter 41 Calculation of Sensitivity Coefficients for Individual Airport Emissions in the Continental UnitedStates Using CMAQ-DDM3D/PM
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    Chapter 42 Regional Scale Dispersion Modelling of Amines from Industrial CCS Processes with COSMO-MUSCAT
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    Chapter 43 Contribution of Ship Emissions to the Concentration and Deposition of Pollutants in Europe: Seasonal and Spatial Variation
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    Chapter 44 Development of an Approximate Method for Advection of Sensitivity Fields
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    Chapter 45 Modeling and Chemical Analysis Used as Tools to Understand Decade-Long Trends of Ozone Air Pollution in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
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    Chapter 46 A Source-Receptor Analysis of NO x Emissions in the Lower Fraser Valley, B. C.
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    Chapter 47 Modelling Photochemical Air Pollutants from Industrial Emissions in a Constrained Coastal Valley with Complex Terrain
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    Chapter 48 Diagnosis of Transboundary Mass Fluxes from Modelled North American Regional Sulphur and Nitrogen Deposition Fields
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    Chapter 49 Modelling Regional Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Impact of North American Wildfire and Arctic Shipping Emissions
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    Chapter 50 LEO: Combination of a Plume and Grid Model in the Netherlands
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    Chapter 51 Increasing the Number of Allergenic Pollen Species in SILAM Forecasts
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    Chapter 52 PM Modelling over Nepal with WRF-Chem
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    Chapter 53 Impact of Temporal Resolution of Dry Deposition Velocities on Air Quality Modeling
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    Chapter 54 Modelling of Pollen Emission Process for Dispersal Simulation of Birch Pollen
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    Chapter 55 May Weather Types and Wind Patterns Enhance Our Understanding of the Relationship Between the Local Air Pollution and the Synoptic Circulation?
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    Chapter 56 Sensitivity of Ground-Level Ozone to NO x Emission During a High Ozone Episode in SW Poland
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    Chapter 57 Using a Dynamical Approach for Implementing Ammonia Emissions into WRF-Chem Over Europe
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    Chapter 58 Application of the WRF-Chem Model for Air Pollution Forecasting in Poland
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    Chapter 59 The LAPMOD_SA Modelling System for Source Attribution
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    Chapter 60 Near-Field Pollutants Dispersion in a Stratified Surface Layer: Comparison of Numerical Study and Field Measurements of SIRTA
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    Chapter 61 Cool Cities—Clean Cities? Secondary Impacts of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies on Urban Air Quality
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    Chapter 62 Deposition Following Accidental Releases of Chlorine from Railcars
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    Chapter 63 A Community-Scale Modeling System to Assess Port-Related Air Quality Impacts
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    Chapter 64 Recent Advances in Modeling of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Land Surface in the Coupled WRF-CMAQ Model
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    Chapter 65 A Coupled Experimental-Modelling Approach to Estimate Black Carbon Concentrations at Urban Level
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    Chapter 66 Exposure Assessment to High-Traffic Corridors in Bogota Using a Near-Road Air Quality Model
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    Chapter 67 Atmospheric Plume Modeling with a Three-Dimensional Refinement Adaptive Grid Method
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    Chapter 68 Modelling the Dispersion of Particle Numbers in Five European Cities
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    Chapter 69 Development of a Screening Tool for Quick Environmental Assessment of Mobility Scenarios
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    Chapter 70 Assessing Climate Change in Cities Using UrbClim
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    Chapter 71 Is It Now Possible to Use Advanced Dispersion Modelling for Emergency Response? The Example of a CBRN-E Exercise in Paris
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    Chapter 72 Typical Performances of Mesoscale Meteorology Models
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    Chapter 73 The Effect of Wood Burning on Particulate Matter Concentrations in Flanders, Belgium
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    Chapter 74 Diagnostic Evaluations of the CHIMERE Model: Local Versus Advected Contributions of Fine Particles and Nitrate Formation Regime in the Paris Megacity
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    Chapter 75 AQMEII 1, 2 and 3: Direct and Indirect Benefits of Community Model Evaluation Exercises
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    Chapter 76 Sensitivity of Modelled Land Use Specific Nitrogen Deposition Fluxes to Improved Process Descriptions
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    Chapter 77 A Comprehensive CTM Assessment Over an Highly Polluted Area
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    Chapter 78 Application of a Hybrid Chemical Transport-Receptor Model to Develop Region-Specific Source Profiles for PM 2.5 Sources and to Assess Source Impact Changes in the United States
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    Chapter 79 Evaluation of Local-Scale Models for Accidental Releases in Built Environments: Results of the Modelling Exercises in Cost Action ES1006
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    Chapter 80 High Resolution Model Simulations of the Canadian Oil Sands with Comparisons to Field Study Observations
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    Chapter 81 Uncertainties of Top-Down Fire Emission Estimates at Regional and Global Scales
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    Chapter 82 Inherent Uncertainties in Atmospheric Models: Weather and Air Pollution
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    Chapter 83 Diagnostic Evalutation of Bromine Reactions on Mercury Chemistry
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    Chapter 84 On the Spatial Support of Time Series of Monitoring Data for Model Evaluation
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    Chapter 85 Validation of the WRF-CMAQ Two-Way Model with Aircraft Data and High Resolution MODIS Data in the CA 2008 Wildfire Case
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    Chapter 86 Metamodels for Ozone: Comparison of Three Estimation Techniques
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    Chapter 87 Disparate PM 2.5 Metrics from Measurement and Modelling: Implications for Assessing PM 2.5 Regulatory Compliance
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    Chapter 88 Evaluation of Simulated Particulate Matter Spread in 2010 Russian Wildfire Case Using Air Quality Monitoring Data
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    Chapter 89 De praeceptis ferendis : Air Quality Multi-model Ensembles
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    Chapter 90 Influence of WRF Parameterization on Coupled Air Quality Modeling Systems
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    Chapter 91 High-Resolution Air Quality Forecasts with MOCAGE Chemistry Transport Model
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    Chapter 92 Saharan Dust as a Causal Factor of Significant Cloud Cover Along the Saharan Air Layer in the Atlantic Ocean
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    Chapter 93 Source-Impact Forecasting for Dynamic Air Quality Management: Application to Prescribed Burn Management
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    Chapter 94 Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) for Air Quality Applications
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    Chapter 95 Estimation of Anthropogenic CO 2 Emission from Ozone Monitoring Instrument Tropospheric NO 2 Columns Using Chemistry Transport Modelling Over North Western Europe
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    Chapter 96 Update on NOAA’s Operational Air Quality Predictions
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    Chapter 97 Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) Using a Regional Air Quality Application for Evaluation
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    Chapter 98 Inverse Modelling of Volcanic SO 2 Emissions Using the 4D-Var Method
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    Chapter 99 Improving Air Quality Forecasts Using High Resolution Pollutant Climatologies and Surface Observations
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    Chapter 100 Application and Evaluation of MODIS LAI, FPAR, and Albedo Products in the WRF/CMAQ System
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    Chapter 101 Application of a Land Cover Indicator to Characterize Spatial Representativeness of Air Quality Monitoring Stations Over Italy
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    Chapter 102 Dynamic Data Fusion Approach for Air Quality Assessment
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    Chapter 103 The Performance and Issues of a Regional Chemical Transport Model During Discover-AQ 2014 Aircraft Measurements Over Colorado
Attention for Chapter 75: AQMEII 1, 2 and 3: Direct and Indirect Benefits of Community Model Evaluation Exercises
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Chapter title
AQMEII 1, 2 and 3: Direct and Indirect Benefits of Community Model Evaluation Exercises
Chapter number 75
Book title
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV
Published by
Springer, Cham, January 2016
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24478-5_75
Book ISBNs
978-3-31-924476-1, 978-3-31-924478-5

S. Galmarini, E. Solazzo, U. Im, I. Kioutsioukis


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