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Essential Readings in Light Metals, Volume 1, Alumina and Bauxite

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Essential Readings in Light Metals, Volume 1, Alumina and Bauxite

Table of Contents

  1. Altmetric Badge
    Book Overview
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    Chapter 1 Bauxite — Its Technical and Economical History During the Last Hundred Years
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    Chapter 2 Bauxite Mineralogy
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    Chapter 3 The Classification of Bauxites from the Bayer Plant Standpoint
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    Chapter 4 Effect of Bauxite Microstructure on Beneficiation and Processing
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    Chapter 5 Chinese Bauxite and Its Influences on Alumina Production in China
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    Chapter 6 Impact of Jamaican Bauxite Mineralogy on Plant Operations
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    Chapter 7 Sustainable Bauxite Mining — A Global Perspective
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    Chapter 8 Bauxite Mining Sustainably
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    Chapter 9 Bauxite Mine Rehabilitation Programs — A Progress Report Patrick Atkins, Alcoa Inc.
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    Chapter 10 Cross-Country Bauxite Slurry Transportation
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    Chapter 11 Design and Operation of the World’s First Long Distance Bauxite Slurry Pipeline
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    Chapter 12 A Hundred Years of the Bayer Process for Alumina Production
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    Chapter 13 The Alumina Technology Roadmap
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    Chapter 14 Basic Principles of Bayer Process Design
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    Chapter 15 Chemical Reaction Engineering in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 16 The Effect of Silica, Temperature, Velocity, and Particulates on Heat Transfer to Spent Bayer Liquor
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    Chapter 17 The Effect of Four Common Bayer Liquor Impurities on Alumina Solubility
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    Chapter 18 Autoprecipitation of Gibbsite and Boehmite
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    Chapter 19 Equilibrium Composition of Sodium Aluminate Liquors
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    Chapter 20 Boiling Point Rise of Bayer Plant Liquors
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    Chapter 21 Viscosity, Specific Gravity, and Equilibrium Concentration of Sodium Aluminate Solutions
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    Chapter 22 The Heat of Dissolution of Gibbsite at Bayer Digestion Temperatures
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    Chapter 23 Reactions of Iron Minerals in Sodium Aluminate Solutions
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    Chapter 24 Identification of Organics in Bayer Liquor
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    Chapter 25 Behavior of Radioactive Elements (Uranium and Thorium) in Bayer Process
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    Chapter 26 Solubility of Bayer Liquor Impurities in Evaporative Crystallization
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    Chapter 27 Reaction of Lime in Sodium Aluminate Liquors
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    Chapter 28 Some Aspects of Calcium Chemistry in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 29 Chemistry of Bayer Liquor Causticisation
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    Chapter 30 The Equilibrium Approach to Causticisation for Optimising Liquor Causticisity
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    Chapter 31 Layered Double Hydroxides in the Bayer Process: Past, Present and Future
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    Chapter 32 Dissolution Kinetics of Kaolin in Caustic Liquors
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    Chapter 33 The Dissolution Rate of Quartz and the Rate of Desilication in the Bayer Liquor
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    Chapter 34 Mathematical Modeling of the Kinetics of Gibbsite Extraction and Kaolinite Dissolution/Desilication in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 35 Autoclave Desilication of Digested Bauxite Slurry in the Flashing Circuit
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    Chapter 36 Characterization of Organics in Bayer Liquor
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    Chapter 37 Review of Bayer Organics-Oxalate Control Processes
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    Chapter 38 Sizing an Organic Control System for the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 39 Organic Control Technologies in Bayer Process
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    Chapter 40 Removal of HMW Organic Compounds by Partial Wet Oxidation
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    Chapter 41 Removal of Organic Carbon from Bayer Liquor by Wet Oxidation in Tube Digesters
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    Chapter 42 A Year of Operation of the Solid-Liquid Calcination (SLC) Process
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    Chapter 43 A Thermodynamically Based Model for Oxalate Solubility in Bayer Liquor
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    Chapter 44 Oxalate Removal by Occlusion in Hydrate
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    Chapter 45 Bayer Digestion and Predigestion Desilication Reactor Design
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    Chapter 46 Digester Design Using CFD
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    Chapter 47 Preheaters and Digesters in the Bayer Digestion Process
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    Chapter 48 The Improved Low Temperature Digestion (ILTD) Process: An Economic and Environmentally Sustainable Way of Processing Gibbsitic Bauxites
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    Chapter 49 New Technology for Digestion of Bauxites
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    Chapter 50 Boehmitic Reversion in a Double Digestion Process on a Bauxite Containing Trihydrate and Monohydrate
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    Chapter 51 Mixer Design Optimization for High Solids Contents Media: Methodology and Application to the Pechiney’s High Density Predesilication Process
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    Chapter 52 Mechano-Activated Bauxite Behaviour
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    Chapter 53 Processing of Diaspore Bauxites
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    Chapter 54 On-Line Multivariable Control for Digestion A/C Analysis
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    Chapter 55 Selection of Sedimentation Equipment for the Bayer Process: An Overview of Past and Present Technology
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    Chapter 56 Effect of Particle Characteristics on the Solids Density of Bayer Mud Slurries
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    Chapter 57 Red Mud Flocculants Used in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 58 Development of New Bayer Process Flocculants
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    Chapter 59 Effects of Temperature and Method of Solution Preparation on the Performance of a Typical Red Mud Flocculent
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    Chapter 60 Advanced Filtration Methods for Pregnant Liquor Purification
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    Chapter 61 Impact of Excess Synthetic Flocculent on Security Filtration
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    Chapter 62 Hydroseparators, Hydrocyclones and Classifiers as Applied in the Bayer Process for Degritting (Desanding) of Digested Bauxite, and for Sand Washing to Recover Soda
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    Chapter 63 Development of a Self-Sluicing Pressure Leaf Filter
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    Chapter 64 Comparison of the Rheology of Bauxite Residue Suspensions
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    Chapter 65 Pressure Decantation At Gramercy Alumina
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    Chapter 66 The Manufacture of Tricalcium Aluminate
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    Chapter 67 Precipitation Technology
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    Chapter 68 Some Studies in Alumina Trihydrate Precipitation Kinetics
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    Chapter 69 Physical Chemistry Considerations in Aluminum Hydroxide Precipitation
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    Chapter 70 Modelling Bayer Precipitation with Agglomeration
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    Chapter 71 Gibbsite Growth History — Revelations of a New Scanning Electron Microscope Technique
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    Chapter 72 Alumina Yield in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 73 Alumina Yield in the Bayer Process Past, Present and Prospects
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    Chapter 74 Improvements by the New Alusuisse Process for Producing Coarse Aluminum Hydrate in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 75 Agitation Effects in Precipitation
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    Chapter 76 Hydrodynamics Effect on Precipitation Yield
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    Chapter 77 Hydrodynamics of Hydrate Slurries in Prepicipators Application to Precipitators Design
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    Chapter 78 Alumina Crystalliser Mixing Using CFD
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    Chapter 79 Particle Strength of Bayer Hydrate
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    Chapter 80 The Effect of Glucoisosaccharinate on the Bayer Precipitation of Alumina Trihydrate
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    Chapter 81 Influence of Mineral and Organic Impurities on the Alumina Trihydrate Precipitation Yield in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 82 Factors Affecting Residual NA2O in Precipitation Products
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    Chapter 83 Soda Incorporation During Hydrate Precipitation
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    Chapter 84 A Method for Evaluating Seed Balance Parameters in Alumina Refinery Seed Classification Systems
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    Chapter 85 Utilization of Horizontal Belt Filters for Washing Fine Alumina Seed and Kiln Feed Product
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    Chapter 86 The World’s Largest Hydrate Pan Filter: Engineering Improvements and Experiences
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    Chapter 87 Utilization of Steam Hoods in Horizontal Table Filters
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    Chapter 88 Conversion of Conventional Rotary Kiln Into Effective Sandy Alumina Calciner
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    Chapter 89 Application of Circulating Fluid Bed Calciners in Large-size Alumina Plants
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    Chapter 90 Alumina Calcination in the Fluid-Flash Calciner
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    Chapter 91 Industrial Prospects and Operational Experience with 32 mtpd Stationary Alumina Calciner
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    Chapter 92 Experience with 3 x 4500 TPD Gas Suspension Calciners (GSC) for Alumina
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    Chapter 93 Alcoa Pressure Calcination Process for Alumina
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    Chapter 94 Alumina Refinery Wastewater Management: When Zero Discharge Just Isn’t Feasible….
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    Chapter 95 Wastewater Treatment Methods
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    Chapter 96 The Need for Energy Efficiency in Bayer Refining
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    Chapter 97 Prediction of Heat Exchanger — Heat Transfer Coefficient Decay Due to Fouling
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    Chapter 98 Heat Transfer in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 99 Perspective on Bayer Process Energy
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    Chapter 100 Dehydration Products of Gibbsite by Rotaly Kiln and Stational Calciner
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    Chapter 101 Morphological Analysis of Alumina and its Trihydrate
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    Chapter 102 Factors Affecting the Attrition Strength of Alumina Products
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    Chapter 103 The Generation of Fines Due to Heating of Alumina Trihydrate
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    Chapter 104 Development of Particle Breakdown and Alumina Strength During Calcination
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    Chapter 105 “Measurement of Sandy Alumina Dustiness”
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    Chapter 106 Alumina Handling Dustiness
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    Chapter 107 The Influence of Alumina Properties on its Dissolution in Smelting Electrolyte
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    Chapter 108 The Influence of Physical and Chemical Properties of Alumina on Hydrogen Fluoride Adsorption
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    Chapter 109 SGA Requirements in Coming Years
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    Chapter 110 Application of Operation Integrity Management in the Alumina Industry
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    Chapter 111 Management methodology for pressure equipment
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    Chapter 112 The Design of Pressure Safety Systems in the Alumina Industry
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    Chapter 113 Inspection Techniques for Digestion Pressure Relief System
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    Chapter 114 Benefits of the Utilization of Cleaning Liquor in Red Side of CVG-Bauxilum
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    Chapter 115 MAX HT™ Sodalite Scale Inhibitor: Plant Experience and Impact on the Process
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    Chapter 116 Modern Control Instrumentation and Process Management in Bayer Plants
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    Chapter 117 Process Control in Alumina Refining, Review and Prospects
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    Chapter 118 Development of Automatic Control of Bayer Plant Digestion
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    Chapter 119 Aspen Modeling of the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 120 Bayer Digester Optimization Studies using Computer Techniques
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    Chapter 121 Equations for Calculating Recovery of Soluble Values in a Countercurrent Decantation Washing System
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    Chapter 122 Simulation and Development of Internal Model Control Applications in the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 123 Dynamic Modeling of Yield and Particle Size Distribution in Continuous Bayer Precipitation
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    Chapter 124 Opportunities for Improved Environmental Control in the Alumina Industry
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    Chapter 125 Ferrosilt (Red Mud): Geotechnical Properties and Soil Mechanical Considerations
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    Chapter 126 Correlation of Red Mud Consolidation with its Soil Properties
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    Chapter 127 Mobility in Mud
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    Chapter 128 Developments in the Disposal of Residue from the Alumina Refining Industry
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    Chapter 129 Thickened Tailing Disposal in any Topography
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    Chapter 130 Solar Drying of Red Mud
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    Chapter 131 Red Mud Stacking
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    Chapter 132 Proposed Mechanism for the Formation of Dust Horizons on Bauxite Residue Disposal Areas
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    Chapter 133 Induction of Biological Activity in Bauxite Residue
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    Chapter 134 The Conversion and Sustainable Use of Alumina Refinery Residues: Global Solution Examples
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    Chapter 135 Alumina Production by the Pedersen Process — History and Future
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    Chapter 136 Efficiency of Nepheline Ore Processing for Alumina Production
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    Chapter 137 A Technological Comparison of Six Processes for the Production of Reduction-Grade Alumina from Non-Bauxitic Raw Materials
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    Chapter 138 The Comparative Economics of Producing Alumina From U.S. Non-Bauxitic Ores
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    Chapter 139 Recovery of Alumina From Non-Bauxite Aluminum-Bearing Raw Materials
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    Chapter 140 Alumina Extraction from a Pennsylvania Diaspore Clay by an Ammonium Sulfate Process
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    Chapter 141 Alumina from Clay — A Nitric Acid Process
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    Chapter 142 The Ammonoalunite Process for Production of Alumina from Clay
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    Chapter 143 Options in the HCl Process for the Production of Alumina from Clay
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    Chapter 144 The Leaching of Aluminium In Spanish Clays, Coal Mining Wastes and Coal Fly Ashes by Sulphuric Acid.
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    Chapter 145 Non-Metallurgical use of Alumina and Bauxite
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    Chapter 146 The Grafting of Industrial Chemicals Operations onto the Bayer Process
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    Chapter 147 On Alumina Powders for Ceramics
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    Chapter 148 Development of Alumina and Silica Based Products in Hungary
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    Chapter 149 The use of Bayer Alumina Fines for other Industrial Purposes
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    Chapter 150 Aluminas in Air Pollution Control
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    Chapter 151 Aluminum Fluoride Synthesis in Circulating Fluidbeds
Attention for Chapter 144: The Leaching of Aluminium In Spanish Clays, Coal Mining Wastes and Coal Fly Ashes by Sulphuric Acid.
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Chapter title
The Leaching of Aluminium In Spanish Clays, Coal Mining Wastes and Coal Fly Ashes by Sulphuric Acid.
Chapter number 144
Book title
Essential Readings in Light Metals
Published in
ADS, January 2016
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-48176-0_144
Book ISBNs
978-3-31-948574-4, 978-3-31-948176-0

A. M. Fernández, J. L. Ibáñez, M. A. Llavona, R. Zapico


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